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Experimental analysis of laminar spherically expanding flames

Laminar burning velocity is very useful for both combustion modeling and kinetic scheme validationand improvement. Accurate experimental data are needed. To achieve this, the spherical flame method was chosen. However various expression for burning velocity from the spherically expanding flame can be found. A theorical review details all the expressions and models for the burning veolcity and shows how they can be obtained experimentally. These models were comparated considering basic fuels - various Lewis numbers. As a result, it is shown that the pure kinematic measurement method is the only one thet does not introduce any assumptions. This kinematic measurement had needed the development and validation of an original post-processing tool. Following the theorical review, a parametric experimental study is presented. The new technique is extended to extract burning velocity and Markstein length relative to the fresh gas for pure ethanol, isooctane and blended fuels at high pressure.
Date30 January 2013
CreatorsVarea, Emilien
PublisherINSA de Rouen
Source SetsCCSD theses-EN-ligne, France
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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