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Self-Selection Of Discrete Molecular Architectures In Coordination-Driven Self-Assembly

Self–assembly has long been attracting chemists’ attention because it can yield fascinating supramolecular architectures in a single step. More precisely, metal–ligand coordination–driven self–assembly has stood out as an efficient methodology in this paradigm due to simple design principle and high predictability of the final molecular architectures. Moreover, one can envisage hierarchical nanoscopic molecular architectures with a vast range of size, shape and functionality via this methodology.
Two–component self–assembly (involving one type of donor and one type of acceptor) is relatively easy to monitor and a widely used protocol. Whereas, multicomponent self–assembly (involving more than one types of donors/or acceptors) is too complex due to the possibility of formation of several products. The prime advantage of multicomponent self–assembly lies in one–pot construction of topologically complicated multifunctional architectures. Template– induced multicomponent self–assembly of discrete architectures is recently investigated to some extent. But, template–free multicomponent self–assembly of discrete architectures is rare in the literature.
Physico–chemical property of a self–assembled product is coded in the functional groups present in its precursor building units. Functional supramolecular architectures have important applications in many potential fields such as chemosensing, drug delivery, supramolecular catalysis, etc. Porphyrin, pyrazole, imidazole, etc. functionalized organic molecules are hydrophilic as well as hydrophobic in nature. Introduction of such functionality in building units can lead to amphiphilic supramolecular complexes. Therefore, such complexes can be employed as hosts for versatile guests, or as molecular reactors for various chemical reactions. In general, counter ions block the cavity of ionic molecular architectures. Thus, when ionic molecular architectures are employed as hosts, they cannot fully provide their cavity towards guest molecules. In contrast, neutral molecular complexes are expected to be better hosts. It is well known that alkenyl/alkynyl heavy metal complexes exhibit efficient chemoluminescence due to facile metal to ligand charge transfer (MLCT). Hence, such complexes can be employed as efficient chemosensors towards the detection of electron deficient molecules such as nitroaromatics which are the chemical signatures of many powerful explosives. In these regards, a considerable effort is being paid recently to design and construct various functional supramolecular architectures.
Symmetry and rigidity of building units increase predictability of the final product in self– assembly. In this regard, symmetric; rigid Pd(II)/Pt(II)–based acceptors and polypyridyl donors are explored extensively in metal–ligand coordination–driven self–assembly. In contrast to rigidity, flexibility endows building units to adopt thermodynamically most stable conformer/architecture. Hence, same set of building units can render different conformers/architectures in presence of different templates for the sake of suitable host–guest interactions. Contrary to high symmetry, asymmetry in building units leads to molecular architectures with polar environments. But, due to the possibility of formation of several isomeric products from the self–assembly involving such building units, it is difficult to monitor the reaction and purify the products. Hence, designing appropriate synthetic routes which can lead to formation of single isomeric products possessing flexible/asymmetric building units is a challenge to synthetic chemists.
Investigations incorporated in the present thesis are focused to design and construct various 2D/3D discrete supramolecular architectures employing self–assembly of mainly Pd(II)/Pt(II) acceptors with N/O donors. Elemental analyses, IR/NMR/UV–Vis/fluorescence/mass spectroscopy and single crystal X–ray diffraction analysis are among prime techniques employed for characterization of the reported architectures. For a few cases, powder X–ray diffraction (PXRD) analysis and density functional theory (DFT) calculations are also carried out. CHAPTER 1 of the thesis provides a brief general introduction to self–assembly and supramolecular chemistry. It emphasizes on the metal–ligand coordination–driven self–assembly approach towards the construction of a library of 2D/3D supramolecular architectures.
CHAPTER 2 describes formation of a series of template–induced and template–free discrete 3D Pd(II) molecular prisms via multicomponent self–assembly. Because of the possibility of formation of several products, multicomponent self–assembly is difficult to monitor. For example, several molecular architectures are expected from a three–component self–assembly involving a 90° acceptor [ca. cis–blocked Pd(II)], a 120° tritopic donor [ca. benzene–1,3,5– tricaboxylate (tma)] and a 180° donor [ca. 4,4'–bipyridine (4,4'–bpy) or pyrazine (pz)]. Interestingly, treatment of cis–(tmen)Pd(NO3)2 [tmen = N,N,N′,N′–tetramethylethylenediamine] with 4,4'–bpy and K3tma in 6 : 3 : 2 molar ratio at room temperature resulted in mainly a nanoscopic molecular trigonal prism [{(tmen)Pd}6(bpy)3(tma)2](NO3)6 (1) with three 4,4'–bpy pillars, two tma caps and six cis–(tmen)Pd connectors (Scheme 1).

