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Large Eddy Simulations of the interactions between flames and thermal phenomena : application to wall heat transfer and combustion control

Interactions between flames and thermal phenomena are the guiding thread of this work. Flamesproduce heat indeed, but can also be affected by it. Large Eddy Simulations (LES) are used hereto investigate these interactions, with a focus on two main topics: wall heat transfer andcombustion control. In a first part, wall heat transfer in a rocket engine sub-scale CH4/O2 burner isstudied. In the context of launchers re-usability and cost reduction, which are major challenges,new propellant combinations are considered and wall heat fluxes have to be precisely predicted.The aim of this work is to evaluate LES needs and performances to simulate this kind ofconfiguration and provide a computational methodology permitting to simulate variousconfigurations. Numerical results are compared to experimental data provided by the TechnischeUniversität München (Germany). In a second part, combustion control by means of NanosecondRepetitively Pulsed (NRP) plasma discharges is studied. Modern gas turbine systems use indeedlean combustion with the aim of reducing fuel consumption and pollutant emissions. Lean flamesare however known to be prone to instabilities and combustion control can play a major role in thisdomain. A phenomenological model which considers the plasma discharges as a heat source isdeveloped and applied to a swirl-stabilized CH4/Air premixed lean burner. LES are performed inorder to evaluate the effects of the NRP discharges on the flame. Numerical results are comparedwith experimental observations made at the King Abdulla University of Science and Technology(Saudi Arabia).
Date27 September 2018
CreatorsMaestro, Dario
ContributorsInstitut National Polytechnique de Toulouse - INPT (FRANCE)
Source SetsUniversité de Toulouse
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeThesis, NonPeerReviewed

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