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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Žaliųjų varlių morfometriniai tyrimai, skirtingo tipo biotopuose, Utenos–Zarasų rajonuose / Green frogs (rana spp.) morphometric data investigation in utena and zarasai districts (lithuania)

Zelevas, Mantas 25 June 2014 (has links)
The reseach „Morphometrical, fenetic diversity and varietal composition of the green frogs complex in the diferent types biotopes in Utena and Zarasai region“, has analysed statistical comparing between 2 common in Lithuania green frogs species Rana lessonae and Rana esculenta. Researching were made in 2008 summer season in five different types biotopes suitable for the green frogs living. It were in Daugailiai vilage stewed mere, Pajuodupis swamp, Petrūniškis lake, Garneliai mere and Zarasai Polimerai quarry water pounds. There was collected information about frogs fenetic, morphometric variety, males and females abdunce. The distribution of the species depends on the biotopes conditions. L. lessonae and the mongreal specie of the R. esculenta lives together in the same pounds where is less of antropogenic influence. There were observed dominating fens U, M, SP, SM, P and found most common morphs in all populations. It were SM and SP. In comparison with males number, femails dominating exept pajuodupis swamp.The amount of hybridical specie is smaller than parentalistic specie of Rana lessonae. Morphometrical indexes were similar in both species. The differrences were aparent comparing single signs like body length and made statistical comparisons. / The reseach „Morphometrical, fenetic diversity and varietal composition of the green frogs complex in the diferent types biotopes in Utena and Zarasai region“, has analysed statistical comparing between 2 common in Lithuania green frogs species Rana lessonae and Rana esculenta. Researching were made in 2008 summer season in five different types biotopes suitable for the green frogs living. It were in Daugailiai vilage stewed mere, Pajuodupis swamp, Petrūniškis lake, Garneliai mere and Zarasai Polimerai quarry water pounds. There was collected information about frogs fenetic, morphometric variety, males and females abdunce. The distribution of the species depends on the biotopes conditions. L. lessonae and the mongreal specie of the R. esculenta lives together in the same pounds where is less of antropogenic influence. There were observed dominating fens U, M, SP, SM, P and found most common morphs in all populations. It were SM and SP. In comparison with males number, femails dominating exept pajuodupis swamp.The amount of hybridical specie is smaller than parentalistic specie of Rana lessonae. Morphometrical indexes were similar in both species. The differrences were aparent comparing single signs like body length and made statistical comparisons.

Elninių žvėrių gausumo kitimas Rytinėje Lietuvos dalyje bei stirninų ir tauriųjų elnių ragų morfometrinės charakteristikos skirtingose teritorijose / Abundance variation of cervids in east lithuania and antlers morphometric characteristics of deer and roe deer in different areas

Umbrasas, Dainius 25 June 2014 (has links)
Elninių žvėrių gausumo kitimas rytinėja Lietuvos dalyje 2004 - 2010 metais. Taip pat tauriųjų elnių bei stirninų sumedžiotų 2006 - 2009 metais morfometrinės ragų charakteristikos. Pietvakarių Lietuvoje pagal keletą požymių patikimai skyrėsi stirninų ragų morfometrija lyginant su kitomis Lietuvos dalimis. / This research is made to estimate live stock of Cervidae family animals in east Lithuania territory during winter seasons of 2004 - 2010. Also evaluate 2006 - 2009 in Lithuania hunted roe deer and red deer precious antlers morphometric features of development and differences in individual parts of Lithuania.

Rudosios lapės (Vulpes vulpes), usurinio šuns (Nyctereutes procyonoides Grey.) morfometrija ir mityba šaltuoju metų periodu / Diet and morphometric analysis of red fox (vulpes vulpes) and raccon dog (nyctereutes procyonoides grey.)

Stonkus, Ričardas 25 November 2010 (has links)
2005 – 2007 m. šaltuoju metų periodu (rudenį ir žiemą) buvo tirta rudųjų lapių (Vulpes vulpes L.) ir usūrinių šunų (Nyctereutes procyonoides Grey.) mityba ir morfometrija. Tyrimams buvo naudojamos sumedžiotos lapės ir usūriniai šunys skirti kailių išdirbimui bei iškamšų darymui. Visi tirti gyvūnai buvo pasverti. Iš viso atlikti 5 kūno ir 16 kaukolės matavimų, apskaičiuoti kaukolės, kiaušo ir snukio indeksai. Pas rudasias lapes rasti statistiškai patikimi skirtumai tarp patinų ir patelių buvo pagal visus 5 kūno matmenis. Atlikus kraniometrinę analizę rasti 6 statistiškai patikimi skirtumai tarp usūrinių šunų ir 10 patikimų skirtumų tarp rudosios lapės patinų ir patelių. Atlikus tarprūšinę analizę rasta 15 statistiškai patikimų skirtumų tarp patinų ir tiek pat tarp patelių. Usūrinių šunų kaukolės ir snukio indeksai didesni už lapių, jais galima remtis atskiriant šių gyvūnų kaukoles. Taip pat buvo atlikta skrandžių analizė, apskaičiuotas mitybos objektų aptikimo dažnis ir santykinis tūris, įvertintas tirtų plėšrūnų mitybinių nišų persidengimas. Šaltuoju periodu smulkūs žinduoliai ir kanopinių dvėseliena yra pagrindinis šių plėšrūnų maistas. Labai svarbus usūrinių šunų maisto komponentas yra javai ir vaisiai. Žiemą lapių mityboje dar labiau svarbesni tampa kiškiai ir kanopinių žinduolių arba naminių gyvulių dvėseliena ir skerdiena. Per pus mažiau, šiuo metų laiku lapės minta augalinės kilmės maistu (vaisiai, javai, žoliniai augalai). Mitybinių nišų plotis ir persidengimas... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The diet composition of red fox (Vulpes vulpes L.), raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides Grey.), using stomach analysis, and the morphometrical differences of red fox (Vulpes vulpes L.) were studied in Lithuania. Forty-three males and twenty-eight females of red fox were measured at the 5 measurement points. Furthermore, eighty eight red foxes and forty one raccoon dog skulls were measured at the 16 measurement points, mandibles at the 3 measurement points.5 statistically significant differences in measurements of red fox body were obtained between males and females. Eight skulls and one mandible features of the male foxes were statistically significantly longer compared to the same females foxes features. Five statistically significant differences were found between skull measurement point and one statistically significant difference between mandible measurement points of raccoon dog. Furthermore fifteen significant differences were found between measurements in males and fourteen between measurements in females. The frequency of occurrence and relative capacity were evaluated. In the cold season (November-February), small mammals and carrion of ungulates was the principal food of both predator species. For the raccoon dog plants were an important food component too.

