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Is the supervisory regime of the Central Bank of Liberia adequate to provide effective and efficient bank supervision that will ensure a stable financial system?

Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The primary purpose of the research study is to establish whether the supervisory regime
of the Central Bank of Liberia (hereinafter referred to as CBL) is adequate to provide
effective and efficient bank supervision that will ensure stability in the financial system.
Stability in the financial sector and safety and soundness of the banking industry are of
paramount importance due to its linkages with all other sectors of the economy. Adequate
supervision and prudential regulations are central in ensuring financial sector stability.
This research focuses on the prudential regulations and other supervisory directives used
in the supervision of licensed bank-financial institutions, in terms of capital adequacy,
asset quality, management, earnings, liquidity and sensitivity to market risk, the
supervisory approach and the legal framework. The adequacy of the prudential
regulations and other supervisory directives are determined by comparing with
international standards. The results revealed that the prudential regulations largely meet
international standards. Thus, the supervisory regime is adequate and capable of
providing stability in the banking industry.
Banks are exposed to various kinds of risks in the conduct of their trading operations;
therefore, management is required to maintain a capital position that will cover the nature
and extent of risks to the bank:. The capital consists of two tiers; Tier I (primary) capital
and Tier 2 (secondary) capital. Banks are required to permanently maintain a capital
adequacy ratio that matches their total exposure to risk at the level of at least 8%. The
prudential regulations of the Central Bank of Liberia places assets into two risk baskets
while international organizations like the Bank for International Settlement has four or
five risk baskets based on the category of borrower, sovereigns, banks or corporates.
Earning assets reflect the bank's quality and existing potential of exposure to counter-party
associated with loan and investment portfolios, as well as off-balance sheet
transactions. Banks are required to make adequate provisioning against deteriorating loan portfolios and general provisions for performing loans. Sound and competent management is the most significant requirement for the strength,
potency and growth of any financial institution. Indicators of the quality of
management's competence are primarily specific to individual institutions. Moreover, it
is not easy to draw any conclusion vis-à-vis management soundness on the basis of
monetary indicators, as characteristics of a good management are rather qualitative in
Strong earnings and profitability profiles of a financial institution reflect its capacity to
absorb losses, fund expansion, be competitive in the banking industry, replenish and/or
increase capital base and pay dividends to shareholders. Good earnings quality is relied
upon by banking institutions as their first line of defense against capital reduction due to credit losses, interest rate risk, operational risk and decline in asset value.
Liquidity is often considered as an attestation of solvency for banking institutions. Banks
must maintain a minimum level of liquidity to settle obligations such withdrawals and for
giving out loans. Liquidity is a strong early warning signal, the shortage and/or the lack
of which erodes public confidence in a bank. Banks must guide against structural
maturity mismatch. Imprudent lending practice increases a bank's exposure to liquidity
risk. All licensed banks are statutorily required to maintain a minimum daily liquidity
ratio of 15%, which is a measure of the banks' liquid assets vis-à-vis deposits. Each
commercial bank is required to maintain reserve requirements representing 18% of
average deposits.
A suitable legal framework is a prerequisite for effective banking supervision.
Supervisors can be expected to act, free from political pressures, only if they cannot be
dismissed for doing their job. The New Financial Institutions Act 1999 and the Central
Bank Act 1999 give the Central Bank powers to grant and revoke bank. licenses,
supervise commercial banks and have unlimited access to privileged information.
There is a need to further strengthen the supervisory capacity in terms of providing
continuous short-term training and long-term or post-graduate studies. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die hoofdoel van hierdie navorsingsverslag is om te bepaal of die toesighoudende stelsel van die
Sentrale Bank van Liberie (hierna verwys na CBL) toereikend is om doeltreffende en
doelmatige banksupervisie te verskaf wat stabiliteit in die finansiële stelsel sal verseker.
Stabiliteit in die finansieie sektor, en die veiligheid en betroubaarheid van die bankbedryf is uiters
belangrik as gevolg van die verwantskap met alle ander sektore van die ekonomie. Voldoende
supervisie en verstandige regulasies vorm die kern van stabiliteit in die finansiële sektor.
