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Nya spelregler för allmännyttan : Betydelsen av strategiskt arbete i en föränderlig miljö

Abstract This paper is about how the future picture of the public housing sector in Stockholm (capital of Sweden) may look like. It will focus on how these companies need to develop to be able to handle future threats. A recent bill proposed by the government will make it possible for right of tenancy owners to reorganize their tenancy right to tenant-ownership, without permission from county administration. This bill will most likely be approved. This increases the risk/possibilities that large parts of the public housing sector in the inner city may disappear. This will make the public housing sector in Stockholm less attractive. The questions how the public housing sectors run its business and what its goals should be have always been discussed. This paper will from an organizational perspective describe the role of public housing in Sweden. It will also discuss possible development of the public housing sector, how the bill may affect the public housing sector and which related tasks these companies work with today. This paper will also describe the importance of working with strategic marketing and which problems non-profit companies have had in the past in this area. Research has shown that these companies often in their marketing try to aim at all people. Historical this has shown to be a non successful approach. Therefore working with segmentation has become more and more important to companies. The paper shows that this also is the case in Stockholm’s public housing sector and will show areas were the strategic work with segmentation can be improved. To make this paper as reliable as possible interviews with market responsibility persons who work in the public housing sector in Stockholm were made. These interviews made it possible to compare the theoretical starting-point with the reality in these companies and show were the lack in there organizations are. One of the results this study will show is that the public housing companies in Stockholm run their business in a less strategic way. Today’s public housing companies often wait until problems appear before they try to obstruct it. This paper claims that one of the reasons for this way of dealing with changes in the environment has to do with the companies political steering. In conclusion of this paper it will be discussed how the future of the public housing sector in Stockholm may look like and in what way its organizations need to change direction. Points will also be made on some of the things that must be taken care of if public housing in the future wants to stay as an attractive alternative on the housing market. Today’s activity makes it hard to think in longer terms and act strategic. According to the paper this depends a great deal on their political steering and how changes in politics can redirect the company’s whole activity. This makes the employees in these companies less enthusiastic to think in long terms. Why work in a strategic way when the focus can change the next day? The paper argues that there need to be a change in how Stockholm’s public housing sector works today if they want to stay competitive in the future.
Date January 2007
CreatorsHolmgren, Johan
PublisherHögskolan i Gävle, Institutionen för ekonomi
Source SetsDiVA Archive at Upsalla University
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeStudent thesis, info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis, text

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