Evolucioni odnosi u rodu CheilosiaMeigen, 1822 (Diptera: Syrphidae) / Evolutionary relationships in the genus CheilosiaMeigen, 1822 (Diptera: Syrphidae)

Ludoški Jasmina 08 May 2008 (has links)
<p>U radu su analizirani nukleotidni diverzitet COI mtDNK i fenotipska varijabilnost &nbsp;veličinskih komponenti krila taksona roda&nbsp;<em> Cheilosia</em>. Dobijeni podaci su kori&scaron;ćeni u&nbsp;sagledavanju filogenetskih i&nbsp; evolucionih odnosa odabranih taksona. Amplificiran je i&nbsp;sekvenciran 3&#39; kraj gena COI mtDNK 119 jedinki 14 vrsta roda<em> Cheilosias</em>akupljenih na 8&nbsp;lokaliteta Balkanskog poluostrva i u Laponiji, Finska (vrsta C. albitarsis). Analizom su bile obuhvaćene i sekvence COI mtDNK devet vrsta C. melanuragrupe i tri vrste C. &nbsp;canicularis grupe preuzete iz Banke Gena. Geometrijsko morfometrijskom metodom analizirane su veličinske komponente desnog krila (oblik i veličina) 4717 jedinki 29 vrsta roda Cheilosia poreklom sa 21 područja Balkanskog poluostrva.</p><p>U radu su utvrđeni diferencijalni fenotipovi veličine i oblika krila i specijes-specifični&nbsp;haplotipovi COI mtDNK koji su omogućili identifikaciju i razdvajanje blisko srodnih vrsta&nbsp;roda Cheilosia. Analizom parametara krila kod većine analiziranih taksona utvrđene su&nbsp;značajne razlike između konspecifičkih populacija većine analiziranih taksona, kod je jasan&nbsp;&nbsp; polni dimorfizam u obliku krila uočen kod svih analiziranih vrsta.</p><p>Usagla&scaron;eno filogenetsko stablo na osnovu sekvenci 3&#39; COI mtDNK ukazuje na&nbsp;monofiletski rod <em>Cheilosiau</em> okviru kojeg se izdvajaju četiri jasno odvojene klade koje&nbsp;odgovaraju podrodovima <em>Convocheila,&nbsp; Taeniochilosia,&nbsp; Eucartosyrphusi Cheilosias</em>. str.&nbsp;definisanim na osnovu morfolo&scaron;kih karaktera tradicionalnom &nbsp;taksonomijom (((<em>Cheilosia </em>s.&nbsp; str. +<em> Eucartosyrphus</em>) + <em>Taeniochilosia</em>) + <em>Convocheila</em>). Unutar klade <em>Cheilosias.</em> str. sve analizirane vrste su formirale monofiletske klastere sa &nbsp;njima blisko srodnim vrstama. Fenogrami evolucionih odnosa konstruisani su UPGMA metodom na osnovu oblika krila su bili podudarni sa topologijom filogenetskih stabla analiziranih grupa vrsta.</p> / <p>Nucleotide COI mtDNA diversity and phenotypic variation of wing parameters (size&nbsp;and shape) of taxa of the genus <em>Cheilosiawere</em> analysed. Obtained data were used to solve phylogenetic and evolutionary relationships of these taxa. A total of 119 specimens from 14 <em>Cheilosiaspecies</em> collected from eight localities on the Balkan Peninsula and one from Finnish Lapland (specimens of <em>C. albitarsis</em>) were used for DNA sequencing. Amplification was attempted for 3&#39; end of COI mtDNA gene (and 5&#39; COI mtDNA and ITS2 rDNA in <em>C.&nbsp;laticornis&nbsp;</em>species group). COI mtDNA sequences from nine species of the <em>C. melanura </em>group and three species of the <em>C. canicularis</em> group were obtained from GenBank. Geometric morphometric analysis of wing size and shape was conducted on 4717 specimens from 29 species collected from 21 localities on the Balkan Peninsula.</p><p>Based on differential phenotypes of wing size and shape and species-specific COI&nbsp;mtDNA haplotypes it was possible to identify and delimitate closely related species of genus&nbsp; Cheilosia. It was estimated that size and shape variation occurred among conspecific populations. A consistent sexual wing shape dimorphism was revealed in all analyzed species.</p><p>Strict consensus cladogram based on COI mtDNA data revealed monophyletic genus <em>&nbsp;Cheilosia</em><i>&nbsp;</i>and subgeneric divisions that are congruent with subgenera described based on traditional morphological character (((<em>Cheilosia</em> s. str. +<em> Eucartosyrphus</em>) + <em>Taeniochilosia</em>) + <em>Convocheila</em>). Within the clade <em>Cheilosias</em>. str. closely related species group were supported as monophyletic. UPGMA phenograms of evolutionary relationships based od wing traits produced the same topology as the phylogenetictrees constructed using molecular data.</p>

Tauriųjų elnių (Cervus elaphus L.) auginimas aptvaruose / Breeding of Red Deers (Cervus elaphus L.) in Enclosures

Gavorka, Vaidotas 21 June 2010 (has links)
Magistro darbe tiriami tauriųjų elnių auginimo aptvaruose ypatumai Lietuvos sąlygomis. Darbo objektas - S.Petraičio privatus elnininkystės ūkis, esantis Joniškio rajone. Darbo tikslas - išaiškinti aptvaruose auginamų tauriųjų elnių augimo ir veisimosi ypatumus. Darbo uždaviniai – nustatyti tauriųjų elnių veisimosi, kūno ir ragų augimo ypatumus, užsikrėtimą ligomis bei parazitais. Išaiškinti ar šėrimo racionas tenkina tauriųjų elnių poreikius. Darbo metodai – vizualinis tauriųjų elnių stebėjimas visais metų laikais, nustatant elgsenos ypatumus. Helmintų tyrimas (helmintoovoskopija) – laboratorijoje tiriami sviežiai surinkti tauriųjų elnių ekskrementai. Šėrimo raciono išaiškinimas, pagal maisto medžiagų kiekius skirtingose pašaro rūšyse ir elnių poreikius nustatomas jo pakankamumas. Rujos, jauniklių vedimo bei įvairių kitų darbų ir operacijų stebėjimas tiesiogiai dalyvaujant jose (haremų tvarkymas, vakcinavimas, ženklinimas (numeravimas), ir kt.). Kūno morfometrijos duomenys surinkti iš jau sumedžiotų elnių. Numestų ragų matavimas pagal CIC sistemą. Darbo rezultatai – intensyviai ūkininkaujant ir esant labai dideliam tauriųjų elnių tankumui susiduriama su labai daug problemų. Joniškio rajone esančiame elnininkystės ūkyje paskutiniais duomenimis yra 800 tauriųjų elnių, kurie gyvena 150 ha senų obelų sodų ir natūralių pievų, t.y. 5,3 individo kiekviename hektare. Esant tokiam žvėrių tankiui ir nevykdant dehelmintizacijos absoliučiai visi jauni elniai, o ypač iki vienerių metų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In the Master’s Thesis the peculiarities of breeding the red deers in enclosures under the conditions of Lithuania are investigated. Work object – private deers’ farm of S.Petraitis in Joniškis region. Work aim – to reveal the peculiarities of growing and breeding of red deers in the enclosures. Work objectives – to ascertain the peculiarities of breeding the red deers, body and antlers, infection with diseases and parasites. To find out whether the feeding ration is suitable for the needs of the red deers. Work methods – visual observation of the red deers during all seasons, when determining the behaviour peculiarities. Analysis of helminths (helminthovoscopy) – the freshly collected excrements of the red deers are analysed in the laboratory. The exploration of feeding ration – its sufficiency is estimated according to the nourishing quantities in the types of feed and the needs of deers. The observation of rut, calving and various works and operations is performed by taking part directly in them (arranging of harems, vaccination, marking (numbering), etc.). The body morphometry data are collected from the bagged deers. Metering of dropped antlers according to CIC system. Work results – when performing the intensive farming and when the big density of the red deers is estimated, a lot of problems arise. According to the recent data, in the farm of deers in Joniškis region 800 red deers live in the garden of old apple-trees and natural meadows of 150 ha, i.e. 5.3... [to full text]

Morfološka varijabilnost vrsta roda Anacamptis Rich. (Orchidoideae, Orchidaceae) na području Balkanskog poluostrva i Panonske nizije / Morphological variability of species of the genusAnacamptis Rich. (Orchidoideae, Orchidaceae) in the Balkan Peninsula and the Pannonian Plain