Scheme 1: Schematic representation of the formation of multicomponent self–assembled molecular trigonal prisms 1, 2 and 3.
Surprisingly, the same reaction in presence of benzene–1,3,5–tricaboxylic acid (H3tma) as guest yielded exclusively the guest–encapsulated analogous molecular prism [{(tmen)Pd}6(bpy)3(tma)2(H3tma)2](NO3)6 (2; Scheme 1). It is also presented how variation of steric crowding at connectors (acceptors) influenced final outcomes. Self–assembly of cis– (en)Pd(NO3)2 [en = ethylenediamine] with 4,4'–bpy and K3tma in 6 : 3 : 2 molar ratio at room temperature resulted in a triply interlocked nanoscopic 3D coordination cage [{(en)Pd}6(bpy)3(tma)2]2(NO3)12 (3; Scheme 1). It is also shown that above trend is followed even upon changing the pillar length from 4,4'–bpy to pz. Aromatic –stacking interactions amog tma caps as well as among 4,4'–bpy pillars provided considerable stability to interlocked archirecture 3. Steric crowding due to the methyl groups in cis–(tmen)Pd connectors hindered intercalation and hence led to non–interlocked architecture 1. As expected, similar self–assembly using moderately crowded acceptor cis–(pn)Pd(NO3)2 [pn = 1,2–diaminopropane] with same donors 4,4'–bpy and K3tma resulted in a mixture of analogous triply interlocked and non– interlocked architectures in solution though it was found to be only triply interlocked architecture in solid state. Interestingly, irrespective of the steric crowding of the blocking amines, self– assembly in presence of H3tma as guest preferred exclusive formation of guest–encapsulated prisms of type 2 (Scheme 1). This is due to considerable stabilazation via aromatic –stacking interactions amog tma caps and H3tma guests. Formation of guest–free discrete molecular prisms (such as 1) and triply interlocked coordination cages (such as 3) were confirmed by spectroscopic and single crystal X–ray diffraction analyses. Whereas, formation of guest– encapsulated discrete molecular prisms (such as 2) was established by DOSY, ROESY 2D NMR spectroscpic study in conjunction with energy optimized geometry analysis.
CHAPTER 3 reports design and syntheses of a series of porphyrin functionalized nanoscopic 3D molecular open prisms. Self–assembly of a C4 –symmetric tetratopic donor with a 90° ditopic acceptor can, in principle, lead to several architectures such as trigonal; tetragonal; pentagonal; hexagonal; etc. open prisms, closed cube or 1D oligomers. Both of 1,5,10,15–tetrakis(4–
pyridyl)porphyrin (L) and 1,5,10,15–tetrakis(3–pyridyl)porphyrin (L) possess pseudo C4 – 1
symmetry. Surprisingly, treatment of Lwith the 90° ditopic acceptor cis–(dppf)Pt(OTf)2 [dppf = diphenylphosphinoferrocene, OTf = trifluoromethanesulphonate] yielded exclusively an 1
unprecedented [6 + 12] self–assembled hexagonal open prism [(dppf)12Pt12L6](OTf)24 (4; Scheme 2).

Scheme 2: Schematic representation of formation of [6 + 12] self–assembled molecular hexagonal open prism 4 and its Zn(II) embedded complex 4a.
In contrast, [3 + 6] self–assembled trigonal open prisms are adopted upon self–assembly of Lwith Pd(II)–based 90° ditopic acceptors. These complexes show facile incorporation of Zn(II) ions into porphyrin N4 –pockets. Moreover, they incorporate high microporosity in solid state and they are amphiphilic in nature due to porphyrin functionality. One of the trigonal open prisms revealed its considerably high adsorbate–adsorbent affinity towards non–polar gas such as N2 and protic solvent vapors such as water, methanol and ethanol. Formation of hexagonal and trigonal open prisms is fully authenticated by spectroscopic and single crystal X–ray diffraction analyses.
CHAPTER 4 describes design and synthesis of a pyrazole functionalized flexible donor (L) and its self–assembly towards the construction of three nanoscopic 3D supramolecular discrete cages 5–7 (Scheme 3).

