Spelling suggestions: "subject:"etheses -- hutrition"" "subject:"etheses -- elutrition""
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Factors influencing feeding practices of primary caregivers of infants (0-5.9 months) in Avian Park and Zwelethemba, Western Cape, South AfricaGoosen, Charlene 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MNutr)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Introduction
Breastfeeding is a key child survival strategy. Mixed feeding (predominant and partial breastfeeding as
defined by the World Health Organisation) during the first six months of life is associated with childhood
morbidity and mortality, especially in resource-limited settings, and carries the highest risk of HIV
transmission through breastfeeding. When compared to exclusive breastfeeding, predominant, partial or
no breastfeeding increases the risk for pneumonia and diarrhoea-related mortality. National exclusive
breastfeeding rates are poor and have not improved significantly over the past fourteen years, supporting
investigation into the contextual factors that influence infant feeding practices.
The study aimed to determine the feeding practices of primary caregivers of infants (0-5.9 months) and the
influencing factors in Avian Park and Zwelethemba in Worcester, in the Western Cape Province of South
Africa, in order to make recommendations, where appropriate.
The study was conducted from April to August 2011. A cross-sectional community-based survey was
performed using a structured questionnaire. Focus group discussions were held with mothers, fathers and
maternal and paternal grandmothers of infants younger than six months, and health care workers (formally
trained professionals and counsellors) working in child health.
One hundred and forty primary caregivers were interviewed. All caregivers were the biological mother of
the infant. Seventy-seven percent (n=108) had initiated breastfeeding. At the time of the study, 6% (n=8)
breastfed exclusively. Ninety-four percent (n=132) applied suboptimal breastfeeding practices: 36% (n=51)
breastfed predominantly, 27% (n=38) breastfed partially, and 31% (n=43) did not breastfeed. Ninety
percent (n=126) of the mothers had introduced water, of whom 83% (n=104) had done so before their
infants were one month old. Forty-four percent (n=61) of the mothers had introduced food or formula milk,
of whom 75% (n=46) had done so before their infants were three months old. Knowledge of the health and
economic benefits of breastfeeding supported initiation but several barriers to exclusive breastfeeding
remained. The main barriers were 1) the widely-held perception that infants needed water and nonprescription
medicines, 2) the concern that milk alone does not satisfy the infant, 3) inadequate infant
feeding education and support by the health system, 4) the lack of community-based postnatal support, 5)
convention and family influence, 6) mothers separated from their infants and 7) local beliefs about
maternal behaviour and breastfeeding. HIV infection exerted a significant influence on infant feeding choice (p<0.001) and none of the HIV-infected mothers breastfed (n=19). Forty-five percent (n=19) of the
formula feeding mothers over-diluted the milk, and early supplementation of formula milk with food was
common. Health care workers and maternal grandmothers were the key role-players in infant feeding
information and support.
Exclusive breastfeeding during the first six months of life was a rare practice in these communities. Water,
formula milk and/or food were introduced at an early age. HIV-infection discouraged breastfeeding and
formula feeding practices proved to be poor. Comprehensive education and support at antenatal,
intrapartum and postnatal level seemed lacking and community perceptions and convention contributed to
mixed feeding practices. Mothers seemed ill equipped to negotiate infant feeding practices with roleplayers
at home. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Inleiding
Borsvoeding is ‘n sleutelstrategie ter ondersteuning van kinderoorlewing. Gemengde voeding (hoofsaaklike
en gedeeltelike borsvoeding, soos omskryf deur die Wêreldgesondheidsorganisasie) gedurende die eerste
ses maande van lewe, sowel as geen borsvoeding, word geassosieer met kindersiektes and -sterftes, veral
in gebiede met beperkte hulpbronne waar babas vatbaar is vir wanvoeding, gastroënteritis en
longontsteking. Gemengde voeding dra ook die hoogste risiko vir MIV-oordrag deur borsvoeding. Nasionale
eksklusiewe borsvoedingskoerse is swak en het nie oor die laaste veertien jaar verbeter nie. Dit dien as
motivering vir die ondersoek na kontekstuele faktore wat babavoedingspraktyke beïnvloed.
Die doelwit van die navorsingsstudie is om voedingspraktyke van primêre versorgers van babas (0-5.9
maande) en die invloedryke faktore te bepaal in Avian Park en Zwelethemba in Worcester in die Wes-Kaap
Provinsie van Suid-Afrika, om sodoende aanbevelings te kan maak waar gepas.
Die studie is uitgevoer van April tot Augustus 2011. ‘n Gemeenskapsgebaseerde deursnee-opname is
uitgevoer deur gebruik te maak van ‘n gestruktureerde vraelys. Fokusgroepbesprekings is uitgevoer met
moeders, vaders, en oumas (aan moeders- en vaderskant) van babas jonger as ses maande, en
gesondheidswerkers (formeel opgeleide werkers en beraders) wat in kindersorg werk.
‘n Onderhoud is met eenhonderd-en-veertig primêre versorgers gevoer. Al die versorgers was die
biologiese moeder van die baba. Sewe-en-sewentig persent (n=108) het borsvoeding begin. Ten tye van die
studie het 6% (n=8) eksklusief geborsvoed. Vier-en-negentig persent (n=132) het suboptimale
borsvoedingspraktyke beoefen: 36% (n=51) het hoofsaaklik geborsvoed, 27% (n=38) het gedeeltelik
geborsvoed en 31% (n=43) het nie geborsvoed nie. Negentig persent (n=126) van die moeders het water
gegee, van wie 83% (n=104) dit gedoen het voordat hul babas een maand oud was. Vier-en-veertig persent
(n=61) van die moeders het voedsel of formulemelk gegee, van wie 75% (n=46) dit gedoen het voordat hul
babas drie maande oud was. Kennis van die gesondheids- en ekonomiese voordele van borvoeding het
moeders ondersteun om te begin borsvoed, maar daar was steeds verskeie faktore wat eksklusiewe
borsvoeding belemmer het. Die belangrikste hindernisse was 1) die algemene siening dat babas water en
nie-voorskrif medisynes benodig, 2) die kommer dat alleenlik melk nie die baba bevredig nie, 3)
ontoereikende babavoedingsonderrig en ondersteuning deur die gesondheidstelsel, 4) die gebrek aan
gemeenskapsgebaseerde nageboorte-ondersteuning, 5) gebruike en die invloed van gesinslede, 6) moeders
geskei van hul babas en 7) plaaslike sienings rakende moeders se gedrag en borsvoeding. MIV-infeksie het ‘n wesenlike invloed op voedingskeuse gehad (p<0.001) en geen van die MIV-positiewe moeders het
geborsvoed nie (n=19). Vyf-en-veertig persent (n=19) van die formule voedende moeders het die melk
oorverdun en vroeë supplementasie van formulemelk met kos was algemeen. Gesondheidswerkers en
oumas was die kernrolspelers ten opsigte van baba-voedingsinligting en ondersteuning.
