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Izincomo phakathi kwesiduna namabhinqa esiXhoseni

Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study aims to investigate the speech act of complimenting in Xhosa. The study
constitutes of six chapters with respective to execute this aim.
Chapter one provides special details regarding the aim of this study, the method that has
been followed, and the organisational structure of the study.
Chapter two focuses on both speech act and politeness theories. The central notion
relates to (a) the acts of locution, (b) illocution and (c) perlocution. These elements of
speech acts entail the notion that utterances that are produced by participants in a
conversation comprises of (a) the actual sounds and words uttered, and those words and
sounds (b) are intended towards the fulfilment of the force or intention behind them and (c)
the effect of that force is intended to the hearer. Although there are other related
elements, this notion is prominent in this chapter.
Chapter three examines speech acts of complimenting in Xhosa along with their
responses. This examination is informed by various ideas from respective researchers.
For an effective and successful investigation of speech acts, a guideline which serves as a
base follows a model of ethnography of communication. Almost all these researchers are
putting emphasis on this view. This chapter takes this issue further by exploring the
differences in compliments and responses with reference to gender, along with other
qualities that have been mentioned. The elements of the responses the principles, their
nature, structure and appearance in general conversations with specific reference to
complimenting, are other key properties examined in this chapter.
Chapter four focuses on the functions of the compliments. For example, almost all the
researchers in the field are in agreement that compliments serve to revitalize, establish or
create or encourage solidarity. Although there are other functions relating to this speech
act, such as replacing other conversational formulas, e.g. greetings, softening criticism, the
function of solidarity is perceived to be central. Another area which receives attention is
the structural qualities of the compliment, along with syntactic and lexical features. This
analysis explores the syntactic categories that relate to this work, together with the
formulaic nature of this speech act. In addition, the status and gender of the participants in an interaction, as informed by situations or friends who like to be complimented, are all
matters that receive scrutiny in this chapter.
Chapter five constitute the central part of the study. The differences in compliments and
responses receive attention with the aim of establishing possible difference between
compliments given by males and females.
Chapter six is the last chapter, it presents the findings and conclusion of the study. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie het as doelstelling die ondersoek van die spraakhandeling van
komplimentering in Xhosa. Die tesis beslaan ses hoofstukke wat gestruktureer is om
uitvoering te gee aan hierdie doelstelling.
Hoofstuk een gee spesifieke besonderhede betreffende die doelstelling van die studie, die
metode wat gevolg word, en die organisasie van die studie.
Hoofstuk twee fokus op spraakhandelingsteorie en hoflikheidsteorie. Die sentrale konsep
hou verband met (a) die handelinge van lokusie, (b) ilokusie en (c) perlokusie. Hierdie
elemente van spraakhandelinge behels die begrip dat die uitinge wat deur deelnemers in
'n gesprek geproduseer word bestaan uit (a) die werklike klanke en woorde wat geuiter
word, en wat (b) die intensie het om uitdrukking te gee aan die fors daaragter, en (c) die
effek is gerig op die hoorder. Hierdie oorweging is sentraal in die hoofstuk.
Hoofstuk drie ondersoek die spraakhandeling van komplimentering in Xhosa tesame met
die response daarop. Hierdie ondersoek word ingelig deur sieninge van verskillende
navorsers. Vir die effektiewe ondersoek van spraakhandelinge, is 'n rigtinggewende basis
vanuit die etnografie van kommunikasie nodig. Hierdie hoofstuk ondersoek die verskille in
komplimente en die response daarop met betrekking tot gender en ander eienskappe. Die
aspekte van die response, hulle beginsels, aard, en struktuur, en die gebruik daarvan in
gesprekke wat komplimente bevat, word ondersoek.
Hoofstuk vier fokus op die funksies van komplimente. Feitlik al die navorsers in die veld
van komplimentering stem saam dat komplimente die doel het om solidariteit te skep of te
versterk. Alhoewel daar ander funksies is van komplimentering, bv. die verplasing van
gespreksformules, soos groet, kritiek, is die bevestiging van solidariteit sentraal. 'n Ander
area wat aandag kry in die hoofstuk, is die strukturele kenmerke van komplimente,
insluitende sintaktiese en leksikale kenmerke. Die analises behels 'n ondersoek na die
sintaktiese kategorieƫ wat komplimente realiseer, tesame met die formule-agtige aard van
komplimente as spraakhandelinge. Voorts word die status en gender van die
gespreksgenote ondersoek.
