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Forma??o de educadores de jovens e adultos no Programa Gera??o Cidad?: rela??o entre saberes na proposi??o curricular

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Previous issue date: 2007-05-25 / This paper deals with the fundamental elements of a curricular proposal aiming at the formation of alphabetizers of young and adults, as long as it concerns the relation between the academic knowledge and that one arising from the classroom experience. The empirical field of the research comes from the work of the teachers responsible for the formation of the alphabetizers of the GerA??o Cidad? Program (2004-2005) linked, as an Extension Program, to Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. Indeed, it tries to understand how these young and adult educators makers figure out the link between the experienced knowledge, which their lives give testimony of, with the scientific knowledge, which they are entitled to mediate in class. This work is funded in the principles of the Collaborative Research, which constitutes a kind of qualitative research. It makes use of procedures supported by qualitative research, especially those ones related to reflexive sessions, as well as to documental researches and semi-structured interviews. These spaces have afforded the group of alphabetizers the opportunity to talk over their practice, not only individually but also collectively, in order to work out contributive proposals having in view changes in the educative actions. As elaborated contributions, we present a discussion about the specificities in the making of educators to EJA, in their differentiated social roles. Reflecting on the experiences of the educators makers, we highlight those elements we regard as essential to the constitution of a formation proposal, like formative times and spaces, dialogue and social memory. The curricular organization is compreneded as part of an enlarged dimension that does not restraint itself to school; rather, it is visualized as a structuring instance that connects different knowledge surpassing community and university. Under this optics, we come to the conclusion that the connection the scientific knowledge establishes with the experienced one, which is immersed in the cultural practices of those who are involved in the formative process, is the basement to a curricular proposal of a formation course destined to educators committed with the need of changing society / A presente investiga??o se reporta aos elementos priorit?rios de uma proposta curricular para forma??o de alfabetizadores de jovens e adultos, no que concerne ? rela??o entre os saberes acad?micos e os saberes da experi?ncia docente. O campo emp?rico da pesquisa se constitui na a??o das formadoras de alfabetizadores do Programa GerA??o Cidad? (2004-2005), vinculado como Projeto de Extens?o ? Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. Busca-se entender como essas formadoras pensam a articula??o dos saberes experienciais, advindos de suas pr?ticas educativas em comunidades e do conhecimento cient?fico do qual s?o portadoras, que devem ser mediados nas salas de aula. Este trabalho fundamenta-se nos princ?pios da pesquisa colaborativa, modalidade da pesquisa qualitativa. Recorre-se a procedimentos com base na pesquisa colaborativa, em especial ?s sess?es reflexivas, conjuntamente com a pesquisa documental e entrevistas semi-estruturadas. Essas sess?es propiciaram ao grupo das formadoras a auto-reflex?o e a reflex?o no coletivo sobre sua pr?tica, com vistas ? elabora??o de proposi??es que contribuam para o incremento das a??es educativas. O debate sobre as especificidades na forma??o de educadores para a EJA, em seus pap?is sociais diferenciados e na reflex?o sobre as experi?ncias das formadoras, ? exemplo dessas contribui??es; elementos considerados essenciais para a elabora??o de uma proposta de forma??o, como tempos e espa?os formativos, di?logo e mem?ria social, tamb?m s?o discutidos. A organiza??o curricular em uma dimens?o ampliada ? aquela que n?o se restringe ? institui??o escolar, mas a percebe enquanto estruturante na liga??o dos saberes que permeiam a comunidade e a Universidade. Sob essa ?ptica, conclui-se que a rela??o dos saberes cient?ficos com os saberes experienciais, presentes nas pr?ticas culturais dos envolvidos no processo formativo, ? o fundamento para uma proposi??o curricular voltada a um curso de forma??o para educadores comprometidos com as mudan?as sociais
Date25 May 2007
CreatorsPinheiro, Rosa Aparecida
ContributorsCPF:20050755404,, Gomes, Ana Maria Duarte do Vale, CPF:32892853400,, Moura, T?nia Maria de Melo, CPF:06158935468,, Silva, Ros?lia de F?tima e, CPF:32264046449,, Barbosa J?nior, Walter Pinheiro, CPF:56728069453,, Alves, Jefferson Fernandes, CPF:40692345434,, Ribeiro, M?rcia Maria Gurgel
PublisherUniversidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Educa??o, UFRN, BR, Educa??o
Source SetsIBICT Brazilian ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion, info:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis
Sourcereponame:Repositório Institucional da UFRN, instname:Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, instacron:UFRN

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