Eksklusiewe borsvoeding gedurende die eerste ses maande van lewe was ‘n seldsame praktyk in hierdie
gemeenskappe. Water, formulemelk en/of voedsel is op ‘n vroeë ouderdom bekendgestel. MIV infeksie het
borsvoeding ontmoedig en formulevoedingspraktyke was swak. Omvattende opvoeding en ondersteuning
op voorgeboorte-, intrapartum- en nageboortevlak het ontbreek, en sienings en gebruike het bygedra tot
gemengde voedingspraktyke. Dit het geblyk dat moeders nie toegerus was om oor babavoedingspraktyke
met ander belanghebbendes by die huis te onderhandel nie.
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The nutritional profile of high-performance junior soccer players in Western Cape, South AfricaHoosen, Fatima 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MNutr)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Background: Very little data exists regarding the nutritional status of adolescent soccer players and there is no national data regarding this population.
Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the dietary intake and anthropometric profile of N=39 male, high-performance, adolescent soccer players who are of mixed race (14 -18 years of age), during the competitive season.
Methods: The study design was a descriptive, observational study with an analytical component. A quantified food frequency questionnaire (QFFQ), which has been validated for athletes, was used to characterise their nutritional intake in terms of energy (kCal), macronutrient as well as micronutrient intake. Interpretation of anthropometric data included plotting and interpreting growth indicators such as height-for-age, body mass index (BMI)-for-age, tricep skinfold-for-age, subscapular skinfold-for-age, sum of skinfolds-for-age, arm muscle area (AMA)–for-age, arm muscle circumference (AMC)-for-age, arm fat area (AFA)-for-age and percentage body fat.
Results: The anthropometric data showed that most of the players had an adequate height-for-age (100%, N=39) and BMI-for-age (87.2%, N=34). The mean percentage body fat was 10.9±3.5%. The majority of players’ skinfold thickness measurements were above the 85th percentile for triceps (56.4%, N=22), subscapular (59.0%, N=23) as well as the sum of two skinfolds (triceps and subscapular), (72.0%, N=28), AMA (82.1%, N=32), AMC (56.4%, N=22) and AFA (56.4%, N=22). Daily minimum and maximum mean energy expenditure was between 3146.9±213.4 and 3686.4±250.0 kcal while daily mean energy intake was 4374.0±1462.4 kcal. Protein (156±53 g/day), carbohydrate (CHO) (557±172 g/day), total fat (149±67.8 g/day) and cholesterol (546±230 mg/day) intake were all above levels recommended for athletes. The mean micronutrient intake met the estimated average requirement (EAR) or adequate intake (AI) for all nutrients. Players who were more physically active displayed more favourable anthropometric indices which included body weight, BMI, body fat indices as well as muscle mass indices, despite having a greater total energy intake (TEI). This difference did however not reach statistical significance. Supper was the most regularly consumed meal (97.4%, N=38). The majority of players (61.5%, N=24) ate breakfast daily with only 5.1% (N=2) who never ate breakfast. However, 20.5% (N=8) of the players only ate breakfast 3 days a week.
Conclusion: Although most of the players had a normal body weight and BMI, they were predominantly categorised as above average according to indices of body fat. Body muscle indices was categorised as above average for most players suggesting a beneficial finding in terms of sporting performance. The mean TEI, CHO, protein intake and fat intake were all above the recommended levels for athletes. The mean intake of all vitamins and minerals met the EAR/AI. Players who were more physically active displayed more favourable anthropometric indices, despite having a higher TEI.
Although this study population exhibited no evidence of stunting, indicating that the players were well nourished (in terms of sufficient macronutrients and micronutrients), they are at risk of being over-nourished which may negatively impact sporting performance as well as overall health. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Agtergrond: Daar is baie min studies wat die dieetinname van adolosent-sokkerspelers ondersoek het en daar is sover die navorser se kennis strek, geen nasionale data rakende dieetinname in hierdie studie populasie nie.
Doel: Die doel van die studie was om die dieetinname en antropometriese profiel van N=39 manlike hoë-prestasie adolosent-sokkerspelers van gemengde ras (14-18 jaar) gedurende die kompeterende seisoen te bepaal.
Metodes: ‘n Kwantitatiewe voedselfrekwensie vraelys was gebruik om die totale energie (kcal), makronutriënt- en mikronutrientinname te bepaal. Die antropometriese data was geïnterpreteer met behulp van die volgende groei indikatore; lengte-vir-ouderdom, liggaamsmassa indeks (LMI)-vir-ouderdom, trisep velvou-vir-ouderdom, subskapulêre velvou-vir-ouderdom, som van velvoue-vir-ouderdom, arm spier area (ASA)-vir-ouderdom, arm spier omtrek (ASO)-vir-ouderdom, arm vet area (AVA)-vir-ouderdom en persentasie liggaamsvet.
Resultate: Die antropometriese data het getoon dat meeste van die spelers toepaslike lengte-vir ouderdom (100%, N=39) en LMI-vir-ouderdom (87.2%, N=34) het. Die gemiddelde persentasie liggaamsvet was 10.9±3.5%. Die meerderheid van die spelers se velvou metings was bo die 85ste persentiel vir die trisep (56.4%, N=22), subskapulêr (59.0%, N=23) sowel as die som van twee velvoue (trisep en subscapulêr), (72.0%, N=28), ASA (82.1%, N=32), ASO (56.4%, N=22) en AVA (56.4%, N=22). Die daaglikse maksimum en minimum gemiddelde energie verbruik was 3146.9±213.4 tot 3686.4±250.0 kcal en daaglikse energie inname was 4757.9±2121.2 kcal. Proteïen (155.6±53.3 g/day), koolhidraat (556.8±172.1 g/day), totale vet (148.8±67.8 g/day) en cholesterol (545.5±230.1 mg/day) inname was bo die aanbevelings. Die gemiddelde mikronutriënt inname was binne die geskatte gemiddelde aanbeveling of toereikende inname vir al die mikronutriënte. Die gemiddelde vloeistof inname gedurende ‘n sokker wedstryd en ‘n twee uur oefen sessie was 479.1±163 ml en 597.7±281 ml, onderskeidelik. Die meer aktief spelers het ‘n meer geskikte antropometriese profiel, soos laer gewig, LMI en liggaamsvet waardes en hoër spiermassa waardes beskik, ten spite van ‘n hoër energie inname. Die maal wat die mees gereeld geëet was is aandeete (97.4%, N=38). Meeste (61.5%, N=24) van die spelers het ontbyt daagliks geëet met net 5.1% (N=2) wat nooit ontbyt geëet. Alhoevel daar nogsteeds 20.5% (N=8) van spelers was wat net ontbyt 3 keer per week geëet het. Die maaltyd wat die minste ingeneem was, was ontbyt, met net 20.5% (N=8) wat onybyt 3 dae per week eet.
