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Effects of site quality and surrounding landscape on bryophytes and brackets on logs in woodland key habitats

<p>A tool for management and conservation of valuable forests in Sweden are WKH:s. In this study WKH:s different in size, connectivity, amount of dead wood and quality of logs were investigated for species richness of bryophytes and brackets on coniferous logs. The aim was to clarify which scales and features that was important for the diversity of species as well as for individual species. The results showed that the amount of dead wood was most important on the site scale, and some species were affected at the landscape scale, a positive effect of valuable tracts. On the scale of individual logs, factors such as diameter, sun exposure, succession stage, contact with ground and ground bryophytes cover was most important. Red-listed species preferred logs with large diameter and late successional stages. The conclusion was that the quality of the substrate and the amount of dead wood was most important, but the amount of WKH:s on the landscape scale was also important for some species.</p>
Date January 2010
CreatorsDahlerup, Nina
PublisherLinköping University, Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology
Source SetsDiVA Archive at Upsalla University
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeStudent thesis, text

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