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A NEPAD leadership development strategy : the SADC case

Dissertation (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The overall aim of this study is to shape the future of the SADC through the New
Partnerships for Africa’s Development leadership development strategy (NEPAD LDS),
including a social responsiveness strategy. It proceeds from the premise that leadership
development should be based on the values and interests of an institution, because these
represent the institution’s position regarding the context within which it exists.
This study pursued the following objectives:
• To identify leadership needs in the SADC
• To suggest a NEPAD-based leadership development strategy that includes
a social responsiveness strategy as a response to identified SADC
leadership needs
The research therefore viewed the future of the SADC through leadership
development. The entry point in this process was to establish the character and qualities
of the SADC, considering that the continued existence of this region depends on its
ability to transform all its systems in a unified pursuit of common goals. The history and
natural resources of the region were thus seen to be the most visible measures of its
overall health and strategic direction.
The process of stakeholder identification and mapping was then pursued, with the
view to help the SADC leadership to assess systematically the nature and impact of
groups with which the organisation deals. Following the stakeholder analysis,
information on the macro-environment of the SADC was gathered because of the impact
the external environment has on the SADC. This large body of information was screened
systematically. The scanning taxonomy that was developed included five areas: social,
technological, environmental, economic and political (STEEP). This specialised
taxonomy helped the researcher to focus on issues of greatest concern to the study. The
issues that were scanned are discussed relative to their impact on SADC leadership
Based on the leadership challenges in the SADC thus identified, planning
assumptions were developed, which are best guesses or predictions about key dimensions of the future given the leadership challenges identified. These assumptions are estimates
based on the combination of estimating factors/validation points, which are portrayed in
the analysis of the macro-environment of the SADC. The probability, the impact, the
proximity and the maturity of these assumptions are interpreted by calculating their
weighted positive or negative values.
Cross-impact analysis of the validation points is used to guide the SADC
decision-makers to adopt policies designed to achieve more desirable leadership futures.
Here, the connections between validation points impacting on the probability of one
another are illustrated. These specified relationships trace out a distinct, plausible and
internally consistent future for the SADC leadership. This analysis gives rise to the
identification of key validation points/drivers in the SADC from which emerge the key
leadership needs of this region. Further needs that emerged were to make the NEPAD the
base upon which the leadership development programme is built, and to incorporate
social responsiveness strategy.
Based on these key leadership needs in the SADC, it is suggested that a NEPADbased
leadership development strategy, including a social responsiveness strategy, be
developed and implemented. Furthermore, the NEPAD leadership development strategy
(NEPAD LDS) should be based on the premise that linking leadership development with
a social responsiveness strategy is critical not only for the SADC, but for the entire
world, because this region is part of the global village. It is suggested that the
implementation strategy should enable participants to translate the NEPAD LDS into
action and to see leadership development and a social responsiveness strategy as key
mechanisms for doing so.
This study attempts to avoid the worn-out remedies of the past and uses a holistic
approach called Common Sense Management, which entails market research, directionsetting,
strategy development, implementing strategies and outcome assessment.
The findings and the conclusions for this study are organised around the research
questions that were the basis of motivation for this study. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die oorhoofse doelwit van hierdie studie is om die toekoms van die Suider-
Afrikaanse Ontwikkelingsgemeenskap (SAOG) te help bepaal deur middel van die Nuwe
Vennootskap vir Afrika se Ontwikkeling (algemeen bekend as NEPAD) se
leiderskapsontwikkelingstrategie (LDS), insluitende 'n sosiale deelnemendheidstrategie.
Dit gaan uit vanaf die veronderstelling dat leierskapsontwikkeling op die waardes en
belange van 'n instelling behoort te berus, omdat hulle die instelling se posisie
verteenwoordig rakende die konteks waarbinne dit bestaan.
Hierdie studie het die volgende doelwitte nagevolg:
• Om leierskapsbehoeftes in SAOG te identifiseer
• Om 'n NEPAD-gebaseerde leierskapontwikkelingstrategie voor te stel wat
'n sosiale deelnemendheidstrategie insluit as 'n reaksie op die
geïdentifiseerde SAOG leierskapsbehoeftes.
Daarom betrag die navorsingstuk die toekoms van SAOG deur die bril van
leierskapsontwikkeling. Die vertrekpunt in hierdie proses was om die karakter en
hoedanighede van SAOG vas te stel met in agneming dat die volgehoue bestaan van
hierdie streek van sy vermoë afhang om al sy stelsels in 'n verenigde nastreef van
gemeenskaplike doelwitte te transformeer. Die geskiedenis en natuurlike hulpbronne van
die streek is dus gesien as die mees sigbare maatreëls in sy oorhoofse gesondheid- en
strategiese rigting.