Slot: Alhoewel meeste van die spelers ‘n normale gewig en LMI getoon het, is die meeste spelers gekatogoriseerd as bo gemiddeld in terme van liggaamlike vet waarde. Die meeste van die spelers kan ook gekatogoriseer word as bo gemiddeld in term van spiermassa, wat voordelig is vir sport prestasie. Die gemiddlede energie, koolhidraat, proteïen, en vet innames was bo die aanbevole reikwydtes. Die gemiddelde mikronutriënt inname was binne die geskatte gemiddelde aanbeveling of toereikende inname vir al die mikronutriënte. Meer aktief spelers het ‘n meer geskikte antropometriese profiel getoon, ten spite van ‘n hoër energie inname.
Alhoewel hierdie populasie wel gevoed is, in terme van makronutriënt en micronutrient, draar hulle ‘n risiko om oor gevoed to wees. Dit mag hulle sport prestasie en algehele gesondheid negatief beïnvloed.
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Evaluation of two counseling strategies improving exclusive breastfeeding among HIV-negative mothers in Kibera Slum, Nairobi, Kenya : a randomized controlled trialOchola, Sophie Atieno 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Interdisciplinary Health Sciences. Human Nutrition))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / Objectives: To determine the impact of facility-based semi-intensive and home-based intensive counseling strategies to improve exclusive breastfeeding rates and to identify factors associated with exclusive breastfeeding. Methods: This was a randomized trial in which villages in the Kibera slum, Nairobi Kenya were assigned to two intervention groups and a control group. Study participants from among 34-36 week pregnant, HIV-negative women, attending antenatal clinic at Lang’ata health centre, were assigned to study groups and followed up in their homes until 6 months postpartum. Experimental group 1, the Home-Based Intensive Counseling Group (HBICG)] received 7 counseling sessions; 1 prenatally and 6 postnatally. Experimental group 2, the Facility-Based Semi-Intensive Counseling Group (FBSICG) received 1 counseling session prenatally. The control group (Control Group) received irregularly provided health education by health personnel. Information on infant feeding practices, using a validated 24-hour recall questionnaire was collected monthly at participant homes; observations were conducted on a random 10% sub-sample to verify the reported information. Qualitative data from focus group discussions provided information on the rationale for feeding choices. Information on infant morbidity and weight measurements were taken on a monthly basis. Results: At six months, exclusive breastfeeding rate was 23.6% in HBICG; 9.2% in FBSICG; and 5.6% in CG. Mothers from HBICG had a 4.2 increased likelihood to exclusively breastfeed compared to those in the CG (RR=4.20; 95% CI; 1.66-10.64; p=0.002). Cumulative exclusive breastfeeding rate for 6 months was 3.2% in the CG; and 6.9% and 15.6% in the FBSICG and HBICG respectively (p<0.00001). Mothers from HBICG had a 3.4 increased likelihood to practice exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months compared to those in CG (RR=3.4; 95% CI: 1-34-8.80; p=0.010). Exclusive breastfeeding rates in FBSICG were insignificantly higher than those in the CG. The median duration of exclusive breastfeeding was one month in both the CG and FBSICG and three months in the HBICG. The predictors of exclusive breastfeeding were non-giving of post-lacteal feeds; planned long breastfeeding duration; living in smaller households; non-ownership of telephones and televisions; absence of breast health problems; and correct knowledge of breastfeeding duration. The major hindrances to exclusive breastfeeding were: inadequate knowledge of exclusive breastfeeding; cultural perceptions about infant feeding; and absence of mother from home for long periods. The prevalence of acute respiratory infections and diarrhoea were significantly lower among exclusively breastfed infants than those non-exclusively breastfed. The prevalence of underweight was significantly lower among the exclusively breastfed infants than those non-exclusively breastfed at one month (p=0.006) and three months (p=0.005). Conclusions: It is feasible to promote and sustain exclusive breastfeeding for six months in low socioeconomic conditions, using the home-based intensive counseling strategy. Breastfeeding promotion programmes should adopt strategies to allow for wider dissemination of information, targeting both mothers and the community at large, as this study showed family members were major decision-makers in the choice of infant feeding practices. Hospital-based breastfeeding education should offer detailed information on a consistent basis. Breastfeeding promotion messages should be re-packaged to address cultural perceptions in infant feeding practices.
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Heavy alcohol use in adolescents : potential influences on nutritional statusNaude, Celeste Estelle 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (Phd)-- Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Introduction: Adolescents are recognised as a nutritionally at-risk group, as they have high nutritional demand for growth and development, poor eating behaviour as well as a propensity for unhealthy behaviours. Heavy alcohol use, particularly in the form of binge drinking, is typical for an alarming proportion of school-going adolescents and is a plausible contributor to the nutritional challenges in adolescents, but this has not yet been fully investigated.
Aim: This study investigated the potential influences of alcohol use on the nutritional status of adolescents with alcohol use disorders (AUDs), specifically with regards to their eating behaviour and dietary intake, growth and weight status, iron status, as well as vitamin D and calcium status.
Methods: Substance use, physical activity, eating behaviour, dietary intake, growth and weight status, iron status and vitamin D and calcium status were assessed and compared in heavy drinking adolescents (meeting DSM-IV criteria for AUDs) (n=81) and in light/non-drinking adolescents without AUDs (non-AUDs)(n=81), matched for age, gender, language, socio-economic status and education. Observed dietary intake distributions were adjusted statistically to obtain usual nutrient intake distributions. Regression-adjusted differences between the groups were assessed using multi-level mixed effects linear regression, adjusting for potential confounders.
