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The impact of people risks on any organisation, and potential, strategies to mitigate those risks : a literature review

Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Organisations are under constant pressure to perform and meet shareholders' demands
and expectations, Whether it is a global, national, regional or entrepreneurial enterprise,
the management team need to ensure that the operations are run effectively and
People or human resource related risks are being recognised more often as having a
potentially high impact on meeting company objectives. Leaders have realised that
human resources remain one of the most important assets, if not the most important, of the company. Employees on the other hand have realised that companies are willing to
reward them according to value added, and are often using this to their advantage.
Employers need to be aware of the risks associated with their workforce and manage it
in order to mitigate the risks and limit the consequences.
Various types of people risks have been identified by academics and professionals,
often classified into different categories. People risks which are not managed effectively
may pose a moral, social, legal and/or environmental burden on the business,
shareholders as well as leadership.
This study involves a literature study as well as a survey to determine the impact which
these risks may have on different types of businesses, and their ability to meet
organisational objectives. The literature study focuses on 30 different people related
risks, categorised into physical risks as well as non-physical risks. Each risk has been
explored in the study, reflecting different opinions as well as potential consequences if
not managed effectively.
The survey conducted amongst risk management practitioners and consultants reflects
personal opinions regarding the level of impact which a risk may have on meeting
organisational objectives. Each respondent had the opportunity to rank a risk as having
either a high, medium or low impact on meeting objectives.
The survey concluded that certain non-physical risks featured very prominently as being
high risks, while the physical risks were regarded as medium to low risk. HIV/AIDS and occupational injuries were the only two physical risks which featured in the top ten risks
according to the survey results.
Conclusions drawn from the survey conducted as well as previous research are that
three of the top five risks are similar. There is also the possibility that organisational
leaders and professional advisors may not always be aware of the people risks
associated with business. The potential for further surveys and research is vast, and
potential for organisations to become more effective and efficient largely depend on the
ability to identify, assess, evaluate and manage risks according to risk management
A basic risk management process is explained in the recommendations section,
together with a variety of mitigating strategies and suggestions. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Organisasies is deesdae onder voortdurende druk om te presteer en aan
aandeelhouers se eise en verwagtinge te voldoen. Dit maak nie saak of dit 'n globale,
nasionale, streek- of entrepreneursaak is nie, die bestuurspan moet verseker dat die
bedrywighede effektief en doeltreffend bestuur word.
Menslikehulpbron-verwante risiko's word al meer geag 'n potensieel hoë impak te hê op
maatskappye se vermeë om doelwitte te bereik. Leiers het besef dat menslike
hulpbronne een van die belangrikste bates van die maatskappy bly, indien nie die
belangrikste nie. Werknemers het weer besef dat maatskappye bereid is om hulle te
vergoed ooreenkomstig waarde toegevoeg, en gebruik dit dikwels tot hul voordeel.
Werkgewers behoort bewus te wees van die risiko's verbonde aan hul arbeidsmag en
dit so te bestuur dat die risiko's verminder en die gevolge beperk word. Verskillende tipes menslike risiko's is al deur akademici en professionele persone
geïdentifiseer en hulle word dikwels in verskillende kategorieë geklassifiseer. Menslike
risiko's wat nie effektief bestuur word nie, kan morele, sosiale, wetlike en/of
omgewingstremmings plaas op die besigheid, aandeelhouers sowel as die bestuur.
Die studie behels 'n omvattende literatuurstudie sowel as 'n opname om die moontlike
impak te bepaal van hierdie risiko's op verskillende tipes besighede en hul vermoë om
sakedoelwitte te bereik. Die literatuurstudie fokus op 30 verskillende menslike risiko's
wat as fisiese en nie-fisiese risiko's gekategoriseer word. Elke risiko is in die studie
ontleed, en verskillende sienings en potensiële gevolge indien die risiko nie bestuur
word nie, word verduidelik.
Die opname wat onder risikobestuurpraktisyns en -konsultante gedoen is, weerspiëel
persoonlike menings aangaande die graad van die impak wat 'n risiko op die bereiking
van organisasiedoelwitte kan hê. Elke respondent het die geleentheid gehad om die
risiko's te evalueer en aan te dui of dit 'n hoë, medium of lae impak het op die bereiking
van doelwitte. Die opname het bevind dat sommige nie-fisiese fisiko's baie prominent uitgestaan het
as hoë risiko's, terwyl die fisiese risiko's meestal as medium tot lae risiko's beskou is.
MIV/VIGS en beroepsbeserings is die enigste twee fisiese risiko's wat onder die top tien
risiko's verskyn het volgens die resultate van die opname.
Gevolgtrekkings uit die opname sowel as vorige navorsing dui aan dat drie van die top
vyf risiko's soortgelyk is. Die moontlikheid bestaan ook dat besigheidsleiers en
professionele adviseurs nie altyd vertroud is met menslike risiko's ten opsigte van die
besigheid nie. Die potensiaal vir toekomstige opnames en navorsing is enorm, en die
potensiaal van organisasies om meer effektief en doeltreffend te word, hang grootliks af
van die vermoë om risiko's volgens risikobestuurbeginsels te identifiseer, te bereken, te
evalueer en te bestuur.
'n Basiese risikobestuursproses word in die afdeling met aanbevelings verduidelik,
tesame met 'n verskeidenheid van voorkomingstrategieë en -voorstelle.
Date03 1900
CreatorsStramrood, Zander
ContributorsVan Dyk, Laetitia, Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. Graduate School of Business.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
RightsStellenbosch University

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