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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Företagens hållbarhet ska hjälpa jordens sårbarhet : En kvalitativ studie om hållbarhetsredovisning i allmännyttiga bostadsföretag.

Hedman, Mea-Louise, Hildingsson, Jenny, Isaksson, Julia January 2019 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka på vilket sätt allmännyttiga bostadsföretags redovisningar har blivit påverkade av lagen om hållbarhetsredovisning. Särskilt vill vi skapa en förståelse för hur balansen ser ut mellan de tre dimensionerna. Vår förhoppning är att studiens resultat ska bidra till en förståelse kring varför hållbarhetsredovisningar ser ut som de gör. Metod: Vi har använts oss av en kvalitativ metod och en abduktiv forskningsansats. För att få en djupare förståelse av ämnet genomfördes åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer med de ansvariga för hållbarhetsredovisningen i olika allmännyttiga bostadsföretag. Slutsats: Vi har kommit fram till att lagen om hållbarhetsredovisning har haft en stor inverkan på redovisningen inom de allmännyttiga bostadsföretagen. Det har lett till att ett behov av en gemensam standard för framtagningen av en hållbarhetsredovisning har uppstått. Under studien framkom det även att den sociala dimensionen av hållbarhet är mer framträdande vilket har lett till en obalans mellan de tre dimensionerna.

Årsredovisning för mindre allmännyttiga bostadsföretag : Påverkan vid tillämpning av K2-regelverket.

Elonsson, Eva, Rickardsson, Maria January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Nya spelregler för allmännyttan : Betydelsen av strategiskt arbete i en föränderlig miljö

Holmgren, Johan January 2007 (has links)
<p>Abstract</p><p>This paper is about how the future picture of the public housing sector in Stockholm (capital of Sweden) may look like. It will focus on how these companies need to develop to be able to handle future threats. A recent bill proposed by the government will make it possible for right of tenancy owners to reorganize their tenancy right to tenant-ownership, without permission from county administration. This bill will most likely be approved. This increases the risk/possibilities that large parts of the public housing sector in the inner city may disappear. This will make the public housing sector in Stockholm less attractive.</p><p>The questions how the public housing sectors run its business and what its goals should be have always been discussed. This paper will from an organizational perspective describe the role of public housing in Sweden. It will also discuss possible development of the public housing sector, how the bill may affect the public housing sector and which related tasks these companies work with today.</p><p>This paper will also describe the importance of working with strategic marketing and which problems non-profit companies have had in the past in this area. Research has shown that these companies often in their marketing try to aim at all people. Historical this has shown to be a non successful approach. Therefore working with segmentation has become more and more important to companies. The paper shows that this also is the case in Stockholm’s public housing sector and will show areas were the strategic work with segmentation can be improved.</p><p>To make this paper as reliable as possible interviews with market responsibility persons who work in the public housing sector in Stockholm were made. These interviews made it possible to compare the theoretical starting-point with the reality in these companies and show were the lack in there organizations are.</p><p>One of the results this study will show is that the public housing companies in Stockholm run their business in a less strategic way. Today’s public housing companies often wait until problems appear before they try to obstruct it. This paper claims that one of the reasons for this way of dealing with changes in the environment has to do with the companies political steering.</p><p>In conclusion of this paper it will be discussed how the future of the public housing sector in Stockholm may look like and in what way its organizations need to change direction. Points will also be made on some of the things that must be taken care of if public housing in the future wants to stay as an attractive alternative on the housing market. Today’s activity makes it hard to think in longer terms and act strategic. According to the paper this depends a great deal on their political steering and how changes in politics can redirect the company’s whole activity. This makes the employees in these companies less enthusiastic to think in long terms.</p><p>Why work in a strategic way when the focus can change the next day? The paper argues that there need to be a change in how Stockholm’s public housing sector works today if they want to stay competitive in the future.</p>

Nya spelregler för allmännyttan : Betydelsen av strategiskt arbete i en föränderlig miljö

Holmgren, Johan January 2007 (has links)
Abstract This paper is about how the future picture of the public housing sector in Stockholm (capital of Sweden) may look like. It will focus on how these companies need to develop to be able to handle future threats. A recent bill proposed by the government will make it possible for right of tenancy owners to reorganize their tenancy right to tenant-ownership, without permission from county administration. This bill will most likely be approved. This increases the risk/possibilities that large parts of the public housing sector in the inner city may disappear. This will make the public housing sector in Stockholm less attractive. The questions how the public housing sectors run its business and what its goals should be have always been discussed. This paper will from an organizational perspective describe the role of public housing in Sweden. It will also discuss possible development of the public housing sector, how the bill may affect the public housing sector and which related tasks these companies work with today. This paper will also describe the importance of working with strategic marketing and which problems non-profit companies have had in the past in this area. Research has shown that these companies often in their marketing try to aim at all people. Historical this has shown to be a non successful approach. Therefore working with segmentation has become more and more important to companies. The paper shows that this also is the case in Stockholm’s public housing sector and will show areas were the strategic work with segmentation can be improved. To make this paper as reliable as possible interviews with market responsibility persons who work in the public housing sector in Stockholm were made. These interviews made it possible to compare the theoretical starting-point with the reality in these companies and show were the lack in there organizations are. One of the results this study will show is that the public housing companies in Stockholm run their business in a less strategic way. Today’s public housing companies often wait until problems appear before they try to obstruct it. This paper claims that one of the reasons for this way of dealing with changes in the environment has to do with the companies political steering. In conclusion of this paper it will be discussed how the future of the public housing sector in Stockholm may look like and in what way its organizations need to change direction. Points will also be made on some of the things that must be taken care of if public housing in the future wants to stay as an attractive alternative on the housing market. Today’s activity makes it hard to think in longer terms and act strategic. According to the paper this depends a great deal on their political steering and how changes in politics can redirect the company’s whole activity. This makes the employees in these companies less enthusiastic to think in long terms. Why work in a strategic way when the focus can change the next day? The paper argues that there need to be a change in how Stockholm’s public housing sector works today if they want to stay competitive in the future.

