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Mission statements and vision statements : why companies would want them

Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Mission and vision statements are concepts that are often discussed at meetings
where companies discuss and debate whether or not to implement them to ensure
sustained profitability or increase the motivation of employees. This, however, is a
misconception in the business world since mission and vision statements do not lead
to instantaneous success. Mission and vision statements are strategic tools to help
organisations to focus on what they are good at and what they stand for. Mission
statements help an organisation to identify which current direction the organisation
should be taking, whereas a vision statement helps an organisation to identify where
it wants to be in the future.
A mission and vision statement provides a goal towards which the people of the
company can work so that it can be profitable and endure lasting success. This goal
binds the workers of an organisation, resulting in people that are happy since they
know what the organisation's core purpose is. They key importance of these
statements is that they provide guidance of strategic and day-ta-day operational
Companies that enjoy enduring success have core values and a core purpose that
remain fixed, while their business strategies and practices endlessly adapt to a
changing world. The dynamics of preserving the core while stimulating progress is
the reason that companies such as Hewlett Packard, 3M, Merck, Sony and
Nordstrom became elite institutions able to renew themselves.
It is important to realise is that there is no documented proof that organisations that
do not have these mission and vision statements are less successful than those that
do have them.
The dynamic of the concepts developed in Built to Last, i.e. preserving the
core/stimulate the progress should be kept in mind. Neither vision nor mission
statements are the primary engines of enduring great companies, and bear in mind
that visions simply provide the guiding context for bringing the this dynamic to life. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Missie en visie stellings word dikwels by maatskappy vergaderings bespreek. Die
implementering hiervan word beredeneer ten einde voortgesette maatskappy
winsgewendheid te verseker en verhoogde werknemer motivering te bewerkstellig.
Die sakewêreld het egter 'n wanbegrip van missie en visie stellings aangesien dit nie
opsigself lei tot onmiddellike sukses nie. Dit is bloot strategiese middele wat 'n
organisasie help fokus op dit waarin hulle goed is en waarna hulle streef. Missie
stellings help 'n organisasie om onmiddelik rigting te kry terwyl visie stellings help om
toekomstige posisie te identifiseer.
Die missie en visie stellings stel 'n doelwit waarna die mense in 'n maatskappy kan
werk sodat winsgewendheid en volhoubare sukses behaal kan word. Werknemers in
'n maatskappy word verbind tot hierdie doelwit en dit het werkstevredenheid tot
gevolg omdat die kern doel van die organisasie verstaan word. Die belangrikste
aspek van hierdie stellings is dat dit 'n riglyn stel vir strategiese en daaglikse
operasionele besluitneming.
Maatskappye wat volhoubare sukses bewerkstellig, het 'n vaste doel en kern
waardes terwyl hul sakestrategie en praktyk gedurig aanpas tot die veranderende
wêreld. Die dinamiek van kernbehouding en die stimulasie van vooruitgang is die
rede tot maatskappye soos Hewlett Packard, 3M, Merck, Sony en Nordstrom se
posisie as elite instansies wat hulself kan hernu.
Dit is belangrik om kennis te neem dat geen gedokumenteerde bewys bestaan dat
maatskappye wat nie 'n missie en visie stelling het nie, minder suksesvol is as dié
wat wel 'n missie en visie stelling het nie.
Die dinamiek van die konsep ontwikkel in "Built to Last", naamlik behoud van die kern
en stimulasie van vooruitgang, moet in gedagte gehou word. Visie en missie stellings
is nie die primêre dryfkrag van blywende maatskappye nie, maar skep bloot die
rigtinggewende konteks om hierdie dinamika lewe te gee.
Date12 1900
CreatorsSchuyling van Doorn, Stefan E.
ContributorsBurger, J., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic & Management Sciences. Graduate School of Business.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
Format73 p.
RightsStellenbosch University

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