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Developing a strategic framework for a non-profit organisation with specific focus on the

Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: All organisations, commercial or nonprofit, are exposed to a highly competitive and
uncertain environment which is fuelled by globalisation and technological
advancement. Organisations make use of business analytical tools to assist them in
the effective management of their organisations. Strategic management in particular,
is used as an analytical and decision making tool.
The Christian church is by no means excluded from the effects of the changing
society due to globalisation, technological advancement and post-modernism.
Christianity has been a way of Ufe for many people over the past two millennia;
however, there is a growing concern that Christianity is facing extinction. Research
and surveys conducted indicate a decline in membership and attendance of worship.
The literature reviewed in this research revealed that nonprofits, and in particular
religious organisations, are focused primarily on their mission, rather than taking a
holistic view of the external and internal environment in making strategic business
This presented an opportunity for a research study on the application of strategic
management principles in a church organisation, without compromising the church's
The research problem addressed in this report is: Can strategic management
techniques and principles applied in business today, successfully be adapted for
formulating a strategic framework which will enhance the growth and survival of the
Christian Church?
An extensive literature review has been undertaken within the field of the strategic
management discipline in business and in non-profits. The purpose of the research is
aimed at strategic management techniques to be applied to the Christian church. It
made sense therefore to gain some understanding of what literature presented with
regards to strategic management concepts in churches. Churches are expected to
survive amidst a changing society, the church is expected to respond to the needs of
its members and yet remain true to its mission. A number of issues which need
consideration when making strategic decisions have been addressed. These include:
postmodernism and its challenges, public trust, leadership, volunteerism, money,
culture, diversity, structures and systems.
A strategic framework was applied to test its usefulness as a tool in the church.
Elements of the framework entail the strategic intent which embodies the vision,
mission, goals and objectives of the organisation. The internal and external
environment in which the organisation exists, is analysed and the results are
integrated to formulate an appropriate strategy.
Based on the results of the literature reviewed, the research problem has been
answered positively.
The scope of the research is non-denominational and does not focus on any specific
religious doctrines. Therefore, regardless of beliefs or re li gious convictions the
framework provided can effectively be applied by any religious or nonprofit
Although the proposed framework could be applied to multiple religious trad itions, the
focus is on the Christian church and some examples are uniquely Christian.
Ultimately it is intended that the adopted framework enhances the ability of Christian
churches to grow from strength to strength.
Working within the framework presented does not guarantee the success of the
church but it will provide a structure for management's decision making. The need for
flexibility within the framework must be recognised and appreciated.
The research report is exploratory in nature and reviews existing knowledge to
prepare the way for further research into relationships between strategic
management and religious organisations. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Aile organisasies, hetsy sake-ondernemings of nie-winsgewende assosiasies, word
blootgestel aan haogs mededigende en onsekere omgewingsomstandighede wat
aangevuur word deur globalisering en te9nologie5e vooruitgang. Organisasies rnaak
gebruik van analitiese hulpmiddels om hulp 1e verleen in die doeltreffende
bedryfsleiding van hul organisasies. Strategiese bestuur word in die besonder as 'n
analitiese- en besluitnemingswerktuig gebruik.
Die Christelike kerk bly geensins onaangeraak deur die uitwerking van 'n
gemeenskap wat verander weens globalisering, te9nol09ie5e vooruitgang en die
nadraai van modernisme. Vir vele mense was Christenskap oor die afgelope twee
millennia 'n lewenswyse; desnieteenstaande is daar 'n groeiende besorgdheid dat
Christenskap uitwissing in die oe staar. Navorsing en opnames toon 'n afname in
lidmaatskap en bywoning aan godsdienste.
Die geskrifte wat vir hierdie navorsing bestudeer is, het onthul dat nle-winsgewende,
en in die besonder religieuse organisasies, allereerste op hul missie fokus, eerder as
om 'n holistiese benadering te neem van die interne en eksterne
omgewingsomstandighede, wanneer strategiese ondernemingsbesluite geneem
word .
Dit het die geleentheid geskep vir navorsing in die toepassing van stategiese
bestuursbeginsels in 'n kerk-organisasie, sonder om die kerk se missie in gevaar te
Die navorsingsprobleem wat in hierdie verslag aangespreek word, is: Kan die
strategiese bestuurstegnieke en -beginsels wat hedendaags in sake-ondernemings
toegepas word, suksesvol aangepas word om 'n strategiese raamwerk te formuleer
wat die ontwikkeling en oorlewing van die Christel ike kerk sal verhoog?
'n Uitgebreide oorsig van literatuur rakende die terrein van strategiese
bestuursbeginsels In sake-ondernemings en nie-winsgewinde assosiasies is
onderneem. Die doel van die navorsing was gevestig op strategiese
bestuursbeginsels wat op die Christelike kerk toegepas kon word . Dit het dus sin
gemaak om ondersoek in te stel oor wat die literatuuf s~ rakende strategiese
bestuurskonsepte in kerke. Daar word van die kerk verwag om in 'n veranderende
gemeenskap te aorleef, om te reageer op die behoeftes van sy ltdmate en nog
steeds getrou te bly aan sy missie. 'n Hele aantal vraagpunte wat oorweging benodig
wanneer strategiese besluite geneem word, is aangespreek. Oit sluit in: postmodernisme
en sy uitdagings, publieke vertroue, leierskap, vrywillige dienslewering,
befondsing, kultuur, diversiteit, strukture en sisteme.
'n Strategiese raamwerk is toegepas om sy bruikbaarheid as 'n werktuig in die kerk te
toets. Elemente van hierdie raamwerk bevat die strategiese beweegrede wat die
visie, missie, doelwitte en doelstellings van die organisasie omvat. Die interne en
eksterne omgewing waarin die organisasie bestaan, is ge-analiseer en die resultate
toe ingelyf om 'n gepaste strategie te formuleer.
Gegrond op die resultate van die literatuur wat in oorsig geneem was, is die
navorsingsprobleem positief beantwoord.
Die omvang van die navorsing is nie gekoppel aan kerkverband nie en fokus dus nie
op enige spesifieke godsdienstige leerstellings nie. Hierdie raamwerk kan dus
ondanks die geloofs-oortuigings en - belydenisse doeltreffend op enige godsdienstige
of nie-winsgewende organisasie toegepas word .
Alhoewel die voorgestelde raamwerk op veelvuldige religieuse tradisies toegepas
kan word, is die fokus op die Christelike kerk en party voorbeelde wat aangehaal
word, is uniek aan Christendom. Daar word uiteindelik ten doel gestel dat die
aanvaarde raamwerk die vermoe van Christen kerke om van krag tot krag te groei,
Wanneer daar binne die voorgestelde raamwerk gewerk word, is daar geen waarborg
dat die kerk suksesvol sal wees nie, maar dit voorsien wei 'n struktuur vir bestuurslui
se besluitneming. Die nodigheid vir buigsaamheid binne die raamwerk moet ook
erken en waardeer word.
Date03 1900
CreatorsJoseph, Mary Claire
ContributorsOosthuizen, Hein, Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. Graduate School of Business.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
RightsStellenbosch University

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