Die proses om belanghebbers te identifiseer en te beskryf, is vervolgens aangepak
met die oog op bystand aan die SAOG se leierskap om die aard en impak van groepe
waarmee die organisasie te doene het, sistematies te beoordeel. Na afloop van die
belanghebbersanalise, is inligting oor SAOG se makro-omgewing versamel vanweë die
impak van die eksterne omgewing op SAOG. Hierdie groot hoeveelheid inligting is
sistematies verwerk. Die verwerkingsistematiek wat ontwikkel is, sluit vyf gebiede in:
sosiaal, tegnologies, omgewing, ekonomies en polities (STOEP). Hierdie gespesialiseerde
sistematiek het die navorser in staat gestel om op sake wat van die grootste belang vir die studie is, te konsentreer. Die aangeleenthede wat verwerk is, word bespreek in
verhouding met hul impak op SAOG se leierskapspraktyke.
Op grond van die leierskapsuitdagings in SAOG wat aldus geïdentifiseer is, is
beplanningsaannames opgestel wat beste skattings of voorspellings verteenwoordig
aangaande sleutelelemente van die toekoms, gegewe die leierskapsuitdagings wat bepaal
is. Hierdie aannames word vasgestel op grond van die samestelling van
faktore/geldigheidspunte wat in die analise van die makro-omgewing van SAOG
voorgestel word. Die waarskynlikheid, die impak, die nabyheid en die rypheid van
hierdie aannames word by wyse van die berekening van hul geweegde positiewe of
negatiewe waardes geïnterpreteer.
'n Kruisimpakanalise van die geldigheidspunte word gebruik om rigting aan die
SAOG besluitnemers te verskaf om hul beleidsrigtings aan te pas om 'n meer gewenste
leierskapstoekoms te bewerkstellig. Hier word dan die verbinding tussen die
geldigheidspunte uitgebeeld wat 'n invloed op mekaar se onderlinge waarskynlikheid
uitoefen. Hierdie aangeduide verhoudings dui 'n duidelike, geloofbare en intern
konsekwente toekoms vir die SAOG leierskap aan. Hierdie analise gee aanleiding tot die
identifisering van sleutelgeldigheidspunte/aandrywers vir SAOG waaruit die
deurslaggewende leierskapsbehoeftes van die streek na vore tree. Verdere behoeftes wat
duidelik geword het, was dat NEPAD die basis behoort te verskaf waarop die
leierskapsprogram gebou behoort te word, asook om 'n sosiale deelnemendheidstrategie
daarby in te begryp.
Op grond van hierdie sleutelleierskapsbehoeftes in SAOG, word aan die hand
gedoen dat 'n NEPAD-gebaseerde leierskapsontwikkelingstrategie, insluitende 'n sosiale
deelnemendheidstrategie, ontwikkel en toegepas word. Verder behoort die NEPAD
leierskapontwikkelingstrategie (NEPAD LDS) op die aanname te berus dat 'n
aaneenskakeling van leierskapsontwikkeling met 'n sosiale deelnemendheidstrategie
krities nie slegs vir SAOG is nie, maar vir die hele wêreld, aangesien hierdie streek deel
is van die wêrelddorp. Dit word aanbeveel dat die implementeringstrategie deelnemers
behoort in staat te stel om die NEPAD LDS in aksie in om te skakel en om leierskapsontwikkeling en 'n sosiale deelnemendheidstrategie te beskou as
sleutelmeganismes in die proses.
Hierdie studie poog om die uitgediende redmiddels van die verlede te vermy en
om eerder 'n holistiese benadering te gebruik, wat Gesonde Verstandbestuur genoem kan
word, wat marknavorsing, rigtingbepaling, strategie-ontwikkeling, die implementering
van strategieë en uitkomsgebaseerde assessering insluit.
Die bevindings en die gevolgtrekkings in hierdie studie word om die
navorsingsvrae gegroepeer wat as motivering vir hierdie studie gedien het.
Date12 1900
CreatorsNtsike, Austeria Letholetseng
ContributorsSchwella, Erwin, Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. School of Public Management and Planning.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
Formatxix, 315 leaves : ill.
RightsStellenbosch University

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