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An examination of the evolution of the industrial relations systems in Germany and South Africa with special reference to the functionality of Chapter V of the South African Labour Relations Act (66 of 1995)

Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: After decades of its struggle against the apartheid policy and system, and after the
victory in the first democratic elections in 1994, the pre-1994 co operation within the
alliance of the African National Congress (ANC), the Congress of South African
Trade Unions (COSATU) and the South African Communist Party (SACP) created
the framework of reference for the legal infrastructure of a new Industrial Re[ations
([R) system in which trade unions, employers and government would act together in
a spirit of tripartism. The legal infrastructure of the new IR system was thus aligned
with the new politica[ dispensation and in compliance with the new Constitution (200
of 1993) with its overarching aim as the correction of the imbalances of the past by
ensuring both, a climate supportive of growth and the pursuit of social equity for all
South Africans.
However, in the wake of the 1994 elections, more and more ideo[ogical differences
have arisen within the Alliance, also fostered by South Africa's unequal income
distribution, the [ow life expectancy, the [ow literacy rates, high infant mortality, one of
the highest H[V/Aids infection rates among the black population and its strong
investor - unfriendly climate, all affecting effective policy making. [n particular, the
ANC's 'shift to the right' with its Growth, Employment and Redistribution (GEAR)
strategy for macroeconomic development is alienating it from its alliance partners.
Nevertheless, a new package of labour legislation was structured around the core of
the individual contract of employment, resting in common law, with the Basic
Condition of Employment Act (75 of 1997) setting minimum standards, and the new
Labour Relations Act (66 of 1997) providing the framework for a collective
bargaining system.
The new Labour Relations Act integrates co operation in the [R system by enabling
trade unions and employers to establish and regulate formally their relationships for
the purpose of collective bargaining and creating machineries for the resolution of
disputes of interest on the one side, and an employee - employer relationship based
on rights vested in the parties in an enterprise, domestic context on the other. Provisions for a certain form of codetermination by, and participation of workers in
the taking of decisions by management on the shop floor are legally entrenched in
Chapter V - Workplace Forums - of the Labour Relations Act.
Chapter V of the Labour Relations Act (66 of 1995) stipulates the requirements for
the establishment of a Workplace Forum and defines and regulates its functions. If
the definition and structure of such a Workplace Forum as contained in the
respective schedule of the Act are compared with the German
Betriebsverfassungsgesetz of 1952 and 1972, numerous similarities can be
observed, and a quasi - adoption and incorporation of the German act as a blueprint
for Chapter Vof the South African act can be assumed.
However, whereas in Germany co-determination and the 8etriebsvedassungsgesetz
of 1952 and 1972 have evolved naturally over the years, workers participation in
South Africa through a Workplace Forum appears to be a mere legal creation,
conceived on the drawing board for the new legislation, without any particular
tradition and an effective place in the IR system.
Additionally, questions raised in connection with its constitutionality leaves the quasiimported
provisions of Chapter V in a doubtful light.
I n analogy to the German Verfassungsklage of 1976 against the then new
Mitbestimmungsgesetz, the focus of this study falls on a hypothetical test whether
the provisions of Chapter V would be in accord with the new South African
Constitution (200 of 1993), and also the constitution of their 'importing country',
namely Germany.
Several grey areas exist in which the Constitutional Courts of both countries would
most probably have to declare some provisions as unconstitutional, the most
important one being that, since the establishment of a Workplace Forum is linked
only to the initiative of an existing representative union, the Freedom of Association
of the individual is impaired. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Na dekades van weerstand teen die sisteem van die apartheidsbeleid, en na die
oorwinning in die eerste, demokratiese verkiesing van 1994, het die samewerking
binne die alliansie van die African National Congress (ANC), die Congress of South
African Trade Unions (COSATU) en die South African Communist Party (SACP) die
raamwerk vir die struktuur van 'n nuwe Nywerheidsverhoudingsstelsel waarbinne
vakbonde, werkgewers en die regering in 'n gees van tripartisme kan saamwerk, die
lig laat sien. Die regtelike infrastruktuur van die nuwe nywerheidsverhoudingsstelsel
was dus met die nuwe politiese sisteem in ooreenstemming en ook voldoende aan
die vereistes van die nuwe Konstitusie (200 van 1993). Die alomvattende doel van
die Konstitusie was om die sosiale wanbalans van die verlede te korrigeer en 'n
klimaat te skep wat ekonomiese groei en die strewe na sosiale gelykheid vir alle
Suid-Afrikaaners moontlik sal maak.
