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A study of isotope-effects in the high-resolution 195Pt NMR spectra of octahedral complexes of the type [PtCl6-n(OH)n]2-, n = 0-6, in water

Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The high-resolution 195Pt NMR signals (128.8 MHz) of most of the octahedral mixed-ligand Pt(IV) complexes in the series [PtCl6-n(OH)n]2-, n = 0-6, have been recorded in aqueous solutions at 293 K. These signals show characteristic 35/37Cl isotope-induced fine structure that results from the presence of several isotopologues in samples with a natural chlorine isotope distribution; each 37Cl isotope incorporated into the Pt coordination sphere of one of these complexes affords a fixed upfield (low frequency) isotope shift of between 0.17 and 0.22 ppm, depending on the particular complex. This assignment is confirmed by the excellent agreement between the natural abundances of the various isotopologues and the relative contributions of the corresponding signals to the overall area of the experimental spectrum of the particular isotoplogue set, obtained by a non-linear least-squares line fitting procedure. These results confirm that the 195Pt magnetic shielding in isotopomers differing only in the combination of the two chlorine isotopes coordinated in sites trans to hydroxido-ligands are indistinguishable under these experimental conditions, unlike those of similar isotopomers in the related series of aqua-complexes [PtCln(H2O)6-n]4-n, n = 3-5, as reported by Koch and co-workers. Moreover, the order of 195Pt shielding for the members of all stereoisomer pairs in the series of hydroxido-complexes is the reverse of that reported for the corresponding pairs in the aqua-series. These and other observations are interpreted qualitatively in terms of the relative strengths of the trans-influences of aqua-, hydroxido- and chlorido-ligands and the effect of these on bond displacements in these complexes. The 195Pt NMR spectra of especially the complexes cis-[PtCl2(OH)4]2- and [PtCl(OH)5]2- show remarkable fine structure in a ca. 45 % 18O-enriched aqueous solution; apart from additional signals resulting from 18O-containing isotopologues, the resonance signals of isotopomers differing in the combination of 16/18O isotopes in sites trans to chlorido-ligands are partially resolved.
The effect of temperature on the 35/37Cl isotope-induced fine structure in the 195Pt signals of [PtCl6]2- and [PtCl(OH)5]2- was investigated in the range 283-308 K; some interesting differences are observed. 195Pt relaxation time measurements for [PtCl6]2- in this temperature range reveal that line-broadening is at least partially responsible for the loss of resolution between the signals of isotopologues of this complex as the temperature is increased, possibly due to the spin-rotation relaxation mechanism. The temperature coefficient of 195Pt shielding and the magnitude of isotope shifts in the spectra of the complexes in this series show interesting correlations with the 195Pt shielding itself; an interpretation of these observations is presented. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die hoëresolusie 195Pt NMR seine (128.8 MHz) van die oktaëdriese gemengde-ligand Pt(IV) komplekse in die reeks [PtCl6-n(OH)n]2- is waargeneem in waterige oplossing by ʼn temperatuur van 293 K. Hierdie seine toon ʼn karakteristieke 35/37Cl isotoop-geïnduseerde fynstruktuur as gevolg van die teenwoordigheid van verskeie isotopoloë in monsters met ʼn natuurlike chloor isotoopverspreiding. Die verplasing van ʼn 35Cl isotoop deur ʼn 37Cl isotoop in die Pt koördinasiesfeer van hierdie komplekse lei tot ʼn laefrekwensie isotoopverskuiwing van die 195Pt resonansiesein van tussen 0.17 en 0.22 ppm, afhangend van die spesifieke kompleks. Die toekenning van resonansieseine in hierdie spektra word ondersteun deur die goeie ooreenstemming tussen die berekende natuurlike verspreiding van isotopoloë en die persentasie area bydrae van die ooreenstemmende pieke tot die area van volledige stel seine van die chemiese spesie, soos bepaal deur ʼn nie-linieêre kleinste-kwadrate passingsmetode. Hierdie resultate bevestig dat vir isotopomere waarvan slegs die kombinasie van chloorisotope wat in posisies trans tot hidroksido-ligande gekoördineer is ʼn ononderskeibare 195Pt magnetiese skerming waargeneem word, m.a.w. ʼn enkele resonansiesein word vir hierdie isotopomere gemeet, anders as gerapporteer deur Koch en medewerkers vir die verwante aqua-komplekse [PtCln(H2O)6-n]4-n waar n = 3-5. Verder is die order van 195Pt magnetiese skerming vir stereoisomere in hierdie hidroksido-komplekse in elke stereoisomer paar die teenoorgestelde van dit waargeneem vir die ooreenstemmende aqua-komplekse. Hierdie waarnemings word kwalitatief geïnterpreteer in terme van die verskillende trans-invloede van die chlorido-, aqua- en hidroksido-ligande en die effekte daarvan op bindingslengtes in die komplekse. In ʼn ongeveer 45 % 18O-verrykte monster toon die 195Pt seine van veral die komplekse cis-[PtCl2(OH)4]2- en [PtCl(OH)5]2- uitsonderlike fynstruktuur vanweë die addisionele seine van 18O-bevattende isotopoloë en die parsiële resolusie van die seine van isotopomere wat verskil in die kombinasie van 16/18O isotope wat trans tot chlorido-ligande gekoördineer is.
ʼn Studie is gemaak van die uitwerking van temperatuur op die 35/37Cl isotoop-geïnduseerde fynstruktuur in die 195Pt seine van die komplekse [PtCl6]2- en [PtCl(OH)5]2- in die gebied 283-308 K; interessante verskille is waargeneem. 195Pt magnetiese relaksasietyd metings vir die kompleks [PtCl6]2- in waterige oplossing in hierdie temperatuurgebied toon dat verbreeding van resonansieseine ten minste gedeeltelik verantwoordelik is vir die waargenome verlies aan resolusie tussen die seine van isotopoloë namate die temperatuur styg; die verbreeding van seine kan waarskynlik aan die spin-rotasie relaksasiemeganisme toegeskryf word. Die temperatuurkoëffisiënt van 195Pt magnetiese skerming en die grootheid van isotoopverskuiwings in die spektra van die hidroksido-komplekse in hierdie reeks toon interessante korrelasies tot die 195Pt magnetiese skerming; ʼn interpretasie van hierdie waarnemings word voorgestel.
Date03 1900
CreatorsEngelbrecht, Leon de Villiers
ContributorsKoch, Klaus R., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Science. Dept. of Chemistry and Polymer Science.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
Formatxi, 88 p. : ill.
RightsStellenbosch University

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