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Mundo de medo: inquisi??o e crist?os-novos nos espa?os coloniais capitanias de Pernambuco, Itamarac? e Para?ba (1593-1595)

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Previous issue date: 2012-09-10 / Founded in 1536, the Court of the Holy Office of the Portuguese Inquisition was established as an ecclesiastical institution, but at the same time subordinate to the real powers. Among the main victims of persecution effected by the Holy Office, were the New Christians - Jews forcibly converted in 1497 or their descendants - that due to their socio-religious were repeatedly accused of heresy. This paper conducted a survey that sought to understand the historical performance of the Inquisition in Brazil in the sixteenth century on the New Christians, especially those accused of secretly retaining the religious customs of the Mosaic law, given the investigative and punitive procedures employed by the Inquisition as part of a set of actions that produce social insecurities and producers / broadcasters of fear in the populations under scrutiny. In this sense, the approach was based on the analysis of documents produced on the first visit of inspection performed in Brazil inquisitorial sixteenth century, concerning the captaincy of Pernambuco and Paraiba Itamarac? (1593-1595), not excluding, however, the sources of the first stage of visitation that occurred between 1591-1593 in the province of Bahia de Todos os Santos, even though its use is ancillary and punctual. The objective of this research was to understand the consequences of inquisitorial procedures generated on the imaginary, and the Inquisition, using the expressions and signs of fears relating to individuals contained in the New Christian complaints to the Holy Office as documentary evidence of the fear caused by the Holy Tribunal. The adoption of specific behaviors by the New Christians in the home - these spaces are appropriate and adapted to the detriment of the religious practices of Judaism features - characterizes the spatial perspective of the study, thus indicating a further objective of the study: to understand how the New Christians experienced domestic spaces in a historical context marked by behavioral surveillance generally considered morally condemned and suspected of heresy. The research was conducted to analyze the complaints and quantitative survey of some indices of documentation for the understanding of overall charges and how individuals New Christians were concerned with the domestic space, using them to maintain criptojudaica religiosity, transformed places housing often esnogas, makeshift synagogue for meetings and celebrations of Judaizing New Christians. The formulations of Michel de Certeau on appropriations and meanings of space - presented by the author in the metaphor of "practice areas" - were integrated into the workforce in order to understand the ways in which the New Christians appropriated the colonial houses, designed these spaces a very specific language in the Crypto, in which women are prominent figures. The works of Jean Delumeau and Bartholom? Benassar integrate the discussion of the Inquisition and the sensibilities of fear in the work performed. The analysis allowed the documentation to understand the meaning and the extent related to the general fear that the Inquisition represented. Some complaints are indicative of fears that can be perceived implicitly based on behaviors and attitudes adopted by the New Christians, others, however, are direct expressions of fear caused by allusion or initiative of the actions of the Inquisition in colonial Brazil in the sixteenth century / Fundado em 1536, o Tribunal do Santo Of?cio da Inquisi??o portuguesa estabeleceu-se enquanto institui??o eclesi?stica, mas subordinada ao mesmo tempo aos poderes reais. Entre as principais vitimas das persegui??es efetivadas pelo Santo Of?cio, se encontravam os crist?os-novos judeus convertidos compulsoriamente em 1497 ou descendentes destes que devido a sua condi??o s?cio-religiosa foram insistentemente acusados de heresia. Esta disserta??o realizou uma pesquisa hist?rica que buscou compreender a atua??o da Inquisi??o no Brasil do s?culo XVI sobre os crist?os-novos, sobretudo, aqueles acusados de conservarem ocultamente os costumes religiosos da lei mosaica, considerando as medidas de investiga??o e os procedimentos punitivos empregados pela Inquisi??o como parte integrante de um conjunto de a??es produtoras de inseguran?as sociais e produtoras/difusoras de medos nas popula??es sob inspe??o. Nesse sentido, a abordagem partiu da an?lise da documenta??o produzida na primeira visita de inspe??o inquisitorial realizada no Brasil quinhentista, concernentes as capitanias de Pernambuco, Itamarac? e Para?ba (1593-1595), n?o desconsiderando, no entanto, as fontes da primeira etapa da visita??o, ocorrida entre 1591-1593 na Capitania da Bahia de Todos os Santos, mesmo que seu uso seja auxiliar e pontual. O objetivo da pesquisa foi entender as conseq??ncias dos procedimentos inquisitoriais no imagin?rio gerado sobre, e pela Inquisi??o, utilizando as express?es e ind?cios de medos relacionados a indiv?duos crist?os-novos contidas nas den?ncias apresentadas ao Santo Of?cio como evid?ncias documentais do temor causado pelo Santo Tribunal. A ado??o de comportamentos espec?ficos pelos crist?os-novos no espa?o dom?stico sendo estes espa?os apropriados e adaptados em detrimento das pr?ticas religiosas caracter?sticas do juda?smo caracteriza a perspectiva espacial do estudo, indicando assim, mais um objetivo do trabalho: compreender como os crist?os-novos experimentaram os espa?os dom?sticos em um contexto hist?rico marcado pela vigil?ncia de comportamentos moralmente condenados e geralmente considerados suspeitos de heresia. A pesquisa realizou a an?lise das den?ncias e o levantamento quantitativo de alguns ?ndices contidos na documenta??o para a compreens?o do quadro geral de acusa??es e de como os indiv?duos crist?os-novos se relacionavam com o espa?o dom?stico, utilizando-os para a manuten??o da religiosidade criptojudaica, transformado os lugares de moradias muitas vezes em esnogas, sinagogas improvisadas para reuni?es e celebra??es de crist?os-novos judaizantes. As formula??es de Michel de Certeau sobre as apropria??es e significa??es dos espa?os apresentadas pelo autor na met?fora das pr?ticas de espa?os foram integradas ao trabalho no sentido de compreender os modos pelos quais os crist?os-novos apropriaram-se das habita??es coloniais, destinando a estes espa?os uma linguagem muito especifica dentro do criptojudaismo, no qual as mulheres s?o figuras de destaque. Os trabalhos de Jean Delumeau e Bartolom? Benassar se integram na discuss?o sobre a Inquisi??o e as sensibilidades de medo realizadas no trabalho. A an?lise da documenta??o permitiu a compreens?o do sentido e do grau relacionado ao temor geral que a Inquisi??o representava. Algumas den?ncias s?o indicativas de medos que podem ser percebidos implicitamente, baseando-se em comportamentos e atitudes adotadas pelos crist?os-novos, outras, no entanto, s?o express?es diretas dos medos provocados pela alus?o ou iniciativa das a??es da Inquisi??o no Brasil colonial do s?culo XVI
Date10 September 2012
CreatorsOliveira, Halyson Rodrygo Silva de
ContributorsCPF:73924652791,, Alveal, Carmen Margarida Oliveira, CPF:01675739773,, Assis, ?ngelo Adriano Faria de, CPF:01411684710,, Porto, Maria Em?lia Monteiro
PublisherUniversidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Hist?ria, UFRN, BR, Hist?ria e Espa?os
Source SetsIBICT Brazilian ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion, info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Sourcereponame:Repositório Institucional da UFRN, instname:Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, instacron:UFRN

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