Radak Boris 04 November 2019 (has links)
<p>Pored rodova evropskih orhideja koji se odlikuju velikim stepenom diverzifikacije, kao i značajnim brojem novoopisanih vrsta, kao &scaron;to su <em>Ophrys </em>ili<em> Epipactis,</em> rod<em> Anacamptis </em>je ostao poprilično zapostavljen u orhidolo&scaron;kim istraživanjima. Na predstavnicima ovog roda uglavnom su vr&scaron;ena molekularna istraživanja, u kojima je bio uključen i veći broj drugih rodova.Takođe, urađene su i opsežne studije, ali samo na pojedinim vrstama. Morfolo&scaron;ka istraživanja su bila veoma retka i uz par uzuzetaka, ograničena na geografski mala područja i na jednu ili nekoliko morfolo&scaron;ki sličnih vrsta. Analiza morfolo&scaron;ke varijabilnosti ovolikog broja taksona roda<em> Anacamptis</em> na geografski relativno velikom području kakvo je Balkansko poluostrvo, kao i deo Panonske nizije koji se oslanja na njega, do&nbsp; sada nije bilo sprovedeno. Morfolo&scaron;kim analizama bili su podvrgnuti gotovo svi predstavnici ovog roda u rangu vrste i podvrste, a koji se javljaju na području kopnenog dela Balkanskog poluostrva, kao i južnog oboda Panonske nizije. Sprovedene su jednostrane i uporedne morfolo&scaron;ke analize sa detaljnomobradom podataka metodama bazične, univarijantne i multivarijantne statistike. Do sada najvećim istraživanjem taksona roda<em> Anacamptis</em>, po broju obrađenih jedinki i području na kom je sprovedeno, bila je obuhvaćena 2001 jedinka iz 185&nbsp; populacija. Analizirane su prirodne populacije, ali i materijal iz Herbarijuma BUNS. Ukupno je definisano 69 morfolo&scaron;kih karaktera, kvantitativnih i kvalitativnih, a među njima su traženi oni koji imaju potencijalno diferencijalni karakter između opisanih vrsta i infraspecijskih taksona. Analize su obuhvatile i interpopulacionu morfolo&scaron;ku varijabilnost u okviru svakog taksona, a u cilju uočavanja postojanja određenih geografskih obrazaca njenih promena. Morfolo&scaron;ki karakteri koji su se u sprovedenim analizama pokazali kao taksonomski informativni, iskori&scaron;ćeni su za formiranje dihotomog ključa za determinaciju taksona roda <em>Anacamptis</em> prisutnih na istraživanom području. Analizama je utvrđen veliki broj karaktera koji su statistički značajno različiti između analiziranih populacija, podvrsta i vrsta. Većina karaktera je pokazala umerenu ili nisku varijabilnost, a u retkim slučajevima i povećanu. Karakteri cveta međusobno su statistički značajno korelisani,većina slabo do umereno, dok su oni na listićima kacige, kao i između labeluma i drugih delova cveta jako do izrazito jako povezani. Jedini takson koji nije pokazao nikakvu infraspecijsku diferencijaciju, a koji se odlikuje velikom unutari interpopulacionom varijabilno&scaron;ću je<em> A. pyramidalis</em>. Iz istog razloga je pokazano kao neosnovano izdvajanje jedinki iz različitih delova njegovog areala u do sada opisane infraspecijske oblike. Potvrđena je niska morfolo&scaron;ka varijabilnost uskorasprostranjene vrste <em>A. boryi.</em> Kod svih preostalih istraživanih taksona utvrđeno je postojanje određenih obrazaca geografske interpopulacione varijabilnosti i infraspecijske struktuiranosti.Populacije <em>A. laxiflora</em> subsp. <em>laxiflora </em>mogu se podeliti na jadranske i kontinentalne, pri čemu najzapadnije pokazuju i najmanje vrednosti analiziranih karaktera. <em>A. coriophora </em>subsp.<em> fragrans </em>se pokazala kao manje varijabilnom od tipske podvrste, ali je u okviru nje kao zaseban takson izdvojen var. <em>hermae </em>kao fenolo&scaron;ki, ekolo&scaron;ki i morfolo&scaron;ki odvojen u odnosu na ostaleispitivane populacije. Tipska podvrsta pokazuje obrazac variranja ukupne morfolo&scaron;ke varijabilnosti u pravcu zapad-istok. Kao karakteri koji su najznačajniji za diferencijaciju podvrsta vrste<em> A. palustris</em> izdvojeni su dužina i &scaron;irina brakteje, stepen diferenciranosti labeluma na režnjeve, kao i dubina sinusa koja ih razdvaja. Populacije<em> A. palustris</em> subsp. <em>elegans</em> moguće je podeliti na tri geografski i morfolo&scaron;ki definisane grupe &ndash; istočnobalkansku, zapadnobalkansku i periferne populacije sa severa Srbije i iz Slovenije. Kao diferencijalni karakteri između taksona sekcije <em>Laxiflorae</em> pokazali su se odnos između dužine plodnika i brakteje, kao i dužina srednjeg režnja labeluma. Vrsta<em> A. morio </em>je po prvi put jasno morfolo&scaron;ki i arealno podeljena na dve podvrste na istraživanom području. Podvrste pokazuju velika preklapanja vrednosti morfolo&scaron;kih karaktera, ali se obe odlikuju specifičnim karakteristikama cveta, pre svega labeluma na osnovu kojih ih je moguće razlikovati. Definisani su areali podvrsta<em> A.morio </em>na istraživanom području &ndash; tipska podvrsta je prevashodno severnija i zapadnija, dok je subsp.<em> caucasica </em>južnija i istočnija. Prvu odlikuju krupniji cvetovi, bubrežastih labeluma sa srednjim režnjem koji ne prevazilazi značajno dužinu bočnih, dok je druga sa sitnijim cvetovima i snažno isturenim srednjim režnjem. Obe podvrste mogu se podeliti na grupe populacija sa jasno definisanim geografskim raspostranjenjem. Vrsta <em>A. papilionacea </em>je po prvi put morfolo&scaron;ki istaživana na većem broju primeraka, a ne prostim poređenjem pojedinačnih primeraka iz različitih delova areala. Pokazana je morfolo&scaron;ka diferenciranost na dve podvrste &ndash; tipsku i subsp. aegaea, koje se jasno morfolo&scaron;ki razlikuju i zauzimaju različite delove areala vrste. U okviru subsp. <em>papilionacea</em> registrovan je klinalni raspored morfolo&scaron;ke varijabilnosti u pravcu sever-jug. Registrovana su i tri hibrida, nova za područje pojedinih zemalja &ndash; A. <em>&times; gennarii</em> (Severna Makedonija),A. <em>&times; parvifolia</em> (Crna Gora) i A. &times; <em>timbali</em> (Srbija). Hibridi pokazuju generalnu morfolo&scaron;ku intermedijarnost u odnosu na roditelje, ali se odlikuju i novim stanjima karaktera, nezabeleženim kod roditeljskih taksona. Slični obrasci morfolo&scaron;ke varijabilnosti, kako na interpopulacionom nivou pojedinih vrsta, ali iizmeđu podvrsta svake istraživane vrste, pokazuju jasnu vezu između istraživanih taksona i jo&scaron; jednom opravdavaju njihovo zajedničko grupisanje u rod<em> Anacamptis.</em></p> / <p>Unlike the highly diversified and species-rich genera of European orchids, such as<em> Ophrys </em>or <em>Epipac</em>tis, the genus <em>Anacamptis </em>has remained quite neglected in orchidological research. Representatives of this genus, together with many others genera, were investigated mainly by molecular methods. Also, extensive studies have been done, but only on specific species. Morphological studies were very rare, and with a few exceptions, limited to geographically small areas and one or more morphologically similar species. Analysis of the morphological variability of so many taxa of the genus <em>Anacamptis</em>, in a is, in a geographically relatively large area such as the Balkan Peninsula, as geographically relatively large area such as the Balkan Peninsula, as well as the southern part of the Pannonian Plain, has not been conducted so far. Morphological analyses were<br />performed on almost all representatives of this genus,in the species and subspecies rank , occurring in the Balkan Peninsula mainland, as well as in the southern perimeter of the Pannonian Plain. Comparativemorphological analyses were conducted using the methods of basic, univariate and multivariate statistics.So far, the largest study of the genus&nbsp; nacamptis, by the number of processed individuals and the area in which it was conducted, included 2001 individuals from 185 populations. Natural populations and&nbsp; material from the BUNS Herbarium were analyzed. A total of 69 morphological characters, quantitative and&nbsp; qualitative, were defined, and those that have a potentially differential character among analyzed species and infraspecific taxa were selected. The analyzes also included interpopulation morphological variability within each taxon, to identify the existence of specific geographic patterns of its changes. The morphological characters that proved to be taxonomically informative, were used to form the dichotomous key for the determination of the genus Anacamptis members, presented in the study area. The analyzes identified a large number of characters that were statistically significantly different between the analyzed populations, subspecies, and species. Most of the characters showed moderate or low variability, and in rare cases increased variability. Flower&rsquo;s characters were statistically significantly correlated with each other, most of them weakly to moderately, while those of the sepals and petals, as well as between the&nbsp; labellum and other parts of the flower, were very strongly correlated. The only taxon that has not shown any infraspecific differentiation (except <em>A. boryi</em>), and which is characterized by high intra- and interpopulation variability, is A. pyramidalis. For the same reason, it has been shown as unjustified to separate individuals from different parts of species range into infraspecific forms. The low morphological variability of the narrowly distributed A. boryi was confirmed. In all other taxa studied, the existence of certain patterns of geographical interpopulation variability and infraspecific structuring was detected. <em>A. laxiflora</em> subsp. <em>laxiflora</em> populations can be divided into two groups &ndash; Adriatic and Continental, with the lowest characters values measured among the westernmost populations. <em>A. coriophora s</em>ubsp. <em>fragrans</em> proved to be less variable than the type subspecies, but within it, a new variety (var. hermae) as phenological, ecological and morphologically distinct from other studied populations was described. The typesubspecies has a transition of morphological variability in a west-east direction. The characters that are the most important for differentiation of A. palustris subspecies are the&nbsp; bract length and width, the degree of labellum differentiation into lobes, and the depth of the sinuses that separate them. Populations of A. palustris subsp. elegan<em>s </em>can be divided into three geographically and morphologically defined groups &ndash; Eastern Balkan, Western Balkan and peripheral populations from the North Serbia and Slovenia. Differential characters&nbsp; among the Laxiflorae section taxa are ration between the ovary length and bract length, as well as the labellum middle lobe length. For the first time, species <em>A. morio </em>is morphologically and geographically divided into two subspecies, in the&nbsp; study area. Analyzed subspecies have great overlapping values for many morphological characters, but both are characterized by specific flower&rsquo;s characteristics, above all labellum shape. On this basis, it is possible to distinguish them. Areals of <em>A</em>. <em>morio </em>subspecies were defined &ndash; the type subspecies is predominantly northern and western,while subsp. caucasica is southern and eastern. The first is characterized by larger flowers, renal shape labellum with a median lobe that does not exceed significantly the length of the lateral ones, while the second subspecies has smaller flowers and strongly projecting the median lobe. Both subspecies can be divided into groups of populations that have clearly defined geographical distribution. For the first time, A. papilionacea was morphologically investigated on a larger number of specimens, unlike previous&nbsp;&nbsp; researches in which individual specimens from different parts of the range were simply compared. Morphological differentiation into two subspecies was shown &ndash; type and subsp. aegaea. They are morphologically distinct and occupy different parts of the species range. Within the subsp. papilionacea a clinal distribution of morphological variability in the north-south direction was recorded. Three taxa of hybrid origin, new for the area of North Macedonia (A.<em> &times; gennari</em>i), Montenegro (A. <em>&times; parvifolia</em>) and Serbia (A. &times; t<em>imbali</em>) were registered. Hybrids exhibit a general morphological intermediacy between parents but are also distinguished by new character states that were not observed in<br />parental taxa. Similar patterns of morphological variability, both at the interpopulation level ofindividual species and between the subspecies of each species studied, show a clear relationship between the studied taxa and once again justify their grouping into the genus <em>Anacamptis.</em></p>

