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Managing corporate identity at the University of Stellenbosch

Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The University of Stellenbosch is a proud institution with a proud tradition. It delivers
graduates and research that can compete with the world's best.
It is facing a landscape that is becoming increasingly competitive, and higher education
institutions in South Africa are only now discovering the need and value of sound
marketing principles.
The University consists of 11 faculties and more that 100 departments. Out of those
faculties and departments many other operating entities have grown. Entities such as the
Institute for Winebiotechnology, the Bureau for Economic Research, the University of
Stellenbosch Printers and the Graduate School of Business, to name but a few. Each of
these have over time developed strong individual identities. In virtually all cases the link
with the University has not been severed, and in many instances the association has been
beneficial to both the University and the operating entity.
As the environment becomes more competitive and as universities compete for shrinking
financial resources, issues such as high media costs and effective communication become
more important.
One way of ensuring economy of scale in communication is to co-ordinate the visual
identity of an institution.
At the University of Stellenbosch the visual presentation of its various operating entities
has not been coordinated, resulting in vast inconsistencies with regard to the institution's
visual communication. Apart from failing to achieve economies of scale in
communication, such a situation will also, inevitably, lead to confusion among the
institution's target audiences. This project assesses the situation and develops a model according to which the
University and its operating entities can coordinate their visual communication. It is
expected that this model will stimulate discussion and that it may lead to implementation
as soon as possible.
Once the framework for managing corporate identity is in place, a great deal of work will
be required to bring the communications process in line with the objectives of the
institution and the requirements of its corporate identity strategy.
This report is intended as starting point in the process that will lead to effective and
optimal corporate identity management at the University of Stellenbosch. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Universiteit van Stellenbosch is 'n instelling met 'n trotse tradisie. Hy lewer graduadi
en navorsing wat met die bestes ter wêreld kan meeding.
Die Universiteit bestaan in 'n omgewing wat toenemend kompeterend is, en hoër
onderwys instellings begin nou eers die waarde besef van effektiewe bemarking.
Die Universiteit bestaan uit 11 fakulteite en meer as 100 akademiese departemente.
Vanuit hierdie fakulteite en departemente het menige ander bedryfseenhede ontwikkel.
Eenhede soos die Instituut vir Wynbiotegnologie, die Buro vir Ekonomiese Ondersoek,
the Universiteit van Stellenbosch Drukkery, en die Nagraadse Bestuurskool. Elkeen van
dié bedryfseenhede het oor tyd heen sy eie, unieke identiteit ontwikkel. In feitlik alle
gevalle het die noue verbintenis met die Universiteit behoue gebly, en in baie van die
gevalle het die wedersydse assosiasie tot beide se voordeel gestrek.
Namate die omgewing waarbinne die Universiteit bedryf word meer kompeterend raak en
namate die Universiteit meeding vir kwynende finansiële bronne, raak aspekte soos
stygende media kostes en effektiewe kommunikasie belangriker.
Een manier om te verseker dat skaalbesparings bereik word, is om the visuele identiteit
van 'n instelling te koordineer.
Aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch word die visuele aanbieding van die verskeie
bedryfseenhede nog nie effektief gekoordineer nie. Dit het tot gevolg gehad dat groot
verskille aan die lig gekom het ten opsigte van die organisasie se visuele kommunikasie.
Behalwe dat sulke omstandighede nie skaalbesparings bevorder nie, sal dit ook lei tot
verwarring onder die instelling se teikengehore. Hierdie projek het ten doeI om 'n model, of raamwerk te ontwikkel waarvolgens die
Universiteit en sy bedryfseenhede hul visuele kommunikasie beter kan koordineer. Daar
word verwag dat hierdie model verdere gesprek sal stimuleer en so spoedig moontlik sal
lei tot die implementering van 'n model wat vir die Universiteitsgemeenskap aanvaarbaar
Nadat 'n raamwerk vir die bestuur van korporatiewe identiteit aanvaar is, volg nog 'n
groot taak om die kommunikasieprosesse in lyn met die instelling se doelwitte en
vereistes ten opsigte van sy korporatiewe identiteitstrategie te bring.
Hierdie verslag kan as aanvangspunt dien in die proses wat sal lei tot die effektiewe en
optimale bestuur van korporatiewe identiteit aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch.
Date03 1900
CreatorsBakker, Hans-Peter
ContributorsHugo-Burrows, R., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic & Management Sciences. Graduate School of Business.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
Format1 v. : ill.
RightsStellenbosch University

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