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Resolution of singularities in foliated spaces

Let M be an analytic manifold over the real or complex field, J be a coherent and everywhere non-zero ideal sheaf over M, E be a reduced SNC divisor and Θ an involutive singular distribution everywhere tangent to E. The main objective of this work is to obtain a resolution of singularities for the ideal sheaf J that preserves some ''good" properties of the singular distribution Θ. More precisely, the R-monomial property : the existence of local monomial first integrals. This problem arises naturally when we study the ''interaction" between a variety and a foliation and, thus, is also related with the problem of monomialization of maps and of ''quasi-smooth" resolution of families of ideal sheaves.- The first result is a global resolution if the ideal sheaf J is invariant by the singular distribution Θ;- The second result is a global resolution if the the singular distribution Θ has leaf dimension 1;- The third result is a local uniformization if the the singular distribution Θ has leaf dimension 2;We also present two applications of the previous results. The first application concerns the resolution of singularities in families, either of ideal sheaves or vector fields. For the second application, we apply the results to a dynamical system problem motivated by a question of Mattei.
Date28 June 2013
CreatorsBelotto Da Silva, André Ricardo
PublisherUniversité de Haute Alsace - Mulhouse
Source SetsCCSD theses-EN-ligne, France
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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