Usūrinių šunų ir rudųjų lapių priekinės kojos griaučių morfometrinė analizė / Morphometric analysis of the skeleton of the foreleg of raccoon dogs and red foxes

Drazdauskaitė-Vaickelionė, Sandra 05 March 2014 (has links)
SANTRAUKA Šio darbo tikslas – atlikti rudųjų lapių ir usūrinių šunų priekinės galūnės ilgųjų kaulų morfometrinę analizę. Pagal gautus duomenis nustatyti skirtumus esančius tarp rūšių ir lyčių. Tyrimui panaudoti LSMU Veterinarijos akademijos Anatomijos ir fiziologijos katedroje sukaupti 12 – os suaugusių usūrinių šunų ir rudųjų lapių ilgieji kaulai: iš jų usūrinių šunų – 6 (3 patelės, 3 patinai), rudųjų lapių – 6 (3 patelės, 3 patinai). Atsiţvelgiant į tai, kad nebuvo pastebėta esminių ilgio ir pločio skirtumų tarp kaitės ir dešinės pusės galūnių, buvo tiriamos tik kairės pusės galūnės. Tirtas petikaulis, dilbio kaulai (stipinkaulis ir alkūnkaulis), plaštakos kaulai. Kaulai išmatuoti pagal (Bisaillon A., De Roth L., 1979) metodiką, naudojant mechaninį slankmatį 0,01 mm tikslumu. Pagal gautus duomenis išmatuoti septyni kaulų indeksai. Išmatavus ir palyginus usūrinių šunų ir rudųjų lapių patinų ir patelių ilguosius kaulus nustatyta, kad lapių patinų petikaulis, dilbio ir plaštakos kaulai ilgesni nei lapių patelių. Tarp kaulų pločio reikšmingų skirtumų nebuvo aptikta. Usūrinių šunų patinų petikaulis ir stipinkaulis ilgesnis nei usūrinių šunų patelių. Usūrinių šunų patelių alkūnkaulis ilgesnis nei usūrinių šunų patinų. Plaštakos kaulų ilgis ir plotis skyrėsi neţymiai. Palyginus tarprūšiniu poţiūriu, lapių patinų ilgieji kaulai ilgesni nei usūrinių šunų patinų. Tarp kaulų pločio esminių skirtumų nebuvo. Lapių patelių petikaulis ir dilbio kaulai ilgesni nei usūrinių šunų patelių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / SUMMARY Aim of this work – to perform morphometric analysis of the long bones of the foreleg of raccoon dogs and red foxes. To determine the differences between the sorts and sexes according to the data got. Long bones of 12 adult raccoon dogs and red foxes, kept at the Department of Anatomy and Physiology of Academy of Veterinary of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, have been analysed: 6 – of raccoon dogs (3 females, 3 males), 6 – of red foxes (3 females, 3 males). Humerus, forearm bones (radius and ulna), and metacarpal bones have been investigated. Bones have been measured according to (Bisaillon A., De Roth L., 1979) method, using mechanical calliper (precision of 0.1 mm). Seven indexes of the bones have been measured according to the data got. When the long bones of female and male raccoon dogs and red foxes have been measured and compared, it has been determined that humerus, forearm and metacarpal bones of the male foxes are longer compared to the female foxes. Significant differences of the bone width have not been determined. Humerus and radius of the male raccoon dogs are longer compared to the female raccoon dogs. Ulna of the female raccoon dogs is longer compared to the male raccoon dogs. Length and width of the metacarpal bones were different marginally. When compared according to the interspecific point of view, long bones of the male foxes are longer than bones of the raccoon dogs. There were no essential differences between widths of the bones... [to full text]