Results: Lifetime alcohol dose in standard drinks of alcohol was orders of magnitude higher in the AUDs group compared to the non-AUDs group. AUDs adolescents had a binge alcohol use pattern and a “weekends-only” style of alcohol consumption. Poor eating patterns (breakfast skipping and frequent snacking), poor food choices (energy-dense and nutrient-poor foods) and low fruit and vegetable intake (non-AUDs 90 [42.4-153.3]; AUDs 88.3 [30.0-153.0] grams per day) in both groups were reflected in the poor nutritional quality of the diet. More than half of adolescents in both groups were at risk of inadequate intakes of folate (non-AUDs 97.5%; AUDs 98.8%), vitamin C (non-AUDs 65%; AUDs 67.5%), vitamin A (non-AUDs 80%; AUDs 82.5%), vitamin E (non-AUDs 78.8%; AUDs 51.3%), magnesium (non-AUDs 98.8%; AUDs 97.5%), and phosphorus (non-AUDs 76.3%; AUDs 73.8%) and all participants were at risk of inadequate calcium and vitamin D intakes. AUDs adolescents had a greater intake of unhealthy foods (energy-dense nutrient-poor) and a significantly greater energy intake than non-AUDs adolescents (p<0.001) that exceeded energy requirements. AUDs adolescents consumed foods high in unhealthy fats significantly more frequently (p=0.037) than the non-AUDs adolescents and had ensuing greater total fat (p<0.001), saturated fat (p<0.001) and cholesterol (p=0.009) intakes. Frequency of intake of sodium-rich foods was significantly higher in AUDs adolescents (p=0.001) and prevalence of risk of excessive sodium intake was significantly greater in the AUDs adolescents (45%) compared to non-AUDs adolescents (18.8%) (p<0.001). Anthropometric indices of growth and weight status were comparable between the groups and in line with that of the South African adolescent population. Female AUDs adolescents had increased odds (OR 2.42) of being overweight/obese compared to non-AUDs females. Physical activity in both groups was well below the WHO global recommendation. Iron store depletion (serum ferritin < 20 μg/L) was evident in a quarter of adolescents in both groups (non-AUDs 23.5%; AUDs 24.7%), with biochemical iron status measures (serum iron and total iron binding capacity) indicating a greater risk of iron store depletion in the AUDs group. Biochemical vitamin D insufficiency/deficiency (serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D < 30 ng/mL) was prevalent in both groups (non-AUDs 70.4%; AUDs 88.8%), although this was significantly greater in the AUDs group (p=0.013), with significantly lower serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels in the AUDs group compared to the non-AUDs group (p=0.038).
Conclusions: Heavy alcohol use in the form of binge drinking in adolescents may have the following nutrition-related influences: increased intake of energy; unhealthy fats and sodium, increased risk of overweight/obesity in females; increased risk of iron store depletion; and increased risk of vitamin D insufficiency/deficiency. Persistence of heavy alcohol use, poor food choices and dietary intake may increase the risk for adverse nutrition-related health outcomes in the AUDs adolescents. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Inleiding: Adolessente het 'n verhoogde risko vir wanvoeding as gevolg van hul hoë voedingbehoeftes vir groei en ontwikkeling, swak eetgedrag, asook 'n geneigdheid tot verdere ongesonde gedrag. Swaar alkohol gebruik in die vorm van “binge” drinkery kom toenemend onder skoolgaande adolessente voor. Hierdie gedrag kan moontlik bydra tot die verhoogde voeding risiko in dié ouderdomsgroep. Hierdie moontlikheid is egter nog nie ten volle ondersoek nie. Doel: Hierdie studie het die potensiële invloed van alkohol gebruik op die voedingstatus van adolessente met alkohol gebruik versteurings (AGVs) ondersoek, spesifiek met betrekking tot hul eetgedrag en dieetinname, groei en gewigstatus asook yster-, vitamien D- en kalsiumstatus. Metodes: Swaar drinkende adolessente wat voldoen aan DSM-IV kriteria vir AGVs (n=81) en lig/nie-drinkende adolessente sonder AGVs (nie-AGVs) (n=81), wat afgepaar is vir ouderdom, geslag, taal, sosio-ekonomiese status en opvoedingsvlak is gewerf vir deelname aan die studie. Middel gebruik, fisiese aktiwiteit, eetgedrag, dieetinname, groei en gewigstatus, ysterstatus en vitamien D- en kalsiumstatus is tussen die twee groepe vergelyk. Waargenome dieetinname verspreidings is statisties aangepas om gewoontelike nutriëntinname te verkry. Regressie-aangepaste verskille tussen die groepe is met behulp van ’n meervoudige gemengde effekte liniêre regressie model getoets, waartydens daar vir moontlike gestrengelde faktore aangepas is. Resultate: Leeftyd alkohol dosis, gemeet in standaard alkohol drankies, was beduidend hoër in die AGVs groep in vergelyking met die nie-AGVs groep. Alkohol gebruik in die AGVs adolessente het ‘n “binge” patroon en ‘n “slegs naweke” styl getoon. Swak eetgewoontes (oorslaan van ontbyt en gereelde peuselgewoontes), swak voedsel keuses (energie-dig en laag in nutriënte) en lae groente en vrugte inname (nie-AGVs 90.0 [42.4-153.3]; AGVs 88.3 [30.0-153.0] gram per dag), in beide groepe, is gereflekteer in die swak voeding kwaliteit van die dieet. ‘n Risiko vir onvoldoende inname van folaat (nie-AGVs 97.5%; AGVs 98.8%), vitamien C (nie-AGVs 65%; AGVs 67.5%), vitamien A (nie-AGVs 80%; AGVs 82.5%), vitamien E (nie-AGVs 78.8%; AGVs 51.3%), magnesium (nie-AGVs 98.8%; AGVs 97.5%), en fosfor (nie-AGVs 76.3%; AGVs 73.8%) was teenwoordig in meer as helfte van adolessente in beide groepe, asook Inleiding: Adolessente het 'n verhoogde risko vir wanvoeding as gevolg van hul hoë voedingbehoeftes vir groei en ontwikkeling, swak eetgedrag, asook 'n geneigdheid tot verdere ongesonde gedrag. Swaar alkohol gebruik in die vorm van “binge” drinkery kom toenemend onder skoolgaande adolessente voor. Hierdie gedrag kan moontlik bydra tot die verhoogde voeding risiko in dié ouderdomsgroep. Hierdie moontlikheid is egter nog nie ten volle ondersoek nie. Doel: Hierdie studie het die potensiële invloed van alkohol gebruik op die voedingstatus van adolessente met alkohol gebruik versteurings (AGVs) ondersoek, spesifiek met betrekking tot hul eetgedrag en dieetinname, groei en gewigstatus asook yster-, vitamien D- en kalsiumstatus. Metodes: Swaar drinkende adolessente wat voldoen aan DSM-IV kriteria vir AGVs (n=81) en lig/nie-drinkende adolessente sonder AGVs (nie-AGVs) (n=81), wat afgepaar is vir ouderdom, geslag, taal, sosio-ekonomiese status