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The role of the clinical preceptor in enhancing nursing education at a nursing college

Thesis (MCurr)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The profession of nursing is a twofold vocation that has a scientific theory as the
foundation of all nursing intervention or skill.
Despite clinical preceptorship being a useful strategy of teaching, many training
hospitals and clinical facilities are without this avenue of learning and where
available, it is often not optimally utilised.
The aim of this study was to explore the role of the clinical preceptor in enhancing
nursing education at Edendale Hospital and Edendale campus of a nursing college.
A mixed method approach was applied utilizing both qualitative and quantitative
methods to collect information about the experiences and challenges as well as
clarify existing problems.
Samples were drawn from all stakeholders of nursing education i.e. nursing
students, nurse educators and ward managers of Edendale Hospital and Campus
using random and purposive sampling respectively. Data were collected using selfadministered
questionnaires for students and nursing managers and an interview
guide for focus group interviews for nurse educators. Ethical approval was sought
from the Health Research Ethics Committee at the Faculty of Medicine and Health
Sciences at Stellenbosch University, the Department of Health, the Kwazulu-Natal
College of Nursing and Edendale Hospital and Campus.
The findings of this study support Weidenbach’s Prescriptive Theory in which the
author maintains that nursing is a practice discipline designed to produce explicit
desired results which here refers to the enhancing of nursing education with the
contribution of clinical preceptorship. Patricia Benner’s Dreyfus and novice to expert
models were used to express the need for meaningful practical experience in nursing
students and to shows nurse educators how to identify the practical learning needs
of the students and assist them acquire competence. The results of the study suggest that the clinical preceptor is a mentor and a guide
who facilitates the correlation of theory and practice in nursing education. The results
also suggest that students are experiencing problems in clinical practice and that
clinical preceptorship is needed. A number of recommendations are made based on
limitations identified in the present teaching-learning process. One of the
recommendations is that partnership building strategies be fostered between the
hospital, the campus and the Faculty of Nursing Education. This team approach
could clearly define the role of the clinical preceptor to ensure optimum nursing
education. Further research is recommended. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Verpleging is ’n tweeledige beroep met ’n wetenskaplike teorie as grondslag vir elke
verpleegintervensie of -vaardigheid.
Ten spyte daarvan dat kliniese instruksie (“preceptorship”) ’n nuttige
onderrigstrategie is, ontbreek dit by baie opleidingshospitale en kliniese fasiliteite, en
waar dit beskikbaar is, word dit dikwels suboptimaal aangewend.
Die doel van hierdie studie was om ondersoek in te stel na hoe belanghebbendes by
verpleegopleiding by Edendale-hospitaal en -verpleegkampus kliniese instruksie
ervaar, en om sodoende vas te stel of kliniese instruksie verpleegopleiding by
daardie fasiliteite versterk.
’n Gemengde benadering van sowel kwalitatiewe as kwantitatiewe metodes is
gevolg om inligting oor die ervarings en uitdagings in te win en bestaande probleme
te verklaar.
Steekproewe is met behulp van onderskeidelik lukrake en doelbewuste seleksie uit
alle belanghebbendes by verpleegopleiding by Edendale-hospitaal en -
verpleegkampus geneem, met inbegrip van verpleegstudente, verpleegopvoeders en
saalbestuurders. Data is deur middel van selfvoltooiingsvraelyste vir studente en
eenheidsbestuurders, en ’n onderhoudsgids vir fokusgroepgesprekke met
verpleegopvoeders ingesamel. Etiekgoedkeuring is verkry van die
Gesondheidsnavorsingsetiekkomitee van die Fakulteit Geneeskunde en
Gesondheidswetenskappe aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch, die Departement van
Gesondheid, die KwaZulu-Natalse Verpleegkollege sowel as Edendale-hospitaal en -
Die bevindinge van die studie ondersteun Wiedenbach se voorskriftelike teorie,
waarin sy volhou dat verpleging ’n praktiese dissipline is wat ontwerp is om bepaalde
gewenste resultate te behaal. Patricia Benner se Dreyfus- en beginner-tot-kennermodel
is ook gebruik om die behoefte aan sinvolle praktiese ervaring by
verpleegstudente te staaf, en om verpleegopvoeders te wys hoe om studente se
praktiese leerbehoeftes te bepaal en hulle vaardighede te help ontwikkel. Die resultate van die studie dui daarop dat die kliniese instrukteer as mentor en
begeleier die korrelasie tussen teorie en die praktyk van verpleegonderwys fasiliteer.
Die resultate dui verder daarop dat student probleme in kliniese praktyk ervar en
kliniese instruksie benodig. ’n Aantal aanbevelings word gedoen op grond van
beperkinge wat in die huidige onderrig-en-leer-proses uitgewys is. Een van die
aanbevelings is die ontwikkeling van strategieë om vennootskappe tussen die
hospitaal, die verpleegkampus en die fakulteit verpleegkunde te bou. Hierdie
spanbenadering kan die rol van die kliniese instrukteur duidelik omlyn ten einde
optimale verpleegopleiding te verseker. Verdere navorsing word aanbeveel.
Date12 1900
CreatorsPadayachee, Poovanesthree
ContributorsHugo, Johann, Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. Dept. of Interdisciplinary Health Sciences. Division of Nursing Science.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Languageen_ZA, en_ZA
Detected LanguageEnglish
Format98 p.
RightsStellenbosch University

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