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Evolucioni odnosi u rodu CheilosiaMeigen, 1822 (Diptera: Syrphidae) / Evolutionary relationships in the genus CheilosiaMeigen, 1822 (Diptera: Syrphidae)

<p>U radu su analizirani nukleotidni diverzitet COI mtDNK i fenotipska varijabilnost &nbsp;veličinskih komponenti krila taksona roda&nbsp;<em> Cheilosia</em>. Dobijeni podaci su kori&scaron;ćeni u&nbsp;sagledavanju filogenetskih i&nbsp; evolucionih odnosa odabranih taksona. Amplificiran je i&nbsp;sekvenciran 3&#39; kraj gena COI mtDNK 119 jedinki 14 vrsta roda<em> Cheilosias</em>akupljenih na 8&nbsp;lokaliteta Balkanskog poluostrva i u Laponiji, Finska (vrsta C. albitarsis). Analizom su bile obuhvaćene i sekvence COI mtDNK devet vrsta C. melanuragrupe i tri vrste C. &nbsp;canicularis grupe preuzete iz Banke Gena. Geometrijsko morfometrijskom metodom analizirane su veličinske komponente desnog krila (oblik i veličina) 4717 jedinki 29 vrsta roda Cheilosia poreklom sa 21 područja Balkanskog poluostrva.</p><p>U radu su utvrđeni diferencijalni fenotipovi veličine i oblika krila i specijes-specifični&nbsp;haplotipovi COI mtDNK koji su omogućili identifikaciju i razdvajanje blisko srodnih vrsta&nbsp;roda Cheilosia. Analizom parametara krila kod većine analiziranih taksona utvrđene su&nbsp;značajne razlike između konspecifičkih populacija većine analiziranih taksona, kod je jasan&nbsp;&nbsp; polni dimorfizam u obliku krila uočen kod svih analiziranih vrsta.</p><p>Usagla&scaron;eno filogenetsko stablo na osnovu sekvenci 3&#39; COI mtDNK ukazuje na&nbsp;monofiletski rod <em>Cheilosiau</em> okviru kojeg se izdvajaju četiri jasno odvojene klade koje&nbsp;odgovaraju podrodovima <em>Convocheila,&nbsp; Taeniochilosia,&nbsp; Eucartosyrphusi Cheilosias</em>. str.&nbsp;definisanim na osnovu morfolo&scaron;kih karaktera tradicionalnom &nbsp;taksonomijom (((<em>Cheilosia </em>s.&nbsp; str. +<em> Eucartosyrphus</em>) + <em>Taeniochilosia</em>) + <em>Convocheila</em>). Unutar klade <em>Cheilosias.</em> str. sve analizirane vrste su formirale monofiletske klastere sa &nbsp;njima blisko srodnim vrstama. Fenogrami evolucionih odnosa konstruisani su UPGMA metodom na osnovu oblika krila su bili podudarni sa topologijom filogenetskih stabla analiziranih grupa vrsta.</p> / <p>Nucleotide COI mtDNA diversity and phenotypic variation of wing parameters (size&nbsp;and shape) of taxa of the genus <em>Cheilosiawere</em> analysed. Obtained data were used to solve phylogenetic and evolutionary relationships of these taxa. A total of 119 specimens from 14 <em>Cheilosiaspecies</em> collected from eight localities on the Balkan Peninsula and one from Finnish Lapland (specimens of <em>C. albitarsis</em>) were used for DNA sequencing. Amplification was attempted for 3&#39; end of COI mtDNA gene (and 5&#39; COI mtDNA and ITS2 rDNA in <em>C.&nbsp;laticornis&nbsp;</em>species group). COI mtDNA sequences from nine species of the <em>C. melanura </em>group and three species of the <em>C. canicularis</em> group were obtained from GenBank. Geometric morphometric analysis of wing size and shape was conducted on 4717 specimens from 29 species collected from 21 localities on the Balkan Peninsula.</p><p>Based on differential phenotypes of wing size and shape and species-specific COI&nbsp;mtDNA haplotypes it was possible to identify and delimitate closely related species of genus&nbsp; Cheilosia. It was estimated that size and shape variation occurred among conspecific populations. A consistent sexual wing shape dimorphism was revealed in all analyzed species.</p><p>Strict consensus cladogram based on COI mtDNA data revealed monophyletic genus <em>&nbsp;Cheilosia</em><i>&nbsp;</i>and subgeneric divisions that are congruent with subgenera described based on traditional morphological character (((<em>Cheilosia</em> s. str. +<em> Eucartosyrphus</em>) + <em>Taeniochilosia</em>) + <em>Convocheila</em>). Within the clade <em>Cheilosias</em>. str. closely related species group were supported as monophyletic. UPGMA phenograms of evolutionary relationships based od wing traits produced the same topology as the phylogenetictrees constructed using molecular data.</p>
Date08 May 2008
CreatorsLudoški Jasmina
ContributorsMilankov Vesna, Šimić Smiljka, Stamenković-Radak Marina, Vujić Ante
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Prirodno-matematički fakultet u Novom Sadu, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences at Novi Sad
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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