en opvoedingsvlak is gewerf vir deelname aan die studie. Middel gebruik, fisiese aktiwiteit, eetgedrag, dieetinname, groei en gewigstatus, ysterstatus en vitamien D- en kalsiumstatus is tussen die twee groepe vergelyk. Waargenome dieetinname verspreidings is statisties aangepas om gewoontelike nutriëntinname te verkry. Regressie-aangepaste verskille tussen die groepe is met behulp van ’n meervoudige gemengde effekte liniêre regressie model getoets, waartydens daar vir moontlike gestrengelde faktore aangepas is. Resultate: Leeftyd alkohol dosis, gemeet in standaard alkohol drankies, was beduidend hoër in die AGVs groep in vergelyking met die nie-AGVs groep. Alkohol gebruik in die AGVs adolessente het ‘n “binge” patroon en ‘n “slegs naweke” styl getoon. Swak eetgewoontes (oorslaan van ontbyt en gereelde peuselgewoontes), swak voedsel keuses (energie-dig en laag in nutriënte) en lae groente en vrugte inname (nie-AGVs 90.0 [42.4-153.3]; AGVs 88.3 [30.0-153.0] gram per dag), in beide groepe, is gereflekteer in die swak voeding kwaliteit van die dieet. ‘n Risiko vir onvoldoende inname van folaat (nie-AGVs 97.5%; AGVs 98.8%), vitamien C (nie-AGVs 65%; AGVs 67.5%), vitamien A (nie-AGVs 80%; AGVs 82.5%), vitamien E (nie-AGVs 78.8%; AGVs 51.3%), magnesium (nie-AGVs 98.8%; AGVs 97.5%), en fosfor (nie-AGVs 76.3%; AGVs 73.8%) was teenwoordig in meer as helfte van adolessente in beide groepe, asook
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Body composition of rheumatoid arthritis patients and their perceptions and practices regarding diet, nutritional supplements and other treatmentsLombard, Louise Ann 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MNutr)--Stellenbosch University, 2011 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Introduction
Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is a chronic, inflammatory, autoimmune disorder characterized by inflammation of
the joints and surrounding tissue causing pain, swelling and stiffness. Studies suggest that aspects of the
diet may alleviate symptoms and decrease the risk of complications. The scientific basis for a role of dietary
therapy in RA has grown although there is still no consensus on the optimum diet. It has been shown that
persons with RA tend to have a poor nutritional status; and rheumatoid cachexia, the loss of body cell mass,
occurs in nearly two-thirds of all patients with RA. The study aimed to establish what RA patients are
practicing and their perceptions regarding the effect of diet, nutritional supplements, medication and
complementary and alternative medicines (CAM) and therapies on their symptoms as well as determining
their body composition and the possible presence of rheumatoid cachexia.
The study design was a cross-sectional study with an analytical component. The study population consisted
of adult (18 years or older) RA patients in the Cape Metropole from the private and public sector. An
interviewer-administered questionnaire was used followed by the measurement of weight, height, waist
circumference and skinfold thickness. Information was also gathered from the medical records.
The sample size comprised of 251 RA patients (n=201 public sector; n=50 private sector). The mean body
mass index (BMI) was 30.3 kg/m2 for females and 26.6 kg/m2 for males. BMI was used to classify obesity
(n=133; 45.9%), overweight (n=66; 26.8%), normal weight (n=63; 25.6%) and underweight (n=4; 1.6%).
Waist circumference measurement classifications showed a substantially increased risk for metabolic
complications in 51.8% of participants (n=127) and an increased risk in 21.2% of participants (n=52). Just
over half of the participants (n=65; 55.6%) had an unhealthy high body fat percentage classification.
Rheumatoid cachexia was seen in 10.3% participants (n=12). Low fat-free mass (Fat-free mass index <10th
percentile) was seen in 21% participants (n=24) and obesity (Fat mass index >90th percentile) was seen in
27% of participants (n=31). Twenty nine percent of participants (n=73) believed that certain types of food
could improve their symptoms of RA and 60% of participants (n=151) believed that certain foods worsened
their symptoms. Sixty four percent of participants (n=161) thought that nutritional supplements or
complementary and alternative medicines and therapies could improve their symptoms of RA and 98%
(n=246) of participants used nutritional supplements. The most frequently used supplements included folic
acid (n=218; 91.6%), calcium (n=182; 76.5%), vitamin D (n=185; 77.7%), omega-3 fatty acids (n=48; 64.9%)
and multivitamin and mineral preparations (n=22; 29.7%).
The obesity and waist circumference figures were unacceptably elevated in this population and the body
composition of these RA patients should be highlighted as a concern. The high prevalence of risk factors for
cardiovascular disease (CVD) need to be urgently addressed since CVD is the leading cause of mortality in
RA patients. This study highlights the important role of the intra-professional team, including the dietitian, in
the management of RA patients. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Inleiding
Rumatoïede artritis (RA) is 'n chroniese, inflammatoriese, outo-immuun siekte wat gekenmerk word deur
inflammasie van die gewrigte en omliggende weefsel en veroorsaak pyn, swelling en styfheid. Studies dui
daarop dat aspekte van die dieet simptome kan verlig en die risiko van komplikasies kan verminder. Die
wetenskaplike basis vir die rol van dieetterapie in RA het gegroei, hoewel daar nog geen konsensus
aangaande die optimale dieet is nie. Dit is al bewys dat persone met RA geneig is om 'n swak voedingstatus
te hê; en rumatoïede cachexia, die verlies van liggaam selmassa in byna twee-derdes van alle pasiënte
met RA voorkom. Die doel van die studie was om te bepaal wat RA-pasiënte se praktyke en persepsies
ten opsigte van die uitwerking van dieet, voedselaanvullings, medikasie en aanvullende of alternatiewe
medisyne (CAM) en terapieë op hul simptome het, sowel as om hul liggaamsamestelling en die moontlike
teenwoordigheid van rumatoïede cachexia te bepaal.
Die studie ontwerp was 'n dwarssnitstudie met 'n analitiese komponent. Die studiepopulasie het bestaan uit
volwassene (18 jaar of ouer) RA pasiënte uit die privaat en openbare sektore in die Kaapse Metropool.
Onderhoude was gevoer met behulp van vraelyste. Gewig, lengte, middelomtrek en velvoudikte was ook
gemeet. Inligting was ook versamel uit mediese rekords.
