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On a PGD model order reduction technique for mid-frequency acoustic

In many industrial contexts, such as aerospace applications or cars design, numerical prediction techniquesbecome more and more useful. They restrict the use of real prototypes to a minimum and make easier thedesign phase. In such industries and in the specific for acoustic, engineers are interested in computing theresponses of systems on frequency bands. In order to predict the vibration behavior of systems overfrequency bands, standard numerical techniques usually involve many frequency-fixed computations, atmany different frequencies. Although it is a straightforward and natural mean to answer to the posed problem,such a strategy can easily lead to huge computations, and the amount of data to store often increasessignificantly. This is particularly true in the context of medium frequency bands, where these responses havea strong sensitivity to the frequency. In this work PGD (Proper Generalized Decomposition), in a first time, isapplied to found a separate functional representation over frequency and space of the unknown amplitude ofVTCR (Variational Theory of Complex Rays) formulation on a reduced frequency space. This allows tocalculate an high quality mid-frequency response over a wide band without a fine frequency discretization,saving computational resources. Moreover the PGD representation of the solution allows to save a hugeamount of space in term of stored data. In a second time, PGD technique as been applied to extend itspeculiarity to mid-frequency wide band with uncertainty.
Date30 November 2012
CreatorsBarbarulo, Andrea
PublisherÉcole normale supérieure de Cachan - ENS Cachan
Source SetsCCSD theses-EN-ligne, France
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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