Morfološka i genetička raznovrsnost vrsta Carassius auratus sa teritorije Vojvodine i peripanonske oblasti / Morphological and genetic diversity of species Carassius auratuscomplex from the territory of Vojvodina and peri-Pannonian region

Bolić Trivunović Violeta 29 August 2016 (has links)
<p>Prema novijim istraživanjima, kompleks Carassius auratusčini najmanje pet vrsta roda&nbsp; Carassius: Carassius carassius, Carassius auratus, Carassius langsdorfii, Carassius cuvieri i Carassius gibelio. Vrste ovog roda su morfolo&scaron;ki veoma slične i nemoguće ih je razlikovati na osnovu uobičajenih morfolo&scaron;kih karaktera, te su ranije&nbsp; sve determinisane kao Carassius auratus gibelio ili Carassius gibelio. Jedina vrsta koja se značajnije razlikuje je Carassius carassius.&nbsp; Smara se da su vrste ovog kompleksa unesene u Evropu iz Azije u 17. veku.</p><p>Najveći broj predstavnika kompleksa C. auratus je na teritoriji Evrope proteklih pedesetak godina determinisan je kao vrsta Carassius gibelio(C. auratus gibelio) (Bloch, 1783) (srebrni kara&scaron; ili babu&scaron;ka). S obzirom da su pripadnici ovog kompleksa registrovani u većini vodotokova Evrope, smatraju se najuspe&scaron;nijom invazivnom grupom slatkovodnih riba. Zbog svojih biolo&scaron;kih odlika (brz rast, različiti vidovi razmnožavanja, izuzetna otpornost na nepovoljne uslove) ove vrste veoma brzo postaju kompetitivne autohtonoj ihtiofauni za hranu i stani&scaron;te i neretko imaju izuzetno negativan uticaj na celokupan ekosistem koji nasele.</p><p>U ovoj disertaciji prvi put je izvr&scaron;ena identifikacija vrsta kompleksa Carassius auratus na teritoriji Vojvodine i peripanonske oblasti primenom specifičnih genetičkih markera (dela sekvence cytb gena). Primenom linearne i geometrijske morfometrije ispitivana je morfolo&scaron;ka varijabilnost različitih morfolo&scaron;kih celina (celo telo, kosti glavenog skeleta, cleithrum-a i krlju&scaron;ti) jedinki unutar kompleksa Carassius auratusizmeđu različitih lokaliteta sa različitim ekolo&scaron;kim uslovima (prisustvo predatora i protok), dok je primenom savremenih statističkih i matematičkih metoda (multi-modelne analize) analizirana dinamika rasta recentnih, kao i ranoinvazivnih populacija.</p><p>Metaanalizom dostupnih podataka utvrđena je veoma &scaron;iroka zastupljenost populacija vrsta kompleksa C. auratus na teritoriji Srbije. Beležene populacije su uglavnom pokazivale srednju do visoku zastupljenost (20-40%) u ukupnoj ihtiofauni uz uočljivo povećanje brojnosti u funkciji vremena. Na nekim lokalitetima se u nekoliko uzastopnih studija registruju veoma brojne popu-lacije vrsta ovog kompleksa (40-100% u ukupnom ulovu).</p><p>Za potrebe molekularno- taksonomskih analiza i analiza morfolo&scaron;ke varijabilnosti recentnih populacija uzorkovano je 280 jedinki u periodu 2012 &ndash; 2014.godine sa 14 različitih lokaliteta u&nbsp;Vojvodini i peripanonskoj oblasti. Sve jedinke u uzorku su prvo fotografisane za potrebe analiza linearne i geometrijske morfometrije, uzet je uzorak repnog peraja za dalje genetičke analize, a nakon toga su izvr&scaron;ena sva neophodna merenja&nbsp;&nbsp; morfometrijskih i merističkih karaktera radi ana-lize varijabilnosti među&nbsp; populacijama. Populaciono-genetičkim analizama sekvenci dela cytb gena utvrđeno je da su sve ispitivane jedinke pripadale vrsti Carassius gibelio I. Zbog biolo&scaron;kog stanja uzoraka, determinacija je bila moguća za samo 52 jedinki sa 11 lokaliteta te se ne bi smela isključiti mogućnost postojanja jo&scaron; nekih vrsta kompleksa C. auratus, kao &scaron;to su C. auratus i C. langsdorfi koje su prema navodima drugih autora beležene na teritorijama susednih zemalja.</p><p>Primenom linearne i geometrijske morfometrijske analize ustanovljena je izražena fenoti-pska varijabilnost u obliku tela i odabranih&nbsp; elemenata skeletnog sistema između riba sa različitih lokaliteta. Utvrđeno je odsustvo polnog dimorfizma. Najveću varijabilnost od svih morfolo&scaron;kih parametara pokazala je vrednost za visinu tela, i veličinu glave, dok su kod kostiju najvi&scaron;e varirale vrednosti za os pharyngii na kojoj su ždrelni zubi - dentes pharyngii.</p><p>Prisustvo predatora i protok vode na ispitivanim lokalitetima su ispoljili uticaj na morfolo&scaron;ku varijabilnost riba. Prisustvo predatora je uslovilo pojavu karakterističnog fenotipa riba sa visokim telom koje omogućava lak&scaron;e izbegavanje predatora.</p><p>Za analizu mofolo&scaron;ke varijabilnosti ranih invazivnih populacija vrsta kompleksa C. auratus kori&scaron;ćeni su podaci za 524 jedinke (prilikom izlova determinisane kao C. auratus gibelio) sa tri lokaliteta u Vojvodini iz perioda 1983 &ndash; 1985. godine. Lokaliteti su izabrani prema različitom načinu invazije vrsta kompleksa C. auratus. Analizama linearne morfometije i modela rasta ut-vrđeno je da su se lokaliteti na kojima su bile&nbsp; zastupljene namerne antropogene introdukcije nepoznatog porekla odlikovali mnogo većom morfolo&scaron;kom varijabilno&scaron;ću od lokaliteta u koje su jedinke dospele prirodnim putevima invazije izvećih vodotokova.</p><p>Analizama životne istorije i dinamike rasta na 395 jedinki vrsta kompleksa C. auratus (pri-likom uzorkovanja determinisanih kao C. gibelio) kao invazivne grupe riba i 429 jedinki bodorke kao predstavnika autohtone ihtiofaune u periodu između 1991. i 1999. godine na akumulacijama Međuvr&scaron;je i Gruža utvrđene su razlike između različitih tipova stani&scaron;ta. Nezavisno od vrste, utvrđeno je da jedinke koje žive u sporim i plitkim stani&scaron;tima su krupnije i dostižu veće asimptotske dužine od individua koje nastanjuju brže i uže vodotokove.</p><p>Ovaj rad je među prvim koji primenjuje multi-modelnu analizu u modelovanju rasta slat-kovodnih riba. Rezultati su pokazali da se ova metoda može implementirati i na&nbsp; invazivne vrste riba kako bi se bolje procenio njihov uticaj na autohtonu faunu i&nbsp; eventualno razvile uspe&scaron;nije strategije upravljanja i kontrole njihovih populacija.</p> / <p>According to recent researches,<em> Carassius auratus</em> complex includes at least five <em>Carassius</em> species: <em>Carassius carassius, Carassius auratus, Carassius</em> langsdorfii, <em>Carassius cuvieri</em> and<em> Carassius gibelio</em>. These species are morphologically very similar and it is impossible to differentiate them on the basis of common morphological&nbsp; characters, so they all used to be classified as<em> Carassius auratus gibelio</em> or <em>Carassi</em>us <em>gibelio</em>. The only species that is significantly different is Carassius carassius. It is believed that the species of this complex were brought to Europe from Asia in the 17th&nbsp;&nbsp; century.</p><p>Over the last fifty years most of the members of C. auratus complex in Europe were classified as Carassius gibelio (<em>C. auratus gibelio</em>) (Bloch, 1783) (Silver carp or Gibel carp). Since the members of this complex have been registered in most European watercourses, they are considered to be the most successful invasive group of freshwater fish. Thanks to their biological characteristics (fast growth, different types of reproduction, remarkable resistance to unfavourable conditions) these species quickly become competitive to indigenous ichthyofauna in respect of food and habitat and they often have very negative impact on the entire ecosystem they inhabit.</p><p>This dissertation identifies the species that belong to the<em> </em>Carassius auratus complex in /Vojvodina and peri-Pannonian region using specific genetic markers (ctyb gene sequence). Using linear and geometric morphometrics, we examined morphological variability of different morphological parts (whole body, skull bones, cleithrum and scales) of the members of<em> Carassius auratus</em> complex, in different localities with different ecological conditions (presence of predators and water flow). Modern statistics&nbsp; and mathematical methods (multi-model analysis) were used in the analysis&nbsp; of growth dynamics of both recent and early invasive populations.</p><p>Meta-analyses of the available data have shown that there is a wide population of C. auratuscomplex species&nbsp; in Serbia. The examined populations showed medium to high occurrence (20- 40%) in the entire ichthyofauna, with evident growth over time. A few consecutive studies have registered very large populations of the species of this complex in several localities (40-100% of total catch).</p><p>For the purpose of molecular-taxonomic analyses and the analysis of morphological variability of recent populations, we used a sample of&nbsp; 280&nbsp; units taken in 14 different localities in Vojvodina and peri-Pannonian region in the period from 2012 to 2014. All the units in the sample were first photographed for the purpose of linear and geometric morphometrics, samples of tail fins were taken for further genetic analysis, and then all the necessary evaluations of morphometric and meristic characters were made, as well as the analysis of variability among populations.<br />Population genetic analysis with the application of a genetic marker (cytb gene) has shownthat all the examined units belong to<em> Carassius gibelio</em> species. Due to the biological state of the samples, the determination was possible for only 52 units from 11 localities, so it not impossible that some other species of C. auratus complex such as C. auratus and C. langsdorficould also be found in this region as they have been registered on the territories of the neighbouring countries, as reported by some authors.</p><p><br />Linear and geometric morphometric analysis has shown significant phenotype&nbsp; variability in body shape and selected elements of the skeletal system. It has also proved the absence of sexual dimorphism and showed that locality had a major impact on the variability.</p><p>The largest variability was recorded in terms of body height and head size, while the most variable values with the bones were those referring to os pharyngii with pharyngeal teeth.</p><p>Morphological variability of fish also depended on the presence of predators and the water flow in the examined localities. The presence of predators causes a characteristic phenotype of fish with tall body which enables them to avoid predators more easily.</p><p>In the analysis of morphological variability of early invasive populations of the species of C. auratus complex we used data for 524 units (classified as C. auratusgibelio during the catch) from three localities in Vojvodina in the period from 1983 to 1985. The localities were chosen according to different ways of invasion of the species of C. auratus complex. Linear morphometrics and growth model analyses have shown that the localities with deliberate anthropogenic introduction of unknown origin were characterized with greater variability than the localities populated by natural invasion from larger watercourses.</p><p>The analyses of life history and growth dynamics in 395 members of the species of C. auratuscomplex (classified as C. gibelio during the sampling) as an invasive group of fish, and 429 units of the roach as the representative of the indigenous ichthyofauna in the artificial lakes of Međuvr&scaron;je and Gruža in the period from 1991 to 1999, have established differences among different types of habitats. Regardless of species, the fish that live in slow and shallow habitats are larger and they reach greater asymptotic length than those living in faster and narrower watercourses.</p><p>This study is among the first ones to apply multi-model analyses in modeling freshwater fish growth. The results have shown that this method can be implemented in studying invasive fish species in order to make a better estimation of their influence on indigenous fauna and possibly develop more successful&nbsp; strategies of managing and controlling their populations.</p>