Die steekproefgrootte het uit 251 RA pasiënte (n=201 openbare sektor, n=50 privaat sektor) bestaan. Die
gemiddelde liggaamsmassa-indeks (LMI) was 30.3 kg/m2 vir vroue en 26.6 kg/m2 vir mans. LMI was gebruik
om vetsug te klassifiseer (n=133; 45.9%), asook oorgewig (n=66; 26.8%), normale gewig (n=63; 25.6%) en
ondergewig (n=4; 1.6%). Klassifikasie van middelomtrek metings het 'n aansienlike verhoogde risiko vir
metaboliese komplikasies in 51.8% van die deelnemers (n=127) en 'n verhoogde risiko in 21.2% van die
deelnemers (n=52) getoon. Net meer as die helfte van die deelnemers (n=65; 55.6%) het 'n ongesonde hoë
liggaamsvet persentasie klassifikasie getoon. Rumatoïede cachexia was by 10.3% van die deelnemers
(n=12) gevind. Lae vetvrye massa (vetvrye massa indeks <10de persentiel) was by 21% deelnemers (n=24)
en vetsug (vet massa indeks >90ste persentiel) in 27% van die deelnemers (n=31) teenwoordig. Nege-entwintig
persent van die deelnemers (n=73) het geglo dat sekere voedselsoorte hul simptome van RA kon
verbeter en 60% van die deelnemers (n=151) was van mening dat sekere kosse die simptome kon vererger.
Vier-en-sestig persent van die deelnemers (n=161) het gedink dat voedingsaanvullings of aanvullende en
alternatiewe medisyne en terapieë hulle simptome van RA kon verbeter en 98% (n=246) van die deelnemers
het voedingsaanvullings gebruik. Die mees algemene gebruikte aanvullings was foliensuur (n=218; 91.6%),
kalsium (n=182; 76.5%), vitamien D (n=185; 77.7%), omega-3 vetsure (n=48, 64,9%) en multi-vitamien en
mineraal preparate (n=22; 29.7%).
Die vetsug en middelomtrek syfers was onaanvaarbaar verhoog in die studiepopulasie en die
liggaamsamestelling van hierdie RA pasiënte is 'n bekommernis. Die hoë voorkoms van risikofaktore vir
kardiovaskulêre siekte (KVS) moet dringend aangespreek word, aangesien die KVS die grootste oorsaak
van sterfte in RA pasiënte is. Hierdie studie beklemtoon die belangrike rol van die intra-professionele span,
met inbegrip van die dieetkundige, in die bestuur van RA pasiënte.
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The influence of socio-demographic factors on the nutritional intake of overweight and obese children in the Stellenbosch area, Western CapeKirsten, Anna Petronella 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MNutr)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Introduction: The worldwide increase in the prevalence of childhood overweight and obesity
has been identified as a major threat to children’s health and South Africa has not been
spared. A child’s food environment is constrained and shaped by their parents/carers who
provide food based on own food preferences and food selections, which in turn are
determined by the larger cultural, social and economic context. Risk factors for childhood
obesity are not well established. Existing prevention strategies, focusing on late childhood
and adolescence, are largely unsuccessful. There is however an increasing body of evidence
that the early life environment is an important determinant of risk of obesity in later life.
Aim: To determine prevalence and socio-demographic risk factors associated with childhood
overweight and obesity in the Stellenbosch area, Western Cape Province.
Methods: Cross-sectional, comparison study. A representative group of 638 children (aged 6-
13 years) attending three randomly selected Stellenbosch primary schools were weighed and
measured to calculate body mass index (BMI) using international obesity task force (IOTF)
guidelines in the screening phase of the project to determine the prevalence of overweight
and obesity. The comparison study phase identified 84 overweight and obese children and 84
children of normal weight (comparison group) to comprise a sample population of 168
children. Socio-demographic data were determined with a structured questionnaire and
compared between the overweight/obese group and comparison group (normal weight) to
identify associated risk factors and investigate the Ho. Results: The prevalence of overweight and obesity in the sample of primary school children
was 13% (n=84) as determined by BMI, of which 9% (n=57) were classified as overweight
and 4% (n=27) as obese. Socio-economic factors including maternal employment hours
(p=0.0462), family characteristics e.g. number of children in the household (p=0.0231), eating
behaviour like consuming brown rice (p=0.0371), pork (p=0.0143), canola/olive-based
margarine (p=0.0398) or poly-unsaturated margarine (p=0.0481), doughnuts (p=0.0280) and
time spent doing sport (p=0.0450) were significantly associated with overweight or obesity. Ho
were thus rejected.
Conclusion: The results suggest that maternal working hours, the number of children in the
household, poor eating habits and time spent doing sport are important predictor variables for
childhood overweight and obesity. Socio-economic status, infant feeding practices and family
characteristics like marital circumstances, household number, and mother’s age did not
appear to play a role in the development of childhood overweight and obesity in this
population. In light of this evidence, preventative initiatives should pro-actively promote
healthy eating behaviour and physical activity to children at an early age, in particular girls.
Involving families and schools in these initiatives is recommended as well as a national
childhood obesity monitoring system to identify children at risk and tracking trends of
childhood obesity in guiding evidence-based interventions to tackle this major health problem. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Inleiding: Die wêreldwye toename in die prevalensie van kinder-oorgewig en vetsugtigheid is
geïdentifiseer as 'n groot bedreiging vir kinders se gesondheid en Suid-Afrika word nie gespaar nie. 'n Kind se voedingsomgewing is beperk en word gevorm deur ouers of
versorgers wat voedsel voorsien gebaseer op hul eie kos voorkeure en voedsel keuses, wat
op sy beurt deur die groter kulturele, sosiale en ekonomiese konteks bepaal word. Risiko
faktore vir kinder-vetsugtigheid is nie goed gevestig nie. Bestaande voorkoming strategieë,
wat fokus op die laat kinderjare en vroeë adolessensie, is grootliks onsuksesvol. Daar is
egter voortdurende toename in bewyse dat die vroeë lewensomgewing ‘n belangrike
bepalende risiko faktor is vir vetsugtigheid in latere lewe.
Doelstellings: Bepaling van prevalensie en sosio-demografiese risiko faktore wat
geassosieer word met kinder-oorgewig en vetsugtigheid in die Stellenbosch area, Wes-Kaap
Metodes: Deursnit, vergelykende studie. ‘n Verteenwoordigende groep van 638 kinders
(ouderdom 6-13 jaar) skoolgaande by drie ewekansig geselekteerde Stellenbosch primêre
skole was geweeg en gemeet om Liggaamsmassa Indeks (LMI), volgens die internasionale
obesiteit werkgroep (IOTF) riglyne te bereken in die siftingsfase van die projek ter bepaling
van prevalensie van oorgewig en vetsugtigheid. Die vergelykende fase het 84 oorgewig en
vetsugtige kinders geidentifiseer en 84 kinders met normale gewig (vergelykende groep) ter
samestelling van ‘n steekproef populasie van 168 kinders. Sosio-demografiese data was
verkry deur ‘n gestruktureerde vraelys en vergelykings was getref tussen oorgewig/vetsugtige
groep en vergelykende groep (normale gewig) ter identifisering van geassosieerde risiko
faktore en ondersoek van die Ho.
