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Metoder för samspel och komposition : Hur man genom gruppövningar och kompositionstekniker kan nå en trygg grund för kollektivt skapande, samt utforska gitarrens roll i ensemblen.

Interplay has always been a key characteristic of jazz and improvised music. The ability to communicate in real-time and to build on each other's ideas is essential in this genre, where the very essence of the music lies in the musical conversation between musicians. The purpose of this essay is to investigate different methods for developing a beneficial foundation for collective creativity, and to discern how the various qualities of the guitar affect the resulting interplay within the group - in this case a guitar trio with bass and drums. In addition to this, I have also worked with a specific method for composing, with the aim to write new music for the specific musicians in this group. Through the usage of ensemble exercises we investigated parameters such as dynamics, contrasts, and motifs. We noticed that it wasn’t mainly the exercises that led to progress, but rather the conversations about the music we had just played. The composing method was a highly tangible and creative way of capturing the trio’s musical nature. Since the ideas for the compositions came straight from the musicians themselves, the music I wrote came to properly reflect the group and our particular sound. / <p>Medverkande musiker: Agnes Persson; elgitarr, Jakob Ulmestrand; kontrabas, Ludwig Aronsson; trumset, Maja Svantesson; sång. Repertoar:"Låt 1", "Låt 4/Kvarnen", "Låt 5", "Låt 3", "Jordens Hjärta" (Dikt av Peter Curman). Samtliga kompositioner skrivna av Agnes Persson med band.</p>
Date January 2023
CreatorsPersson, Agnes
PublisherKungl. Musikhögskolan, Institutionen för jazz
Source SetsDiVA Archive at Upsalla University
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeStudent thesis, info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis, text

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