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A Suggested Mathematics Curriculum for Preparation of Teachers of Modern Secondary School Mathematics in Utah

"New math" has drastically changed secondary mathematics and the demands on the secondary ma thematics teacher. The changes and e ffects of changes w re studied with emphasis on suggested programs in teacher preparation.
Questionnaires were given to one hundred four secondary mathematics teachers in Utah. Fifty-e ight w rt: returned, of which fifty were usable. The questionnaire contained twenty-six mathematics courses offered to mathematics education majors in Utah universities . The teachers indicated which courses were valuable to them in teaching secondary school mathematics . Rank order correlation coefficients were calculated among subgroups of the questionnaire to determine internal consistency. All coefficients were above the 1 per cent significance level. The first fifteen courses listed in rank order according to the percentage of teachers who fe lt each course was valuable are: college algebra, trigonometry, analytic geometry, differential calculus, modern algebra, metltods for secondary mathematics teachers , mathematics for secondary school teachers, foundations of mathe matics, integral calculus, number theory, history of matltematics, foundations of geometry , solid geometry, logic , and foundations of algebra.
On the basis of the courses generally recommended for prospective modern matltema tics teachers by nationally interested groups and the results of the evaluations of courses by Utah mathematics teachers , the following program in mathematics was proposed for prospective matltematics teachers in Utah .
Mathematics education majors should take:
College Algebra (or equivale nt) Trigonomentry (or equivalent) Analytic Geometry Differential Calculus Abstract Algebra (at least one course ) College Geometry (a t least one course other than Analytic Geometry) Mathematics for Secondary School Teachers Methods course (may be taken under the Department of Education)
After completing tltis basic program, teachers intending to teach grades seven, eight, or nine s hould choose three or more courses from tlte following:
Foundations of Mathematics
Additional courses in Abstract Algebra
Additional courses in College Geometry
(other than Analytic Geometry)
Number Theory
History of Mathematics
Probability and Statistics
A teacher intending io teach grades ten, eleven, or twelve should complete integral calculus and choose three or more courses from the following:
Foundations of Mathematics
Additional courses in Abstract Algebra
Additional courses in College eometry
(other than Analytic Geometry)
Number Theory
History of Math matics
Probability and Statistics
Additional Calculus courses
Date01 May 1967
CreatorsPhilips, Harold Nolan
Source SetsUtah State University
Detected LanguageEnglish
SourceAll Graduate Theses and Dissertations
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