Žmogaus simpatinio kamieno viršutinio kaklinio mazgo neurohistologinių ypatumų sąsajos su amžiumi ir galvos smegenų išeminiu infarktu / Age-related and ischemic cerebral infarction-related neurohistological peculiarities of the human superior cervical ganglion

Liukienė, Gineta 06 March 2008 (has links)
Su amžiumi susiję struktūriniai simpatinės nervų sistemos pokyčiai sukelia įvairių organų funkcijos sutrikimus. Simpatinio kamieno viršutiniai kakliniai mazgai, pagrindiniai galvos smegenų kraujagyslių simpatinės inervacijos šaltiniai, yra svarbūs galvos smegenų kraujotakos autonominės reguliacijos centrai. Tačiau žmogaus simpatinių mazgų morfofunkciniai tyrimai yra pavieniai. Todėl šio darbo tikslas buvo ištirti trijų amžiaus grupių žmonių ir mirusiųjų dėl išeminio galvos smegenų infarkto simpatinio kamieno viršutinio kaklinio mazgo morfologinius bei neurocheminius ypatumus, ir nustatyti jų sąsajas su amžiumi ir išeminiu galvos smegenų infarktu. Tyrimo rezultatai rodo, kad amžiaus eigoje vystosi žmogaus simpatinio kamieno viršutinio kaklinio mazgo neuronų morfologinių parametrų, neurofilamentų baltymo, nervų augimo faktoriaus receptorių p75 imunoreaktyvumo pokyčiai. Skirtingose amžiaus grupėse aptinkami neuronų ir satelitinių ląstelių apoptoz����s požymiai. Pagyvenusio amžiaus žmonių, mirusių dėl išeminio galvos smegenų infarkto, simpatiniuose mazguose vystosi neuropatologinės alteracijos požymiai: padidėja neuronų afinitetas baziniams dažams, atsiranda neuronų su degeneraciniais ir hipertrofijos požymiais židiniai, satelitinių ląstelių proliferacija, limfocitų židininė infiltracija, sumažėja neuronų kūno, branduolio, citoplazmos plotai, aptinkamas didesnis neurofilamentams ir nervų augimo faktoriaus receptoriams p75 imunoreaktyvių neuronų skaičius, didesnis apoptozinis... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Age-related structural changes of the sympathetic nervous system cause the disturbance of the involuntary functions of various organs. The superior cervical ganglia are the main source of sympathetic innervation of the cerebral arteries and important center of autonomic regulation of the cerebral circulation. However, only single morphofunctional studies of the human sympathetic ganglia are performed. Therefore, the aim of the study was to investigate morphological and neurochemical peculiarities of the human superior cervical ganglion in three age groups and in the subjects dead of ischemic cerebral infarction and establish their relation to age and ischemic cerebral infarction. The results of the present study show that changes of neurons morphologic parameters and immunoreactivity to neurofilament and nerve growth factor receptor p75 in the human superior cervical ganglion are developed in the course of aging. Morphological features of apoptosis in the sympathetic neurons and satellite cells in different age groups are detected. The signs of neuropathological alteration of the sympathetic ganglion of subjects with ischemic cerebral infarction were the following: increased tinctorial affinity of neurons, foci of neurons with features of neuron death and hypertrophy, proliferation of satellite cells, focal lymphocyte infiltration, decrease of neuron body, nucleus, cytoplasm area, increase of neurofilament and nerve growth factor receptor p75 immunoreactive neurons... [to full text]

Таксономија тестатних амеба које насељавају маховине на подручју Источне Херцеговине / Taksonomija testatnih ameba koje naseljavaju mahovine na području Istočne Hercegovine / Taxonomy of moss-dwelling testate amoebae from East Herzegovina

