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Les aspects de la variabilité génétique et cytogénétique, et de la biologie reproductive chez Sisyrinchium micranthum Cav. (Iridaceae) dans le sud du Brésil

Sisyrinchium micranthum Cav. is an herbaceous plant, one of the rare species of the genus which is described as annual. In Brazil, its distribution occurs throughout the states of Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Santa Catarina (SC), Paraná (PR), São Paulo (SP), and Rio de Janeiro (RJ). The species has a wide morphological variability reported in several studies, and different combinations of morphological features can be observed in the wild. Based on these combinations that characterize various plant profiles, three morphological types have been described as CI, CII and CIII. Sisyrinchium micranthum has three ploidy levels described in the literature whose basic number is x = 8, 2n = 2x = 16, 2n = 4x = 32, and 2n = 6x = 48. To contribute to the knowledge on the taxonomy, reproduction and evolution of the species, this study investigated genetic and cytogenetic characteristics of S. micranthum, as well as aspects of reproductive biology. To study the population genetic structure of S. micranthum in southern Brazil, firstly, nine microsatellite markers were isolated using an enriched genomic library, and characterized in a diploid population. Later, from the analysis of genetic variability with seven markers for 583 plants of 14 sampled sites in the states of RS, SC and PR, populations with individuals of different ploidy levels were observed. An autopolyploid origin was presumed for these polyploids. The gene and allelic diversities were rather similar for most of the accessions. The inbreeding coefficient over all loci showed that S. micranthum exhibited an average excess of heterozygotes (negative inbreeding coefficient value), but the FIS values of individual populations ranged from -0.273 to 0.454. The heterozygote excess could be expected since autopolyploids present polysomic inheritance, which contributes substantially for a high heterozygosity. In addition, the populations were highly structured. The results from the cytogenetic analyses, demonstrated that the variability of S. micranthum is also present in terms of genome organization. Regarding S. micranthum and related species S. laxum Otto ex Sims and S. rosulatum E.P. Bicknell, it was verified that the 18S-26S rDNA varies in number of loci, with a notable reduction of the same in polyploids in relation to diploids, while 5S locus showed a proportional increase in the number of signals as increased ploidy level. The data on genome size (Cx) for the three species studied showed a genome downsizing from diploids to polyploids, and also a small inter and intraspecific variation with respect to the C-value. In terms of reproductive biology, selfing and outcrossing were recorded for the species. Furthermore, crossing between different morphological categories of S. micranthum are compatible as resulted in the formation of fruits. Likewise, the data suggest that S. micranthum and S. laxum do not present complete reproductive isolation. The genetic variability of S. micranthum demonstrated in this study in terms of genetic divergence between populations and variation in rDNA loci number possibly reflect the complex relationship between polyploidy and reproductive aspects of the species.
Date28 September 2012
CreatorsTacuatiá, Luana Olinda
PublisherUniversité Paris Sud - Paris XI
Source SetsCCSD theses-EN-ligne, France
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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