Hierdie navorsing is gerig op die verstandige regulasies en ander toesighoudende bepalings wat
gebruik word in die supervisie van gelisensieerde bank-finansiële instellings ten opsige van
kapitaaltoereikendheid, bategehalte, bestuur, verdienste, likiditeit en sensitiwiteit ten opsigte van
markrisiko, die benadering tot toesighouding en die regsraamwerk. Die toereikendheid van die
verstandige regulasies en ander toesighoudende bepalings word bepaal deur dit met internasionale
standaarde te vergelyk. Die resultale toon aan dat die verstandige regulasies grootliks aan
internasionale standaarde voldoen. Die toesigboudende stelsel is dus toereikend en daartoe in
staat om stabiliteit aan die bankbedryf te verskaf.
Banke word blootgestel aan verskeie soorte risiko in die uitvoer van hul handelsbedrywighede.
Daar word dus van die bestuur verwag om 'n kapitaalbasis te handhaaf wat die aard en omvang
van die risiko vir die bank sal dek. Die kapitaal bestaan uit twee vlakke: Vlak I (primêre) kapitaal
en Vlak 2 (sekondêre) kapitaal. Daar word van banke verwag om permanent 'n
kapitaaltoereikendheidsverhouding te handhaaf wat ooreenkom met hul totale blootstelling aan
risiko op 'n vlak van ten minsle 8%. Die verstandige regulasies van die Sentrale Bank van Liberie
plaas bates in twee risiko-mandjies terwyl internasionale organisasies soos die Bank for
International Settlement vier tot vyf risiko-mandjies het wat op die kategorie van die lener,
selfbesturende entiteit, bank of korporasie gegrond is.
Opbrengsgewende bates dui op die bank se gehalte en bestaande potensiaal vir blootstelling aan
teenpartye wat verband hou met lenings- en beleggingsportefeuljes sowel as
buitebalanstransaksies. Daar word van banke verwag om toereikende voorsiening teen
verslegtende leningsportefeuljes te maak en om algemene voorwaardes vir presterende lenings te stel. Betroubare en bevoegde bestuur is die heel belangrikste vereiste vir die krag, vermoë en groei van
enige finansiële instelling. Aanwysers van die gehalte van die bestuur se bevoegdheid is
hoofsaaklik op individuele instellings van toepassing. Verder is dit nie maklik om enige
gevolgtrekking ten opsigte van 'n bestuur se betroubaarheid te maak op grond van monetêre
aanwysers nie, omdat die kenmerke van 'n goeie bestuur eerder kwalitatief van aard is.
Sterk opbrengste en winsgewendheidsprofiele van 'n finansiële instelling dui op sy kapasiteit om
verliese te absorbeer, fondse uit te brei, mededingend in die bankbedryf te wees, sy kapitaalbasis
aan te vul en/of te vergroot, en dividende aan aandeelhouers te betaal. Bankinstellings maak staat
op goeie opbrengsgehalte as hul eerste verdedigingslyn teen kapitaalvermindering as gevolg van
kredietverliese, rentekoersrisiko's, bedryfsrisiko's en 'n afname in batewaarde.
Likiditeit word dikwels beskou as 'n bevestiging van solvensie vir bankinstellings. Banke moet 'n
minimum vlak van likiditeit handhaaf om verpligtinge soos onttrekkings na te kom en om lenings
toe te staan. Likiditeit is 'n sterk vroeë waarskuwingsteken, en die tekort en/of gebrek daaraan
knou openbare vertroue in die bank. Banke moet waak teen 'n strukturele wanafstemming van
looptye. Onverstandige uitleenpraktyk verhoog 'n bank se blootstelling aan likiditeitsrisiko. Alle
gelisensieerde banke word statutêr verplig om 'n minimum daaglikse likiditeitsverhouding van
15% te handhaaf, wat 'n maatstaf is van 'n bank se likiede bates teenoor deposito's.
'n Toepaslike regsraamwerk is 'n voorvereiste vir doeltreffende banksupervisie. Daar kan van
toesighouers verwag word om sonder enige politieke druk op te tree slegs indien hulle nie
afgedank kan word omdat hulle hul plig doen nie. Die New Financial Institutions Act van 1999
en die Central Bank Act van 1999 gee aan die Sentrale Bank die mag om banklisensies toe te
staan en herroep, om toesig oor kommersiële banke te hou en om onbeperkte toegang tot
beskermde inligting te kry.
Daar is 'n behoefte om die toesighoudende kapasiteit deur die verskaffing van deurlopende
korttermynopleiding en langtermyn- of nagraadse studie uit te bou.
Date03 1900
CreatorsDonzo, Fonsia M.
ContributorsSmit, Eon, Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. Graduate School of Business.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
RightsStellenbosch University

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