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Abnormal eating attitudes and weight loss behaviours of girls attending a "traditional" Jewish high school in Johannesburg : an examination of teachers' awareness

Thesis (MNutr)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Background: Eating disorders are an important cause of morbidity and mortality in adolescent
and young adult women. There is some evidence that Eating disorders may be more common in
Jewish females than in their non-Jewish counterparts. Individuals with abnormal attitudes as
defined by the Eating Attitudes Test (26-Item version) (EAT-26) are at increased risk of
developing an eating disorder. School teachers are required to take an active role in the currently
favoured ecological approach to the prevention of eating disorders.
Objectives: The current study sought to determine the prevalence of abnormal eating attitudes
and weight loss behaviours in a Jewish female adolescent sample and to investigate school
teachers’ awareness of these factors and their attitudes towards a school programme to address
Methods: A cross-sectional study of girls in grades 8 to 11 and teachers of both genders was
undertaken at a “traditional” Jewish high school in Johannesburg, South Africa. A questionnaire
consisting of the EAT-26 and a modified section of the United States Youth Risk Behaviour
Survey (YRBS) was completed by pupils. A questionnaire developed by the researcher for the
study was completed by teachers.
Results: Two hundred and twenty pupils (response rate 84.3%) and 38 teachers (52.1%)
participated. Twenty percent of pupils (n=43) had EAT-26 scores greater than or equal to 20
and 30.2% were found to require clinical evaluation for a potential eating disorder Thirty two
point seven percent (n=72) of girls considered themselves to be overweight. Sixty four percent
(n=139) were trying to lose weight at the time of the study and 19.1% (n=42) had engaged in one
or more extreme methods of weight loss (fasting, purging or non-prescribed medication) in the
past 12 months. Most teachers (81.6%, n=29) underestimated the proportion of girls requiring
clinical evaluation and 71.1% (n=27) underestimated the extent of current weight loss attempts.
Almost all (97.3%, n=37) the teachers recognised the need to address disordered eating attitudes
and patterns in the school but only 34.2% (n=13) viewed the school as the appropriate place,
would be prepared to participate and would give up class time. Conclusions: This is the first study to document the presence of abnormal eating attitudes
among Jewish adolescent females in South Africa. The prevalence fell within the upper end of
the range of rates reported in studies of adolescent girls in South Africa and abroad. Dieting and
attempts at weight loss are common in this population and are also in keeping with the findings
from international studies. This is the first study to measure teachers’ awareness of the eating
attitudes and weight loss behaviours of girls attending the school at which they teach. The
teachers participating in this study were not fully aware of the extent to which eating-related
issues affect female pupils. Over and above this, there appears to be a resistance to facilitating
and participating in a school programme addressing these issues. A qualitative exploration of this
could yield valuable insights. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Agtergrond: Eetstoornisse is 'n belangrike oorsaak van morbiditeit en mortaliteit in adolessente
en jong volwasse vroue. Daar is bewyse dat Eetstoornisse meer algemeen mag voorkom in
Joodse vroue vergeleke met hul nie-Joodse eweknieë. Individue met 'n abnormale houding soos
gedefinieer deur die Eet-Houding-Toets (“Eating Attitudes Test”) (26-punt weergawe) (EAT-26)
het 'n verhoogde risiko om 'n eetstoornis te ontwikkel. Daar word van onderwysers verwag om 'n
aktiewe rol te speel in die ekologiese benadering om eetstoornisse te voorkom, wat tans voorkeur
Doelstellings: Die huidige studie het gepoog om die voorkoms van abnormale houding en
gedrag ten opsigte van eet en gewigsverlies in 'n steekproef van Joodse vroulike adolessente te
bepaal, asook om ondersoek in te stel of onderwysers bewus is van hierdie faktore en hul
houding teenoor 'n skoolprogram wat dit aanspreek.
Metodes: 'n Dwarssnit studie van meisies in graad 8 tot 11 en onderwysers van beide geslagte
was uitgevoer by 'n "tradisionele" Joodse hoërskool in Johannesburg, Suid-Afrika. 'n Vraelys
bestaande uit die EAT-26 en 'n aangepasde afdeling van die “United States Youth Risk
Behaviour Survey (YRBS)” is voltooi deur studente. Onderwysers het 'n vraelys voltooi wat vir
die studie ontwikkel is deur die navorser.
Resultate: Tweehonderd-en-twintig leerlinge (responskoers 84.3%) en 38 onderwysers (52.1%)
het deelgeneem. Twintig persent van leerlinge (n=43) het EAT-26 tellings groter as of gelyk aan
20 gehad en daar was bevind dat 30.2% kliniese evaluering vir 'n potensiële eetstoornis benodig.
Twee-en-dertig punt sewe persent (n=72) van meisies het hulself as oorgewig beskou. Vier-ensestig
persent (n=139) het probeer om gewig te verloor ten tye van die studie en 19.1% (n=42)
het betrokke geraak by een of meer ekstreme metodes van gewigsverlies (vas, purgasie of nievoorskrif
medikasie) in die afgelope 12 maande. Meeste onderwysers (81.6%, n=29) onderskat
die proporsie van meisies wat kliniese evaluasie benodig en 71.1% (n=27) onderskat die omvang
van huidige gewigsverlies-pogings. Byna alle (97.3%, n=37) onderwysers het die behoefte erken
dat versteurde houdings en eetpatrone aangespreek moet word, maar slegs 34,2% (n=13) beskou
die skool as die geskikte plek daarvoor en sal bereid wees om deel te neem en klastyd af te
staan. Gevolgtrekkings: Die teenwoordigheid van abnormale houding teenoor eet onder Joodse
vroulike adolessente in Suid-Afrika word vir die eerste keer in hierdie studie gedokumenteer. Die
prevalensie val binne die boonste deel van die reikwydte van koerse wat gerapporteer is in
studies oor adolessente meisies in Suid-Afrika en die buiteland. Dieet en pogings tot
gewigsverlies is algemeen in hierdie populasie en stem ook ooreen met die bevindinge van
internasionale studies. Dit is die eerste studie wat onderwysers se bewustheid meet ten opsigte
van die eethoudings en gewigsverlies-gedrag van meisies wat skool bywoon waar hul onderrig
gee. Die onderwysers wat deelgeneem het aan hierdie studie was nie ten volle bewus van die
mate waartoe eet-verwante kwessies vroulike leerlinge affekteer nie. Boonop blyk daar
weerstand te wees teenoor die fasilitering van, en deelname aan 'n skoolprogram wat hierdie
kwessies aanspreek. Verdere kwalitatiewe ondersoeke hiervan kan moontlik waardevolle insig
Date03 1900
CreatorsNotelovitz, Talia
ContributorsVisser, J., Szabo, C. P., Fredericks, N., Harvey, J., University of Stellenbosch. Faculty of Health Sciences. Dept. of Interdisciplinary Health Sciences. Human Nutrition.
PublisherStellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
Format91 p. : ill.
RightsUniversity of Stellenbosch

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