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Coherent and ballistic transport in InGaAs and Bi mesoscopic devices

In ‘clean' confined conductors (the so-called mesoscopic systems), the electronic phase and momentum can be preserved over very long distances compared to the system dimensions. This gives rise to peculiar transport properties, bearing signatures of electron interferences, ballistic electron trajectories, electron-electron interactions, regular-chaotic electron dynamics and (in some cases) spin-orbit coupling. Examples of such effects are the Universal Conductance Fluctuations (UCFs) and the Weak Localization observed in the low-temperature magnetoconductance of many confined electronic systems. Of central importance, the electronic phase coherence time and the spin-orbit coupling time determine the amplitude of these quantum effects.
In the first part of this thesis, we use UCFs to extract these characteristic timescales in open ballistic quantum dots (QDs) fabricated from InGaAs heterostructures. We observe an intrinsic saturation of the coherence time at low temperature in the InGaAs QDs. The origin of this phenomenon has been intensely debated during the last decade. Based on our observations and previous experimental data in QDs, we propose an explanation: the dwell time becomes the limiting factor for electron interferences in QDs at low temperature.
Then, we report on magnetoconductance measurements in a bismuth ballistic nano-cavity. The cavity is found to be zero-dimensional for phase coherent processes at low temperature. We evidence an anomalous reduction of the phase coherence time in the cavity with respect to data obtained in thin Bi films, while the spin-orbit coupling time is similar in both systems.
Finally, we examine the current-voltage characteristics of asymmetric InGaAs nano-junctions in the nonlinear regime. We observe a new tunable rectification effect, whose amplitude and sign are governed by the conductances of the junctions' channels. We show that the effect is ballistic and exhibits new features with respect to predictions of available models.
Date06 January 2005
CreatorsHackens, Benoit
PublisherUniversite catholique de Louvain
Source SetsBibliothèque interuniversitaire de la Communauté française de Belgique
Detected LanguageEnglish
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