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VMS (Variational MultiScale) stabilization for Stokes-Darcy coupled flows in porous media undergoing finite deformations : application to infusion-based composite processing.

Resin infusion-based processes are good candidates for manufacturing thin composite materials parts such as those used in aeronautics for instance. These processes consist in infusing a liquid resin into a stacking of fibrous preforms under the action of a mechanical pressure field applied onto this stacking where a stiff- distribution medium is also placed to create a resin feeding. Both physical and mechanical properties of the final pieces are rather difficult to predict and control. Numerical simulation are perfectly suited to master these processes. In the present work a numerical finite element modeling framework is proposed to simulate infusion processes. The flow of the assumed Newtonian resin is described in the distribution medium, a highly porous medium, through Stokes' equations and through Darcy's equations in the fibrous preforms, very low permeability media. This coupled Stokes-Darcy flow is modeled in a monolithic approach which consists in using a single mesh for both media. The mixed velocity- pressure formulation is then discretized by linear-linear finite elements, stabilized by a so-called ASGS multi-scale approach. Both Stokes-Darcy interface and fluid front are represented individually thanks to "Level-Set" functions, and some specific coupling conditions are prescribed on the interface separating both fluid and porous media. During the process, orthotropic preforms undergo finite strains, either during the compaction stage when resin is not yet present, or during resin infusion. Resin pressure then tends to make the preforms swell. Preforms deformations are represented through an updated Lagrangian formulation for finite deformations. Dry preforms possess a non-linear elastic behaviour in their transverse direction - across their thickness- given by existing experimental measurements. The effect of the presence of resin in the wet preforms is accounted for using a Terzaghi's equivalent model. Also, when preforms deform their porosity will change, and so will their permeability, modifying the resin flow. A Carman-Kozeny model is then used to relate porosity and permeability. After the Stokes-Darcy coupling is validated both on numerous tests cases and using the method of manufactured solutions, various 2D and 3D simulations of injection and infusion-based processes are analyzed.The latter includ- ing preform deformations along with resin flow. Comparisons with existing experimental measurements permit to validate the approach on a simple geometry. Last, some ex- tensions to more complex 3D cases are proposed as outlooks, including curvatures and thickness variations.
Date27 September 2013
CreatorsAbou Orm, Lara
PublisherEcole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Etienne
Source SetsCCSD theses-EN-ligne, France
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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