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MIMO block-fading channels with mismatched CSI

Yes / We study transmission over multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) block-fading channels with
imperfect channel state information (CSI) at both the transmitter and receiver. Specifically, based on
mismatched decoding theory for a fixed channel realization, we investigate the largest achievable rates
with independent and identically distributed inputs and a nearest neighbor decoder. We then study the
corresponding information outage probability in the high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) regime and analyze
the interplay between estimation error variances at the transmitter and at the receiver to determine
the optimal outage exponent, defined as the high-SNR slope of the outage probability plotted in a
logarithmic-logarithmic scale against the SNR. We demonstrate that despite operating with imperfect
CSI, power adaptation can offer substantial gains in terms of outage exponent. / A. T. Asyhari was supported in part by the Yousef Jameel Scholarship, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, U.K., and the National Science Council of Taiwan under grant NSC 102-2218-E-009-001. A. Guillén i Fàbregas was supported in part by the European Research Council under ERC grant agreement 259663 and the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under grant TEC2012-38800-C03-03.
Date23 August 2014
CreatorsAsyhari, A.Taufiq, Guillen i Fabregas, A.
Source SetsBradford Scholars
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeConference paper, Accepted manuscript
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