Hoofstuk vyf vorm die sentrale deel van die studie betreffende die bepaling van moontlike
gender verskille in komplimente. Hoofstuk ses bied die samevatting en gevolgtrekkings van die studie. / ISISHWANKATHELO: Esi sifundo sikwiphulo lokuphanda ngezenzo zentetho zezincomo. Kuqulunqwe izahluko
ezintandathu ezineenjongo ezahlukiyo ukufezekisa eli phulo.
Isahluko sokuqala sinika umkhombandlela malunga nenjongo yesifundo, imethodi
elandelweyo kananjalo nolwakhiwo zinikwa ingqwalasela.
Isahluko sesibini sinika ingqwalasela kwithiyori yezenzo zentetho kananjalo neyentlonelo.
Uluvo olungundoqo nolunika umdla kule ngxelo luqulathe izenzo ze (a) ilokhushini, (b) 1-
ilokhushini ne (c) nephelokhushini.
Ezi zenzo zixhibe ingcamango yokuba intetho eveliswa ngabo bathatha inxaxheba
kunxibelelwano iqulathe (a) izandi zolwakhiwo Iwesigama, ukuze eso sigama (b) sijoliswe
kwinjongo ethile ekuyimfuneko ukuba iphunyezwe ekugqibeleni (c) ifuthe laloo mpumelelo
lingqale lowo kunxityelelwano naye okanye umphulaphuli. Nasekubeni ekhona namanye
amasolotya axhagileyo, kodwa le ngcamango iphawuliweyo iphume izandla kwesi
Isahluko sesithathu siphonononga izenzo zeentetho zezincomo kananjalo neempendulo
zazo. Olu phononongo lungqongwe zizimvo zeengcali eziphuma kwiinkalo ngeenkalo.
Umkhombandlela osisikhokhelo kwiphulo lophando Iwezenzo zeentetho naziphi na, ukuze
lube yimpumelelo kwaye lusulungeke kufuneka luiandeie imodeli okanye umgaqo weethinografi
yonxibelelwano phantse bonke aba baphandi babeke umnwe kule ngcamango.
Ngokunxusa oku, esi sahluko, xa sihlabela mgama, siphawula ngeyantlukwano yezincomo
neempendulo zazo ngesini, nangezinye iimpawu ezikhankanyiweyo. Uqulunkqo
Iwemigaqo yokuphendula, ubunjani, ubume nembonakalo yayo entethweni gabalala
ngokunxulumene nezincomo ngamanye amasolotya abalulekileyo nanika umdla kwesi
Isahluko sesine sinika ingqwalaselo kwimisebenzi yesincomo. Umzekelo, phantse zonke
ezi ngcali zikweli phulo ziyayingqina nento yokuba izincomo zivuselela , ziyila okanye
zikhuthaza umanyano. Nangona ibonakala ikhona eminye imisebenzi ekhankanywayo
engqonge esi senzo sentetho njengokuthabatha indawo yezinye zeefomuia zonxulumano, umz. imibulisi, ukuthomakalisa ugxeko-ncomo, olu luvo lomanyano lubonwa
njengoluhamba phambili. Enye indima ephononongwayo ziimpawu zolwakhiwo
Iwezincomo, kananjalo neempawu zesintaksi neleksikali. Olu hlalutyo lulo oludulisa izigaba
zentetho ezibandakanyekayo kananjalo nobufomula besi senzo sentetho. Ukwaleka,
iwonga nesini sabo bathabatha inxaxheba kolu nxibelelwano ngokulawulwa ziimeko
okanye izihlobo ezikholisa ukunconywa, konke oku yimibandela efumana ukuphicothwa
kwesi sahluko.
Isahluko sesihlanu siqulathe umongo wesi sifundo. Uhlalutyo Iwezincomo neempendulo
zazo lunikwa ingqwalasela ngamehlo abukhali; ngeenjongo zokufumanisa umahluko
ongaba ukhona phakathi kwezincomo zamaduna namabhinqa.
Isahluko sesithandathu nesokugqibela sinika iziphumo zophando nesiphelo sesi sifundo.
Date03 1900
CreatorsRalarala, Knowledge Monwabisi
ContributorsDu Plessis, J. A., Dlali, U. M., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of African Languages.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
Format244 p.
RightsStellenbosch University

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