Årsredovisning för mindre allmännyttiga bostadsföretag : Påverkan vid tillämpning av K2-regelverket.

Elonsson, Eva, Rickardsson, Maria January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Försäljning av kommunal allmännytta : är en viktig del av välfärdspolitiken på väg att försvinna?

Bolinder, Anna January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Försäljning av kommunal allmännytta : är en viktig del av välfärdspolitiken på väg att försvinna?

Bolinder, Anna January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Digitalisering av Facility Management i allmännyttiga hyresfastighetsbolag : Hur allmännyttiga hyresfastighetsbolag kan arbeta med digitala verktyg inom FM som kan leda till kostnadsbesparingar

Öberg, Maria, Nilsson Carlström, Ida January 2021 (has links)
The company’s survival is dependent on digitalization. This I because they need to adapt to the customer value, keep their market shares and this will contribute to the company’s growth. One industry that is behind everyone else in the digitalization work is the real estate industry. There are a lot of digital tools that can be used, but despite this, not many of this are used today. If the real estate company’s start to digitalize their work, there are possibilities to increase earnings and cost savings. The purpose of this study is therefor to gain a better understanding for how public housing companies can work with digital tools in facility management that can lead to cost-savings.  In this Study an abductive research approach has been used. Furthermore, a qualities study has been implemented where the authors have interviewed nine different companies that are a public housing company. By gathering theories from earlier research studies, the theoretical framework was created.  Based on the results from the collected empirical data and the theoretical framework it is a fact that the real estate industry is behind the digitalization work compared to other industries. This because they are not exposed to competition and therefor, they do not have the incentive to change. The will is there but a lot of company’s do not see the economical win and consider the investments costly.

Internet of Things i kommunala bostadsbolag : Nyttor och förväntningar

Falkeman, Mats January 2020 (has links)
This qualitative study evaluates what the Internet of Things (IoT) can bring to create benefits in municipal housing companies. Since 2014, there has been a guide from the Swedish Agency for Digital Administration regarding benefits realization that describes how organizations can work to implement IT projects and realize target images, by focusing on the underlying benefits. The issues that this study focuses on are benefits and expectations from completed IoT projects. To answer these questions, five interviews and a pilot study, based on a framework for benefit realization, were conducted with people representing a large number of municipalities in Sweden. The respondents have had good insight into how the operations work in the IoT technology area. The main conclusion of the study is that the work with benefits, has a small role in the organizations consulted. Many of the obstacles identified in the study show that active management is required to change the culture around IoT projects and that the business focuses on the benefits behind the IoT solutions rather than the artifacts themselves. Previous research has shown that IoT is a disruptive innovation, which requires new thinking and other types of skills. Most organizations have built up their own infrastructures with pre-packaged services that have been offered to the businesses in order to create interest and let the businesses themselves discover the benefits that the technology can bring. / I den här kvalitativa studien utvärderas vad Internet of Things (IoT) kan tillföra för att skapa nytta i kommunala bostadsbolag. Sedan 2014 finns det en guide från Myndigheten för digital förvaltning i nyttorealisering, som är ett stöd i hur organisationer kan arbeta för att genomföra IT-projekt och realisera målbilder, genom att fokusera på den bakomliggande nyttan. De frågor som denna studie fokuserar på är nyttor och förväntningar från genomförda IoT-projekt. För att besvara dessa frågor har fem intervjuer och en pilotstudie, utifrån ett ramverk för nyttorealisering, genomförts med personer som representerar ett stort antal kommuner i Sverige. Respondenterna har haft god insikt i hur verksamheterna arbetar inom teknikområdet IoT.   Studiens främsta slutsats är att arbetet med nyttor, har en liten roll i de organisationer som tillfrågats. Många av de hinder som identifierats i studien visar på att det krävs en aktiv styrning för att förändra dels kulturen kring IoT-projekt och dels att verksamheten fokuserar på nyttan bakom IoT-lösningarna snarare än själva artefakterna. Tidigare forskning har visat att IoT är en disruptiv innovation vilket kräver nytänkande och andra typer av kompetenser. De flesta organisationer har byggt upp egna infrastrukturer med färdigpaketerade tjänster som erbjudits verksamheterna i syfte att skapa intresse och låta verksamheterna själva upptäcka de nyttor som tekniken kan tillföra.

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