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An evaluation of service delivery at Germiston police station

The aim of the study is to establish how clients of the Germiston police station experience service delivery from personnel at their local police station and how police officials perceive their service delivery. This research wants to determine the extent of knowledge skills and attitude within the SAPS. The main objective was to evaluate services delivered by SAPS personnel. A qualitative research approach was chosen because it is flexible. The results of the study identified gaps. A significant shortage of personnel in the client service centre was noted. Furthermore, the results revealed that there is poor management and evaluation of the service delivery process. To have an effective and efficient service delivery process, it is recommended that the management of Germiston police station re-enforce legislation on service delivery and human resource capacity with the introduction of a customer service agent in the client service center and implement a monitoring and evaluation strategy. / Inhloso yocwaningo ngukubheka ukuthi abahlinzekwa usizo esiteshini samaphoyisa saseGermiston baluthola kanjani usizo esiteshini samaphoyisa sendawo nokuthi amaphoyisa akubona kanjani ukuhlinzeka kwawo usizo. Lolu cwaningo luhlose ukuveza izinga lamakhono olwazi kanye nokuziphatha ophikweni lamaphoyisa iSAPS. Injongo enkulu kwakuwukuhlaziywa usizo oluhlinzekwa abasebenzi bakwaSAPS. Kwakhethwa indlela yocwaningo ebheka amaqiniso ngoba iyaququleka. Imiphumela yocwaningo yaveza izindawo okungenzeki kahle kuzona. Kwabonakala ukuntuleka okukhulu kwabasebenzi esikhungweni sosizo okuhlinzekwa kubantu. Phezu kwalokho, imiphumela yaveza ukuthi kunokungaphathwa ngendlela nokungahlaziywa kahle kohlelo lokuhlinzekwa kosizo. Ukuze kube khona uhlelo lokuhlinzekwa kosizo olusebenza ngempumelelo nangokonga, kunconywa ukuba abaphathi besiteshi samaphoyisa saseGermiston baphoqe iqoqomthetho maqondana nokuhlinzekwa kosizo, mayelana nabasebenzi abanele kanye nokulethwa komuntu ozobhekana nezindaba zokugculiseka kwamakhasimende esikhungweni sosizo oluhlinzekwa kubantu futhi kuqale kulandelwe isu lokuqapha nokuhlaziya. / Maikemišetšo a thutelo ye ke go hlagiša ka moo badirelwa ba seteišene sa maphodisa sa Germiston ba itemogelago kabo ya ditirela go tšwa go bašomedi ba seteišeneng sa maphodisa sa tikologong ya bona le ka moo bahlankedi ba maphodiša ba bonago kabo ya ditirelo tša bona ka gona. Nyakišišo ye e nyaka go laetša bogolo bja go ba le tsebo le boitshwaro ka go SAPS. Maikemišetšo a magolo e be e le go lekola ditirelo tšeo di abilwego ke bašomedi ba SAPS. Mokgwatebelelo wa dinyakišišo ka go rerišana le banyakišišwa ore o be le kwešišo ya seo o se nyakišišago o kgethilwe ka gobane o ka fetolwa gabonolo. Dipoelo tša thutelo tlhokego ya tshedimošo ye e lekanego. Tlhaelo ye e bonagalago ya bašomedi senthareng ya go direla badirelwa e lemogilwe. Godimo ga moo, dipoela di utollotše gore go na le tshepedišo ye e fokolago ya taolo le tshekatsheko ya kabo ya ditirelo. Gore go be le tshepedišo ye e kgontšhago ya kabo ya ditirelo, go eletšwa gore bolaodi bja seteišene sa maphodisa sa Germiston bo tlaleletše maatla a melao ya kabo ya ditirelo le bokgoni bja dithuši tša batho ka godira gore go be le Modiri wa kabo ya ditirelo senthareng ya dirirelo tša badirelwa le go phethagatša maanotshepetšo a go lebeledišiša le tekolo. / Criminology and Security Science / M. A. (Criminal Justice)
Date02 1900
CreatorsMaboa, Cathrine Kgomotso
ContributorsSnyman, Hendrika Fransina
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
Format1 online resource (xiv, 104 leaves)

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