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A Typology Of Ancient Theatres In Modern Spain And Greece - A Geo-historical Approach

This study offers an inquiry into the historical context of the invention, consolidation, and on-going popularity of the ancient theatre typology based on the Greek-Roman &amp / #8216 / binarism&amp / #8217 / , for a better understanding of its philosophical and theoretical foundations. It scrutinises those foundations in order to discover, in their limitations for an assessment and restitution of the architectural characteristics of extant ancient theatre remains, a new set of variables for devising an alternative method of classification that adopts the &amp / #8216 / network&amp / #8217 / model. The classification made on the basis of the geographical distribution of the extant ancient theatre remains in modern Spain and Greece according to their size, their construction period, and the construction technique applied in their cavea enables an interpretation of Roman period theatre construction activity in these two regions of the Mediterranean from a &amp / #8216 / geo-historical&amp / #8217 / point of view, in the light of the variety of processes expressed by the term &amp / #8216 / Romanisation&amp / #8217 / . A comparative analysis of the examples in the two study areas along Fernand Braudel&amp / #8217 / s three historical time planes reveals the structural differences between the two corresponding provinces of the Roman Empire, highlighting the usefulness of adopting a &amp / #8216 / rhizomatic&amp / #8217 / model instead of a &amp / #8216 / binary&amp / #8217 / one in typological studies of ancient theatre architecture for their better integration into contemporary discourses emphasizing &amp / #8216 / cultural diversity&amp / #8217 / and &amp / #8216 / change&amp / #8217 / in the Mediterranean basin.
Date01 June 2005
CreatorsAkture, Zeynep
ContributorsErder, Cevat
Source SetsMiddle East Technical Univ.
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePh.D. Thesis
RightsTo liberate the content for public access

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