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聯合國人權委員會組織及其運作之研究 / The organization and function of United Nations Commission on Human Rights

聯合國經社理事會於一九四六年四月通過決議設立人權委員會(Commission on Human Rights),在當時此一機構僅有研究及起草條約的功能,「世界人權宣言」、「政治與公民權利公約」及「經濟、社會和文化權利公約」等一系列重要聯合國文件皆由該委員會所起草,惟在一九六0年以前聯合國會員國對於人權議題表現並不積極,對於利用聯合國解決人權議題,更抱持極低的期望。
聯合國人權委員會除設立「防止歧視及保護少數小組委員會」(Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities)為其附屬機構外,並透過設置人權問題「特別報告員制度」(Special Rapporteur)及「工作小組制度」(working group),以專題方式處理某項受侵害人權案件,或在特定國家或地區調查侵害人權的狀況,並積極以各種方式達到保護人權的目的。人權委員會權限的擴大,也使得該委員會在聯合國人權機構的地位及作用不斷提升,並成為已開發與開發中國家意見對立的場所。
本論文試圖以聯合國人權委員會為研究對象,探討其組織、職權及運作,除希望作為瞭解聯合國人權組織在該領域所做的努力與貢獻外,更期望藉由人權委員會運作方式,檢視人權保護實際狀況及未來可能之發展。 / This thesis focuses on the Commission on Human Rights in United Nations, intending to explore its organizations, functions and processes. In addition to understanding its efforts and contribution of worldwide human rights, it is expected to examine and understand the current situation of human rights and ongoing development.

There were no human rights themes before the World War II in international relations, until the UN tried to create its organization to protect the universal human rights after the war. The UN Economic and Social Council approved a resolution to set up the Commission on Human Rights in April 1946.Despites of having only the functions of researching and drafting, the Commission on Human Rights drafted a series of important documents including “Universal Declaration of Human Rights”, “International Covenant on Civil and political Rights” and “International Covenant on Economic, Social and Culture Rights” after that. Before 1960, the UN members were not interested in this issue and therefore didn’t expect to resolve such human rights controversies through the UN system.

The situation had improved greatly after 1959. The UN Economic and Social Council reached three resolutions in 1959, 1967 and 1979 to empower the Commission on Human Rights, showing that the UN attitude towards the human rights had greatly changed.

Presently, the Commission on Human Rights has already set up “Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities” to be its sub-organization as well as “Special Rapporteur”, “working group” to deal with the cases of invading human rights in specific countries. The more the Commission on Human Rights is empowered, the more enhancements of status and functions it acquires. Nowadays it has become an arena of developing countries and developed countries.
Creators林季蓉, Lin,Vela
Source SetsNational Chengchi University Libraries
Detected LanguageEnglish
RightsCopyright © nccu library on behalf of the copyright holders

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