Luketa Stefan 08 December 2020 (has links)
<p>Докторска дисертација представља таксономску студију тестатних амеба Источне&nbsp; Херцеговине&nbsp; базирану&nbsp; искључиво&nbsp; на&nbsp; резултатима&nbsp; сопствених истраживања с обзиром да на овом подручју тестатне амебе до сада нису проучаване,&nbsp; те&nbsp; не&nbsp; постоје&nbsp; историјске&nbsp; музејске&nbsp; колекције.&nbsp; На&nbsp; подручју Источне Херцеговине регистровано је 40 врста тестатних амеба које су сврстане у 10 фамилија и један род без јасног места у класификационом систему.&nbsp; Сви&nbsp; регистровани&nbsp; таксони&nbsp; тестатних&nbsp; амеба&nbsp; су&nbsp; нови&nbsp; за&nbsp; фауну Босне и Херцеговине. Укупно је анализирано 24.549 јединки, од чега су 23.242&nbsp; јединке&nbsp; припадале&nbsp; групи&nbsp; тестатних&nbsp; амеба&nbsp; са&nbsp; лобоподијама (супергрупа&nbsp; Amoebozoa),&nbsp; а&nbsp; 1307&nbsp; јединки&nbsp; је&nbsp; припадало&nbsp; групи&nbsp; тестатних амеба са филоподијама (супергрупа Cercozoa). Најзначајнији резултат ове дисертације&nbsp; је&nbsp; опис&nbsp; пет&nbsp; нових&nbsp; врста&nbsp; за&nbsp; науку&nbsp; које&nbsp; припадају&nbsp; родовима<br />Centropyxis, Heleopera и Nebela. Морфотип означен као C.&nbsp; cf.&nbsp; aerophila&nbsp; се од врсте&nbsp; C. aerophila&nbsp; разликује по томе што се на крају љуштурице не налази пар крупних честица кварца,а и љуштурица је нешто дужа (46‒81 &mu;m код врсте C. aerophila према 67‒ 88 &mu;m код врсте C. cf. aerophila). Морфотип означен као C. cf. platystoma значајно се пре свега морфолошки разликује од врсте&nbsp; C. platystoma, те је закључено да се ради о неописаној врсти.У оквиру рода Heleopera описан је нови морфотип сличан врсти H. rosea који&nbsp; представља&nbsp; нову&nbsp; врсту&nbsp; за&nbsp; науку.&nbsp; Морфометријске&nbsp; разлике&nbsp; су релативне, тј. нису строго дискриминаторне, те се морају комбиновати са морфолошким&nbsp; разликама&nbsp; које&nbsp; су&nbsp; такође&nbsp; тешко&nbsp; yочљиве.&nbsp; Наиме,&nbsp; поред разлике&nbsp; у&nbsp; боји&nbsp; љуштурице,&nbsp; најбољи&nbsp; дискриминаторни&nbsp; морфолошки карактер&nbsp; је&nbsp; општи&nbsp; облик&nbsp; љуштурице.&nbsp; Љуштурице&nbsp; врсте&nbsp; H.&nbsp; rosea&nbsp; су робусног&nbsp; облика,&nbsp; док&nbsp; су&nbsp; љуштурице&nbsp; врсте&nbsp; Heleopera&nbsp; cf.&nbsp; rosea&nbsp; знатно елегантније&nbsp; ‒&nbsp; уже&nbsp; су&nbsp; и&nbsp; имају&nbsp; облије&nbsp; ивице.&nbsp; Највеће&nbsp; морфометријске разлике&nbsp; у&nbsp; индексним&nbsp; карактерима&nbsp; су&nbsp; забележене&nbsp; за&nbsp; однос&nbsp; ширине&nbsp; и дужине љуштурице и однос ширине апертуре и ширине љуштурице.Морфотип&nbsp; Nebela&nbsp; cf.&nbsp; collaris&nbsp; се од&nbsp; врсте&nbsp; N. collaris&nbsp; јасно разликује&nbsp; пре свега&nbsp; морфолошки&nbsp; и&nbsp; еколошки,&nbsp; а&nbsp; морфометријски&nbsp; веома&nbsp; мало.&nbsp; Наиме, најважнија морфолошка одлика која морфотип&nbsp; N.&nbsp; cf.&nbsp; collaris&nbsp; раздваја од врсте&nbsp; N.&nbsp; collaris&nbsp; су&nbsp; таласасте&nbsp; ивице&nbsp; љуштурице,&nbsp; а&nbsp; еколошка&nbsp; разлика&nbsp; се јавља&nbsp; у&nbsp; смислу&nbsp; да&nbsp; врста&nbsp; N.&nbsp; collaris&nbsp; насељава&nbsp; зелене&nbsp; маховине&nbsp; док морфотип N. cf. collaris&nbsp; насељава сфагнумске маховине. Морфотип N. cf. tincta&nbsp; var. major&nbsp; се од морфотипа N.&nbsp; cf. collaris&nbsp; разликује пре свега по јасно израженом сужењу у делу близу апертуре, тј. израженом врату. Такође, морфотип N. cf. tincta var. major никада нема таласасте ивице љуштурице,док&nbsp; се&nbsp; код&nbsp; јединки&nbsp; морфотипа&nbsp; N.&nbsp; cf.&nbsp; collaris&nbsp; ова&nbsp; карактеристика&nbsp; често јасно уочава.</p> / <p>Doktorska disertacija predstavlja taksonomsku studiju testatnih ameba Istočne&nbsp; Hercegovine&nbsp; baziranu&nbsp; isključivo&nbsp; na&nbsp; rezultatima&nbsp; sopstvenih istraživanja s obzirom da na ovom području testatne amebe do sada nisu proučavane,&nbsp; te&nbsp; ne&nbsp; postoje&nbsp; istorijske&nbsp; muzejske&nbsp; kolekcije.&nbsp; Na&nbsp; području Istočne Hercegovine registrovano je 40 vrsta testatnih ameba koje su svrstane u 10 familija i jedan rod bez jasnog mesta u klasifikacionom sistemu.&nbsp; Svi&nbsp; registrovani&nbsp; taksoni&nbsp; testatnih&nbsp; ameba&nbsp; su&nbsp; novi&nbsp; za&nbsp; faunu Bosne i Hercegovine. Ukupno je analizirano 24.549 jedinki, od čega su 23.242&nbsp; jedinke&nbsp; pripadale&nbsp; grupi&nbsp; testatnih&nbsp; ameba&nbsp; sa&nbsp; lobopodijama (supergrupa&nbsp; Amoebozoa),&nbsp; a&nbsp; 1307&nbsp; jedinki&nbsp; je&nbsp; pripadalo&nbsp; grupi&nbsp; testatnih ameba sa filopodijama (supergrupa Cercozoa). Najznačajniji rezultat ove disertacije&nbsp; je&nbsp; opis&nbsp; pet&nbsp; novih&nbsp; vrsta&nbsp; za&nbsp; nauku&nbsp; koje&nbsp; pripadaju&nbsp; rodovima<br />Centropyxis, Heleopera i Nebela. Morfotip označen kao C.&nbsp; cf.&nbsp; aerophila&nbsp; se od vrste&nbsp; C. aerophila&nbsp; razlikuje po tome što se na kraju ljušturice ne nalazi par krupnih čestica kvarca,a i ljušturica je nešto duža (46‒81 &mu;m kod vrste C. aerophila prema 67‒ 88 &mu;m kod vrste C. cf. aerophila). Morfotip označen kao C. cf. platystoma značajno se pre svega morfološki razlikuje od vrste&nbsp; C. platystoma, te je zaključeno da se radi o neopisanoj vrsti.U okviru roda Heleopera opisan je novi morfotip sličan vrsti H. rosea koji&nbsp; predstavlja&nbsp; novu&nbsp; vrstu&nbsp; za&nbsp; nauku.&nbsp; Morfometrijske&nbsp; razlike&nbsp; su relativne, tj. nisu strogo diskriminatorne, te se moraju kombinovati sa morfološkim&nbsp; razlikama&nbsp; koje&nbsp; su&nbsp; takođe&nbsp; teško&nbsp; yočljive.