Resultate: Prevalensie van oorgewig en vetsugtigheid in die steekproef van primêre skool
kinders was 13%(n=84) waarvan 9%(n=57) geklassifiseer was as oorgewig en 4%(n=27) as
vetsugtig. Sosio-ekonomiese faktore soos moeders se werksure (p=0.0462), familie
kenmerke soos aantal kinders in ‘n huishouding (p=0.0231), eetgedrag nl. bruin rys
(p=0.0371), varkvleis (p=0.0143), canola/olyf-gebaseerde margarien (p=0.0398) of polionversadigde
margarien (p=0.0481), oliebolle (p=0.0280) en tyd gespandeer aan sport
(p=0.0450) was beduidend geassosieer met oorgewig en obesiteit. Ho was dus verwerp.
Gevolgtrekking: Die resultate dui daarop dat moeders se werksure, aantal kinders in ‘n
huishouding, swak eetgewoontes en tyd gespandeer aan sport, belangrike voorspellers vir
kinder-oorgewig en vetsugtigheid is. Sosio-ekonomiese status, baba-voedingspraktyke en
familie kenmerke soos huwelikstatus, huishoudelike getal en moeders se ouderdom blyk nie
‘n rol te speel in die ontwikkeling van kinder-oorgewig en obesiteit in hierdie populasie nie. Na
aanleiding van hierdie bevindinge moet voorkoming inisiatiewe pro-aktief gesonde
eetgewoontes en fisiese aktiwiteit in kinders aanmoedig reeds op 'n vroeë ouderdom, veral in
meisies. Die betrekking van gesinne en skole in hierdie inisiatiewe word aanbeveel asook 'n
nasionale kinder vetsugtigheids-moniteringstelsel om risiko kinders te identifiseer en die
tendense van kinder-vetsugtigheid te volg in die begeleiding van navorsings-gebaseerde
intervensies om hierdie belangrike gesondheidsprobleem aan te spreek.
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The use of complementary and alternative therapies among adult HIV positive patients in an outpatient settingAucamp, Charle M. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MNutr (Human Nutrition))--University of Stellenbosch, 2008. / Objective: To determine the use of complementary and alternative medicine
(CAM) among adult HIV positive patients in an outpatient setting.
Design: A prospective, observational study performed on patients diagnosed
with HIV. The study was conducted from July 2005 to November 2005.
Setting: An Outpatient clinic at the Department of Sexual Health (DOSH),
Whipps Cross University Hospital, London.
Subjects: All patients diagnosed with HIV at the DOSH were approached to
participate in the project. Data on patients not using CAM and incomplete
questionnaires were not used in the data analysis process.
Outcomes measures: The outcome measures include the prevalence of CAM
use, reasons for using CAM therapies and monthly expenditure with CAM
therapies, sources of information about CAM therapies, disclosure of CAM
therapy use, knowledge regarding antiretroviral therapy and CAM therapy drug
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Identifying nutritional and life-style risk factors associated with the development of osteoporosis in women of Asian origin at the Aga Khan University Hospital, Nairobi, KenyaChaudhri, Tauseef 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MNutr (Interdisciplinary Health Sciences. Human Nutrition))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / INTRODUCTION: Postmenopausal osteoporosis is associated with significant morbidity,
mortality, reduction in quality of life, and increasing health care costs
OBJECTIVE: The study objective was to identify the risk factors associated with the
occurrence of osteoporosis, in Kenyan Asian women seen at the Aga Khan University
Hospital, Nairobi, Kenya since there is no literature on the prevalence of all these risk
factors for osteoporosis in a similar middle aged population sample of Kenyan Asian
METHOD: The study was of a retrospective design and used recall as a basis of data
collection. A socio-demographic questionnaire was completed and anthropometric
measurements, of height, weight, waist and hip circumference taken. Bone mineral
density (BMD) had been measured previously using Quantitative Computed
Tomography (QCT) at the lumbar spine, T11 to L4. Nutrient intake was assessed using
a validated food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) and physical activity was determined
using the Epic Physical Activity Questionnaire 2 (EPAQ2). BMD scans had been done
on all study participants from January 2004 to December 2004 and the subjects were
aware of their bone status.
RESULTS: Risk factors that were identified by being associated with the development of
osteoporosis in Asian women were age (p<0.001), waist size (p<0.001), hip size
(p<0.001) and BMI (p<0.001), low physical activity (p=0.001) and use of prescription
drugs. Seventy two percent of the study sample was using prescription drugs and the
effect on bone mass was most likely detrimental. Anti-hypertensive (p=0.002), non
steroidal anti inflammatory drugs (p=0.003) and anti-diabetic drugs (p=0.033) had a
significant negative association with bone health. Energy, protein, fat and carbohydrate
intake in all the groups was above the EAR and comparatively similar. The intake of all
the micronutrients in the study group was above the DRI. There were no statistical
significant differences in most of the trace element intake between the two groups, apart
from iodine, biotin and manganese. No dietary risk factors were identified which
impacted adversely on bone health in this group. The impact of gynaecologic history
(parity, oral contraceptive use, age of menarche) on BMD was uncertain. The educational level of the study sample was high as 50% of the subjects were graduates
and had a relatively better diet.
CONCLUSION: As Kenyan Asian women age they experience the menopausal
transition and the risk of developing osteoporosis increases. No nutritional factors were
identified that were adversely associated with BMD. Low level of physical activity,
prescription drugs for chronic diseases like hypertension, asthma, diabetes and arthritis,
age, weight and body mass index were identified and found to be adversely associated
with bone mineral density. Early detection, and implementation of patient education,
physical activity, and a diet rich in all nutrients, will help to slow down the progression of
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Development of a regression equation for estimating the weight of male black South African adults with paraplegia using anthropometric measurementsSnyman, Hildegard 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MNutr (Human Nutrition))--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / Introduction: The objective of this study was to develop a regression equation to estimate
weight of black male paraplegic South African subjects. Very few institutions in South Africa
have wheel chair scales and very few paraplegic persons know what their weight is. People
with spinal cord injury (SCI) are reported to have an increased risk to develop obesity and
diseases of lifestyle. It is therefore important to monitor the nutritional status of these patients
to prevent and treat the above diseases effectively. The aim was to develop an equation that
incorporates variables or measurements that do not require a high level of skill and
experience to be determined. The equipment needed for the determination of the
measurements should also be easily accessible, for example a tape measure rather than a
skin-fold caliper.
