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A trust framework for multi-organization environments

The widespread of inexpensive communication technologies, distributed data storage and web services mechanisms currently urge the collaboration among organizations. Partners are participating in this environment motivated by several advantages such as: (1) the ability to use external and professional resources, services and knowledge, (2) the reduction of time-consuming requirements and (3) the benefaction of experts experience. However, this collaboration is not perfect since several problems can arise such as the misuse of resources, disclosure of data or inadequate services. Therefore, security is an important concern of the participants. In particular trust management and access control are one of the major security issues for an organization. This thesis addresses these two areas in particular. It proposes a novel and comprehensive trust framework for Multi-Organization Environments. Our approach is organized in four parts. First, we propose a vector based model approach for defining trust vectors. These vectors evaluate a set of requirements, under conditions, and provide a degree of confidence. In our approach, we consider two different types of vectors. On the one hand, a vector that links a user to an organization and, on the other hand, a vector that links two organizations. We also show how these vectors are evaluated and shared among the different organizations, and how we combine the provided trust information in order to enhance the security. Second, the TRUST-OrBAC model was designed to add the previous trust approach to the ORBAC model. Moreover, this solution was applied with a real collaboration network between companies. Third, we present a trust ontology methodology based on access control concepts. This ontology will be used to share the trust beliefs between participants and to make equivalence between their trust objectives. How to define this trust relationship, how to understand the trust objective of a requester, and how to evaluate the recommendation value is addressed in this thesis. Fourth, we improve our work by designing a passive testing approach in order to evaluate the behavior of a user. This contribution is based on the monitoring tool MMT. Finally the entire architecture of our system is proposed
Date01 April 2014
CreatorsToumi, Khalifa
PublisherInstitut National des Télécommunications
Source SetsCCSD theses-EN-ligne, France
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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