Scheme 3: Schematic representation of formation of [4 + 6] self–assembled molecular double–square 5 and [2 + 3] self–assembled molecular trigonal bipyramids 6–7. 3
Due to flexibility, Lcan adopt different conformations and hence several isomeric architectures 3
are expected upon self–assembly. For example, self–assembly of Lwith a rigid ditopic 90° acceptor can lead to trigonal bipyramid (TBP), double–square, adamantanoid or truncated 3
tetrahedron. Treatment of Lwith cis–(tmen)Pd(NO3)2 yielded a [4 + 6] self–assembled double–3
square [(tmen)6Pd6L4](NO3)12 (5; Scheme 3). Much to our surprise, replacement of cis– (tmen)Pd(NO3)2 with CuCl2 or AgOTf yielded [2 + 3] self–assembled molecular TBP 33
[Cu3Cl6L2] (6) or [Ag3L2](OTf)3 (7), respectively (Scheme 3).
CHAPTER 5 presents study of self–assembly involving flexible asymmetric donors and rigid 4
symmetric 90° acceptors. Three ambidentate donors 5–pyrimidinecarboxylate (L), nicotinate–56
N–oxide (L) and isonicotinate–N–oxide (L) were employed in self–assembly with symmetric rigid 90° acceptors cis–(dppf)M(OTf)2 [M = Pd(II)/Pt(II)]. Due to flexibility and different 464
connectivity of these donors L–L, several linkage isomers are expected. Treatment of Lwith cis–(dppf)M(OTf)2 in 1 : 1 molar ratio resulted in exclusive formation of single linkage isomeric 4
[3 + 3] self–assembled symmetric molecular triangles [(dppf)3M3L3](OTf)3 (8: M = Pd and 9: M = Pt), where the donors connected to metal centers in head–to–tailfashion (Scheme 4). Similar 56
reactions of Land Lwith cis–(dppf)M(OTf)2 resulted in self–sorting of [2 + 2] self–assembled molecular rhomboids 10–13 (Scheme 4). Exclusive self–selection of single linkage isomeric architectures 8, 9, 10 and 12 was fully established by spectroscopic as well as single crystal X– ray diffraction analyses. Though we could not obtain suitable X–ray diffraction quality single crystals of 11 and 13, exclusive formation of single isomeric [2 + 2] self–assembled rhomboids 131
was established by multinuclear NMR (H and P) in conjunction with ESI–MS spectroscopic studies.

Scheme 4: Schematic representation of formation of complexes 8–13.
Part A of the CHAPTER 6 describes how two neutral organometallic mononuclear chelates are formed upon treatment of disodium fumarate (,–unsaturated dicarboxylate) with cis– (dppf)Pd/Pt(OTf)2 at ambient conditions. Reaction of 90acceptors cis–(dppf)Pd/Pt(OTf)2 with fumarate is expected to result in [4 + 4] self–sorted molecular squares/or [2 + 2] self–sorted
molecular rhomboids (Scheme 5). To our surprise, the above reactions led to an unusual reduction of C–C double bond followed by concomitant formation of mononuclear chelates [M(dppf)(C4H4O4)] (M = Pd for 14 and Pt for 15) via coordination with one of the carboxylate oxygen atoms and –carbon to metal centers (Scheme 5).

Scheme 5: Schematic representation of formation of the complexes 14–15.
Part B of the CHAPTER 6 describes design and synthesis of a novel shape selective “clip” 1
shaped bimetallic Pd(II) acceptor Mand its self–assembly with disodium fumarate to construct a neutral tetrametallic Pd(II) supramolecular rectangle 16 (Scheme 6, left). Similarly, a shape selective 180° bimetallic Pd(II) acceptor was also synthesized and employed in self–assembly with several “clip” shaped organic donors to achieve several cationic tetrametallic Pd(II) supramolecular rectangles.

Scheme 6: Schematic representation of the formation of neutral Pd4 (left) and Pd2 (right) molecular rectangles.
Moreover, synthesis of a neutral bimetallic Pd(II) molecular rectangle 17 via one–pot reaction of trans–(PEt3)2PdCl2 with 1,8–diethynylanthracene (Scheme 6, right) is also presented herein. These –electron rich rectangles exhibit prominent chemoluminescence. Chemosensitivity of these complexes towards the detection of electron deficient nitroaromatics via fluorescence study is also discussed in details in this section.
(Pl refer the abstract file for figures).
Date05 1900
CreatorsBar, Arun Kumar
ContributorsMukherjee, Partha Sarathi
Source SetsIndia Institute of Science
Detected LanguageEnglish

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