In die tydperk na die verkiesing het egter meer en meer ideologiese verskille binne
die Alliansie ontstaan, ook veroorsaak deur Suid Afrika se ongelyke
inkomsteverdeling, 'n lae lewensverwagting, 'n lae vlak van lettervaardighede, 'n hoe
graad van kindersterflikheid, een van die hoogste Vigs statistieke vir die swart
bevolking en 'n onvriendelike klimaat vir buitelandse investering wat all die
effektiewe beleidsskepping beinvloed. Besonders die ANC se 'verskuiwing na regs'
met sy Growth, Employment and Redistribution (GEAR) strategie vir
makroekonomiese ontwikkeling vervreemd die organisasie van sy bondgenote.
Dit nieteenstande het 'n nuwe pakket van arbeidswetgewing ontstaan. Die kern van
die pakket is die individuele kontrak van indiensneming wat in die algemene reg
veranker is, maar wat deur die Wet op Basiese Diensvoorwaardes (75 van 1997) met
'n getal van minimum standaarde en vereistes gemodifiseer word, met die Wet op
Arbeidsverhouding (66 van 1995) wat vakbonde en werkgewers met 'n raamwerk vir
die proses van kollektiewe bedinging voorsien.
Die nuwe Wet op Arbeidsverhoudinge maak voorsiening vir die samewerking tussen
vakbonde en werkgewers om hulle verhouding vir die doel van onderhandelinge te formaliseer en ook meganisme vir die beslegting van belangedispute, en ook
regsdispute wat uit die regte van die partye in die direkte werksplek vloei.
Voorsiening vir 'n sisteem van werkersdeelname en medebestemming in die
besluitneming van bestuur word in Hoofstuk V - Werkplekforums - van die Wet op
Arbeidsverhoudinge gemaak.
Hoofstuk V van die Wet op Arbeidsverhoudinge bepaal die vereistes, reguleer die
stigting en defineer die funksies van 'n Werkplekforum. As 'n vergelyking van die
definisies vir, en die struktuur van so 'n Werkplekforum soos voorgeskryf in die
skedule vir Hoofstuk V met die Duitse Betriebsverfassungsgesetz van 1952 en 1972
gemaak word, kan daar baie ooreenstemming met die wet gevind word. Dit Iyk ook
dat baie komponente van die Duitse wet oorgeneem en as 'n bloudruk vir Hoofstuk V
gebruik en daarin geintegreer is.
In analogie met die Duitse Verfassungsklage van 1976 teen die destydse nuwe
Mitbestimmungsgesetz val die klem in die studie op 'n hipotetiese toets of die
voorwaardes van Hoofstuk V met die vereistes van die nuwe Suid Afrikaanse
Konstitusie (200 van 1993) voldoen, en ook die van die konstitusie van hulle
'importeeringsland', naamlik Duitsland.
Daar bestaan sekere grys areas in Hoofstuk V waarin die konstitusionele howe van
altwee lande hoogswaarskynlik sommige voorwaardes as botsend met hulle
onderskeidelike konstitusies sou vind.
Die mees belangrikste daarvan is die voorwaardes dat, aangesien 'n Werkplekforum
net deur 'n verteenwoordigende vakbond mag gestig word, die Verenigingsvreiheid
van die individu aangetas word.
Date12 1900
CreatorsSchrauf, Marcus H.
ContributorsBendix, D. W. F., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. Graduate School of Business.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
Format121 p. : ill.
RightsStellenbosch University

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