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The cost effective implementation of integrated spatial management information systems in local government

Thesis (MBA) -- Stellenbosch University, 2006. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Management within Local Government are increasingly required to report on the various
spatially related projects and initiatives within their jurisdiction. As Information Technology
develops, various electronic systems are implemented within the organisations, not only assist
in the reporting. but also to fulfil the data requirements in relation to maintenance, capturing
and storing of data. In order to fully adhere to the reporting needs, systems are also
increasingly required to integrate, and in so doing, provide access to more data in the
organisation. But as the reporting requirements are often clear, the cost in implementing the
required systems elude implementers. One of the reasons for costs being unclear stems from
a need for integrated systems to help implementers to understand the cost factors which drive
costs, and in so doing, enabling them to manage costs incurred in projects better.
By means of a literature review, the spatial information needs within Local Governments are
investigated, fol1owed by the investigation of solutions to address the spatial needs. As a
solution, an Integrated Spatial Management Information System (ISMlS) is discussed. Seven
primary cost fac tors are identified and discussed to assist in the better understanding of the
relevant cost factors. These cost factors include data, software, hardware, training
requirements, customisation, maintenance and time constraints. Each cost factor is discussed
in detail, and the potential impact it might have on the total cost of a project investigated. A
method measuring the success of a project is also discussed, whereby the total cost 10
implementing an ISMlS is related to the number of active users as expressed in cost-per-seat.
The relationship between the different types of users within a local municipality, their
function and the impact the cost factors can have on the use and cost-per-seat calculation are
also discussed. To illustrate the impact, three different scenarios are discussed. each with
variable cost factors. It is found. that the management of cost factors can greatly increase the
use of a system, and thereby make the implementation of the system more cost .. effective.
Finally the concept of cost-benefit analysis (CBA) is also discussed, providing a concept
whereby the costs can be measured against benefits, where the aim is to implement an ISMIS
where the benefits outweigh the costs. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: DaaT word al hoe meer van die bestuur in pJaaslike owerhede verlang. om verslag te lewer oor
verskeie ruimtelike projekte en inisiatiewe in hul owerheidsgebied. Met die ontwikkeling van
Informasie Tegnologie word verskeie clcktroniese stelsels ge-implementeer om nie net aan
die versJaggewingbehoeftes te voldoen nie, maar oak die instandhouding. datavaslegging en
stoor van data te ondersteun. Om ten volle aan die verslagewingbehocftes te lean voldoen,
word daar ook al hoe meer van stelsels verlang om te integreer, om sodoende toegang tot
meer datastelle in die organisasie te gee. Maar terwyl die versJaggewingbehoeftes gewoonlik
duidelik is, is die kostcs om relevante stelsels te integreer gewoonlik onduidelik. 'n Rede
waarom kostcs onduidelik mag wees, spruit uit die behoefte vir implimenteerders van
gelntegreerde stelsels am faktore wat kostes dryf te begryp, en sodoende kostes beter te lean
Deur middel van 'n literatuurstudie is die ruirntelike behoeftes binne plaaslike regenng
ondersoek, gevolg deur 'n ondersoek na moontlike oplossings om die ruimtelike behoeftes aan
tc spreek. As 'n opiossmg, word 'n Gclntegreerde Ruimtelike Bestuursinligting Stelsel
(GRBS) bespreek. Sewe primere kostefaktore word geldentifiseer en bespreek om 'n beter
begrip te ontwikkel van die relevante kostefaktore. Hierdie kostefaktore sluit data,
prograrnmatuur, apparatuur, opleidingsbehoeftes, doelgemaakte programmatuur,
instandhouding en tydsbepcrkings in. Elke kostefaktor word in detail bespreek, en die
potensiele impak wat dit op die totale koste van 'n projek mag he, word ondcrsoek. 'n Metode
om die sukses van 'n projek te meet, word ook bespreek, waarvolgens die totale koste om 'n
GRBS te implementeer gemeet word teen die totale aantal aktiewe gebruikcrs van die stelsel,
soos uitgedruk in koste-per-gebruiker. Die verwantskap tussen die verskillende gcbruikers in
'n plaaslike munisipaliteit, hul funksics en die irnpak wat die kostefaktore kan he op die
gebruik en koste-per-gebruiker-berekening word oak bespreek. Om die impak te illustrcer,
word drie verskillende voorbeelde bespreek, elk met veranderende kostefaktore. Daar is
gevind dat die bestuur van kostefaktore die gebruik van die stelsel grootliks laat toeneem, wat
sodoende die implementering van die GRBS meeT koste effektief maak. Laastens word
"koste-voordeel analise" as konsep bespreek, waarby koste teenoor voordeel gemeet kao
word, om sodoende '0 GRBS te ontwikkel waar die voordele die kostes cortref.
Date03 1900
CreatorsElema, Nico M.
ContributorsFourie, L. C. H., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. Graduate School of Business.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
RightsStellenbosch University

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