Echo is a 3D animated short film rendered within Unreal Engine from Epic Games. The story is centered around a small child named Echo who has moved to Earth with her mom. The story follows her adventures through her first days at school and what can happen when a parent suddenly disappears from a child's life against their will.
Many of the story beats take direct inspiration from personal experiences of either myself, my family members, or stories of immigrant children who come to the United States (US) with their parents in search of a better future. There has been a lot of discussion about the immigration system in the United States in recent years, but not enough discussion on the experiences immigrant children have when going through the system and its issues, therefore this film aims to help shed a light on how just a small act of kindness can help build a new world for those that find themselves lost. The main character and the film are titled Echo because it is an "echo" of the past. Be it past experiences, stories, or events.
Date01 January 2024
CreatorsBeltran, Ana
Source SetsUniversity of Central Florida
Detected LanguageEnglish
SourceGraduate Thesis and Dissertation 2023-2024
RightsIn copyright

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