&nbsp; Naime,&nbsp; pored razlike&nbsp; u&nbsp; boji&nbsp; ljušturice,&nbsp; najbolji&nbsp; diskriminatorni&nbsp; morfološki karakter&nbsp; je&nbsp; opšti&nbsp; oblik&nbsp; ljušturice.&nbsp; LJušturice&nbsp; vrste&nbsp; H.&nbsp; rosea&nbsp; su robusnog&nbsp; oblika,&nbsp; dok&nbsp; su&nbsp; ljušturice&nbsp; vrste&nbsp; Heleopera&nbsp; cf.&nbsp; rosea&nbsp; znatno elegantnije&nbsp; ‒&nbsp; uže&nbsp; su&nbsp; i&nbsp; imaju&nbsp; oblije&nbsp; ivice.&nbsp; Najveće&nbsp; morfometrijske razlike&nbsp; u&nbsp; indeksnim&nbsp; karakterima&nbsp; su&nbsp; zabeležene&nbsp; za&nbsp; odnos&nbsp; širine&nbsp; i dužine ljušturice i odnos širine aperture i širine ljušturice.Morfotip&nbsp; Nebela&nbsp; cf.&nbsp; collaris&nbsp; se od&nbsp; vrste&nbsp; N. collaris&nbsp; jasno razlikuje&nbsp; pre svega&nbsp; morfološki&nbsp; i&nbsp; ekološki,&nbsp; a&nbsp; morfometrijski&nbsp; veoma&nbsp; malo.&nbsp; Naime, najvažnija morfološka odlika koja morfotip&nbsp; N.&nbsp; cf.&nbsp; collaris&nbsp; razdvaja od vrste&nbsp; N.&nbsp; collaris&nbsp; su&nbsp; talasaste&nbsp; ivice&nbsp; ljušturice,&nbsp; a&nbsp; ekološka&nbsp; razlika&nbsp; se javlja&nbsp; u&nbsp; smislu&nbsp; da&nbsp; vrsta&nbsp; N.&nbsp; collaris&nbsp; naseljava&nbsp; zelene&nbsp; mahovine&nbsp; dok morfotip N. cf. collaris&nbsp; naseljava sfagnumske mahovine. Morfotip N. cf. tincta&nbsp; var. major&nbsp; se od morfotipa N.&nbsp; cf. collaris&nbsp; razlikuje pre svega po jasno izraženom suženju u delu blizu aperture, tj. izraženom vratu. Takođe, morfotip N. cf. tincta var. major nikada nema talasaste ivice ljušturice,dok&nbsp; se&nbsp; kod&nbsp; jedinki&nbsp; morfotipa&nbsp; N.&nbsp; cf.&nbsp; collaris&nbsp; ova&nbsp; karakteristika&nbsp; često jasno uočava.</p> / <p>The&nbsp; PhD&nbsp; thesis&nbsp; is&nbsp; a&nbsp; taxonomic&nbsp; study&nbsp; of&nbsp; testate&nbsp; amoebae&nbsp; from&nbsp; East Herzegovina based exclusively on the results of our own research, given that testate amoebae have not been studied in this region so far, and there are no historical museum collections. In the region&nbsp; of East Herzegovina,40 testate amoeba species have been registered, which are classified into 10&nbsp; families&nbsp; and&nbsp; one&nbsp; genus&nbsp; without&nbsp; a&nbsp; clear&nbsp; place&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; classification system. All registered testate amoeba taxa are new to the fauna of Bosnia and Herzegovina.&nbsp; A total of 24,549 individuals belonged to the group of testate&nbsp; amoebae&nbsp; with&nbsp; lobopodia&nbsp; (supergroup&nbsp; Amoebozoa),&nbsp; and&nbsp; 1307 individuals&nbsp; belonged&nbsp; to&nbsp; the&nbsp; group&nbsp; of&nbsp; testate&nbsp; amoebae&nbsp; with&nbsp; filopodia (supergroup Cercozoa). The most significant results of this PhD thesis are the descriptions of five new species for science belonging to the genera Centropyxis, Heleopera, and Nebela. The morphotype&nbsp; Centropyxis&nbsp; cf.&nbsp; aerophila&nbsp; differs from&nbsp; C. aerophila&nbsp; in that&nbsp; there&nbsp; is&nbsp; no&nbsp; large&nbsp; quartz&nbsp; particles&nbsp; at&nbsp; the&nbsp; shell&nbsp; end,&nbsp; and&nbsp; the&nbsp; shell&nbsp;&nbsp; is slightly&nbsp; longer&nbsp; (46‒81&nbsp; &mu;m&nbsp; in&nbsp; C.&nbsp; aerophila&nbsp; versus&nbsp; 67‒88&nbsp; &mu;m&nbsp; in&nbsp; C.&nbsp; cf. aerophila).&nbsp; The&nbsp; morphotype&nbsp; C.&nbsp; cf.&nbsp; platystoma&nbsp; differs&nbsp; significantly morphologically&nbsp; from&nbsp; C.&nbsp; platystoma,&nbsp; so&nbsp; it&nbsp; was&nbsp; concluded&nbsp; that&nbsp; it&nbsp; is&nbsp; an undescribed species. Within the genus&nbsp; Heleopera&nbsp; a new &nbsp; morphotype similar to&nbsp; H. rosea&nbsp; has been&nbsp; described,&nbsp; representing&nbsp; a&nbsp; new&nbsp; species&nbsp; for&nbsp; science.&nbsp; Morphometric differences are relative, i.e. they are not strictly discriminatory, and must be combined with morphological differences that are difficult to detect. Namely, in addition to the difference in the color of the shell, the best discriminatory morphological character is the general shell shape. Shells of&nbsp; H. rosea&nbsp; are red and robust in shape, while shells of&nbsp; H.&nbsp; cf. rosea&nbsp; are volet and much more&nbsp; elegant ‒&nbsp; they are narrower and have rounded edges. The&nbsp; largest&nbsp; morphometric&nbsp; differences&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; index&nbsp; characters&nbsp; were observed for shell width/shell length ratio and aperture width/shell width ratio. The&nbsp; morphotype&nbsp; Nebela&nbsp; cf.&nbsp; collaris&nbsp; clearly&nbsp; differs&nbsp; from&nbsp; N.&nbsp; collaris primarily&nbsp; morphologically&nbsp; and&nbsp; ecologically,&nbsp; but&nbsp; morphometrically&nbsp; very little.&nbsp; Namely,&nbsp; the&nbsp; most&nbsp; important&nbsp; morphological&nbsp; character&nbsp; that&nbsp; N.&nbsp; cf. collaris separates from N. collaris are the wavy edges of the shell, and the&nbsp; ecological difference occurs in the sense that&nbsp; N. collaris&nbsp; inhabits green mosses while &nbsp; N. cf. collaris inhabits Sphagnum mosses. The morphotype N.&nbsp; cf.&nbsp; tincta&nbsp; var.&nbsp; major&nbsp; from&nbsp; the&nbsp; morphotype&nbsp; N.&nbsp; cf.&nbsp; collaris&nbsp; differs primarily by a clearly pronounced narrowing in the part near the aperture, i.e. pronounced neck. Also, the morphotype N. &nbsp; cf. tincta var. major never has a wavy edge of the shell, while in&nbsp; N.&nbsp; cf.&nbsp; collaris&nbsp; this feature is often clearly observed.</p>

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