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An analysis of the use of the public private partnership model in financing public sector research and development infrastructure in South Africa

Thesis (MDF (Business Management))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Economic development depends on a number of variables, including the ability of the
economy to innovate technologically. Innovation depends to a large extent on the value,
both qualitative and quantitative, of the research and development (R&D) happening in an
economy. R&D in turn require various activities and inputs, including human resources,
capital and infrastructure. The focus of this study is on the alternatives available to the
public sector for funding public R&D. Most of the current public R&D infrastructure comes
from the fiscus, which is strained under the pressure of many competing and immediate
An alternate model for funding public R&D infrastructure is that of public private
partnerships (PPPs), which are private sector-supported initiatives for delivery of public
goods and services. These are used all over the world to deliver public services with a
high degree of success in sectors such as health (hospitals and services) and transport
(roads, airports). This study looks at how this model can be applied in the delivery of public
R&D infrastructure, which has not been popular in South Africa to date.
A questionnaire was designed to look at five key areas for investigation with regard to R&D
infrastructure, namely: the type of infrastructure as a determinant for the success of the
PPP; the perception regarding the risk of the transaction; the incentives available to the
private participants; the availability of capital in the market; and the effect of regulations on
the transaction. These are investigated through the use of a questionnaire to get
responses from people who have an understanding of PPP transactions in the country.
The results show that R&D PPPs are possible and should be explored. One of the main
reasons why they are currently not popular is because they are under-explored. The
respondents felt that: the PPP regulations may have to be changed or adapted to be
effective in the administration of PPP transactions; the risks for R&D PPPs seem to be
high; sufficient capital exists to fund these transactions; the type of the infrastructure being
financed is not necessarily a hindrance; and there are sufficient incentives for the private
sector to participate in these transactions. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Ekonomiese ontwikkeling hang af van 'n aantal veranderlikes, onder andere die ekonomie
se vermoë om tegnologies te innoveer. Sodanige innovasie word in 'n groot mate bepaal
deur die waarde, beide kwalitatief en kwantitatief, van die navorsing en ontwikkeling wat
binne die ekonomie plaasvind. Navorsing en ontwikkeling vereis weer verskeie aktiwiteite
en insette, waaronder menslike hulpbronne, kapitaal en infrastruktuur. Hierdie studie fokus
op alternatiewe wat vir die openbare sektor beskikbaar is ten opsigte van die befondsing
van openbare navorsing en ontwikkeling. Die huidige openbare navorsing- en
ontwikkelinginfrastruktuur kom hoofsaaklik van die fiskus, wat weens verskeie
mededingende en dringende behoeftes onder druk is.
'n Publieke-private venootskap (PPV) bied 'n moontlike alternatiewe model vir befondsing
van 'n openbare navorsing- en ontwikkelinginfrastruktuur. Openbare goedere en dienste
word hiervolgens gelewer deur middel van inisiatiewe wat deur die privaatsektor
ondersteun word. Die model word wêreldwyd baie suksesvol aangewend in sektore soos
gesondheid (hospitale en dienste) en vervoer (paaie, lughawens). Hierdie studie
ondersoek hoe die model toegepas kan word in die skep van 'n openbare navorsing- en
ontwikkelinginfrastruktuur in Suid-Afrika, hoewel dit tot dusver nie hier gewild was nie.
'n Vraelys is ontwerp om vyf sleutelareas ten opsigte van navorsing- en
ontwikkelinginfrastruktuur te ondersoek, naamlik: tipe infrastruktuur as 'n determinant vir
die sukses van die PPV; persepsie aangaande risiko met betrekking tot die transaksie;
aansporing wat aan private deelnemers gebied word; beskikbaarheid van kapitaal in die
mark en die uitwerking van regulasies op die transaksie. Hierdie vraelys is aangewend om
reaksie te verkry van persone wat begrip van publieke-private ondernemings in die land
Die resultate wys dat PPV's binne 'n navorsing- en ontwikkelinginfrastruktuur moontlik is
en verder ondersoek behoort te word. Een van die hoofredes waarom dit tans nie gewild is
nie, is die gebrek aan toepaslike navorsing. Respondente het aangedui dat: PPV
regulasies moontlik verander of aangepas sal moet word om effektief te wees in die
administrasie van sodanige transaksies; die risiko's vir PPV's in navorsing en ontwikkeling
hoog voorkom; voldoende kapitaal vir befondsing van transaksies beskikbaar is; die tipe
infrastruktuur wat befondsing ontvang nie noodwendig 'n hindernis is nie en dat voldoende
aansporing vir die privaatsektor gebied word om aan hierdie transaksies deel te neem.
Date12 1900
CreatorsMashele, Makhosini Thaniel
ContributorsTinsley, C. R., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. Graduate School of Business.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
Format95 pages
RightsStellenbosch University

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