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The knowledge, attitude and practice of health and skincare therapists at accredited clinics around South Africa with regard to nutritionRademeyer, Catharina Elizabeth 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MNutr (Interdisciplinary Health Sciences. Human Nutrition))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The inclusion of nutrition in the national syllabus for health and skincare therapists indicates
the realisation of its importance within this industry. Health and skincare therapists should be
able to observe any adverse skin condition as a result of a dysfunctional homeostatic
relationship between the skin and internal body systems.
The aim of this study was to assess the nutritional knowledge, attitude and practices of health
and skincare therapists working in accredited clinics in South Africa.
This was a cross-sectional, descriptive study using both quantitative and qualitative data
collection methods. Two hundred and forty-five questionnaires were sent to 54 SAAHSP
accredited clinics around South Africa. Data analysis was performed using the 73 completed
questionnaires, representing a response rate of 29.8%. A further 22 therapists participated in
focus group discussions and 7 experts in the field of nutrition and skincare acted as the expert
panel and participated in in-depth interviews.
A self-administered questionnaire on knowledge, attitude and practices was developed,
based on the national syllabus. The 56-item questionnaire consisted of 10 demographic
questions, 30 nutrition knowledge questions (selected by the expert panel from a pool of 96
questions), 10 attitude statements and 6 practice questions.
The questionnaires were analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. The mean
total knowledge score of the respondents was 64.4% (SD 0.11) indicating a level of
knowledge above the required pass percentage of 60% for a SAAHSP qualification.
Therapists with a CIDESCO qualification had a statistically significant higher total knowledge
score. The mean score for the therapists’ nutritional knowledge related to skincare was
47.5%, but their attitudes and their ability to advise clients about nutrition were mostly
positive, with at least 61% and 69% of the therapists respectively agreeing with the
statements. Fifty-six therapists (77%) felt that more intense theoretical nutrition training was
needed and 83.3% agreed that more intense practical application of nutritional knowledge is
needed at health and skincare institutes. Consistent with the majority’s opinion (82%) that nutritional counseling should form part of treatment, 59% and 63% offer nutritional counseling
during body and facial treatment respectively. Therapists gain their nutritional knowledge
predominantly from newspapers and magazines.
The themes highlighted during the focus group discussions included the influence of training
institutions on nutritional knowledge, the importance of client consultation, but the lack of time
to perform these and the need for educational opportunities in the professional industry.
During the in-depth interviews, the experts highlighted the purpose of nutrition in the industry,
nutritional responsibility, training and counseling of therapists as well as the SAAHSP
Therapists’ understanding of the scientific functioning of nutrients and their nutritional
knowledge regarding skincare is a cause for concern. Their lack of confidence in providing
clients with nutritional advice, especially regarding skincare; despite their perception that they
have sufficient knowledge in this regard, reveals their inability to apply nutritional knowledge
in practice. Recommendations to governing bodies and educators responsible for the
development and implementation of the national syllabus are made. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die opname van voeding in die nasionale sillabus vir gesondheids- en velsorgterapeute dui
op die bewuswording van waarde daarvan in die industrie. Gesondheids- en
velsorgterapeute behoort enige ongunstige veltoestand as ‘n nagevolg van gebrekkige
homeostatiese verhoudings tussen die vel en interne liggaamssisteme, te identifiseer.
Die doel van hierdie studie was om die kennis van voeding, houdings en praktyke van
gesondheids- en velsorgterapeute werksaam in geakkrediteerde klinieke in Suid Afrika, te
Hierdie was ‘n dwarsprofiel, beskrywende studie wat beide kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe data
insamelingsmetodes gebruik het. Twee honderd vyf-en-veertig vraelyste is na 54 SAAHSP
geakkrediteerde klinieke in Suid Afrika gestuur. Die 73 voltooide vraelyste, wat ‘n
reaksiekoers van 29.8% verteenwoordig, is vir data- analise gebruik. ‘n Verdere 22 terapeute
het aan fokusgroep besprekings deelgeneem en 7 kenners op die gebied van voeding en
velsorg het as die spesialis paneel opgetree en aan ‘n in-diepte onderhoude deelgeneem.
‘n Self geadministreerde kennis, houding en praktyk vraelys is op grond van die nasionale
sillabus ontwikkel. Die 56-item vraelys het uit 10 demografiese vrae, 30 voedingkennis vrae
(wat deur die spesialis paneel vanuit ‘n poel van 96 vrae uitgekies is), 10 houdingstellings en
6 praktyk vrae bestaan.
Beskrywende sowel as afleibare statistiek is vir die analise van vraelyste gebruik. Die
gemiddelde totale kennistelling van die respondente was 64.4% (SD 0.11), wat ‘n kennisvlak
bo die verwagte slaagpersentasie van 60% vir ‘n SAAHSP kwalifikasie aandui. Terapeute
wat ‘n CIDESCO kwalifikasie verwerf het, het statisties ‘n beduidende hoër totale kennistelling
verwerf. Die terapeute se gemiddelde kennistelling aangaande velsorg was 47.5%, maar hul
houdings en vermoë om kliënte rakende voeding te adviseer was meestal positief met
onderskeidelik 61% en 69% van terapeute wat met die stellings saamgestem het. Ses-envyftig
terapeute (77%) was van mening dat meer intense teoretiese opleiding nodig is en
83.3% het saamgestem dat meer intense praktiese toepassing van voedingskennis by gesondheid- en velsorginstansies nodig is. Konsekwent met die meerderheid (82%) se opinie
dat voedingsraadgewing deel van behandelings moet uitmaak, bied 59% en 63%
voedingsraadgewing tydens liggaam- en gesigbehandelings aan. Terapeute bekom hul
voedingkennis hoofsaaklik van koerante en tydskrifte.
Temas wat tydens fokusgroepbesprekings beklemtoon is, het die invloed van
opleidingsinstansies op die voedingkennis, die belangrikheid van kliënte konsultasies, maar
die gebrek aan tyd om dit uit te voer én die behoefte aan opvoedkundige geleenthede in die
professionele industrie, ingesluit. Tydens die in-diepte onderhoude het die spesialiste die
doel van voeding in die industrie, terapeute se verantwoordelikheid, opleiding en raadgewing
ten opsigte van voeding, sowel as die SAAHSP sillabus beklemtoon.
Terapeute se begrip van die wetenskaplike funksionering van nutriënte en hul voedingkennis
ten opsigte van velsorg is ‘n bron van kommer. Hul gebrek aan vertroue tydens die
verskaffing van voedingsadvies, spesifiek aangaande velsorg; ondanks hul persepsie dat hul
voldoende kennis in die verband het, openbaar hul onvermoë om voedingkennis in die
praktyk aan te wend. Aanbevelings vir die beheerliggame en opvoeders veranwoordelik vir
die ontwikkeling en implementering van die nasionale sillabus, word gemaak.
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