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Die rol wat emosionele intelligensie speel om uitmuntende werkprestasie en organisasiesukses te verseker

Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: For years academic institutions regarded IQ as the be-all and end-all, leaving
many people with lower IQ scores in a state of serious self-doubt. People are
slowly starting to admit that there is more to life than straight A's at school.
Management gurus sensed that IQ on its own is no guarantee for personal or
business success.
According to research conducted by Daniel Goleman, author of Working with
Emotional Intelligence, emotional intelligence is twice as important as any other
factor in predicting outstanding employee performance, accounting for more than
85% of star performance in top leaders. Emotional intelligence has a major
impact on organisational performance, doubling and even tripling productivity,
and greatly improving bottom-line results.
The power of emotional intelligence has been underestimated in the business
world. At the root of day-to-day organisational problems such as low productivity,
absenteeism, staff turnover, company politics, strikes and stay-aways, there is an
inability to optimise our emotional energy and that of our employees. At the root
of problems such as drug abuse, alcoholism, workaholism, yuppie flu, divorce
and teenage pregnancies, we find exactly the same cause.
Emotional intelligence involves the ability to monitor your own and others'
emotions, to discriminate between them, and to then be able to use this
information to guide your thinking and your actions. Success in life is a result of
how well you manage yourself, handle your relationships, and work with others.
The mastery of being in control of yourself, your emotions and your interactions
with others influences your ability to lead and be seen as a leader.
Emotional intelligence by any definition is really a combination of cognitive and
emotional abilities. The essence of emotional intelligence is the integration of the emotional centres of the brain (the limbic system) and the cognitive centres (prefrontal
Interactive situations at school, in the community, on the sports field, in work
teams, in our social lives and in superior-subordinate relations, all provide
opportunities for personal and interpersonal growth. Fortunately scientists now
consider emotional intelligence a learnable intelligence, one that can be
developed and improved at any time and any age through assessment, training
and coaching.
Emotions are an integral part of organisational life. We demand competence from
leaders and expect them to demonstrate virtually every known attribute of
leadership characteristics, including honesty, energy, trust, integrity, intuition,
imagination, resilience, purpose, commitment, influence, motivation, sensitivity,
empathy, humour, courage, conscience and humility. We expect them to impart
these attributes to others.
Leadership goes beyond effective management to innovation and change.
It means developing a vision, turning the vision into workable programmes in a
manner that generates excitement and commitment, creating an environment for
problem-solving and learning and making sure that everyone persists until the
programme accomplishes what it intended. Managers who are leaders
continuously pursue incremental change.
The time has come to concentrate on building emotional muscle and developing
active emotional awareness, both in ourselves and in others. Companies who
hope to survive and prosper in the future, need to invest now in the development
of the emotional intelligence of their people. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Ouers, akademici en bestuurders het jare lank die standpunt gehuldig dat 'n hoë
IK outomaties hoë akademiese prestasie tot gevolg het en werksekuriteit
waarborg. Verskeie akademici soos Daniel Goleman, Richard Boyatzis, Reuven
Bar-On en John Mayer het relatief onlangs die standpunt ondersteun dat 'n hoë
IK alleen nie voldoende is om 'n persoon te laat uitblink op akademiese gebied of
in sy werkplek of gesinslewe nie.
Volgens navorsing wat gedoen is deur Daniel Goleman, outeur van die
baanbrekersboek "Working with Emotional Intelligence", is emosionele
intelligensie twee keer belangriker as enige ander faktor wat uitstaande
werkprestasie voorspel en verantwoordelik vir meer as 85% van uitmuntende
werkprestasie van die korps van uitvoerende leiers van enige organisasie.
Emosionele intelligensie speel 'n deurslaggewende rol om organisasiesukses te
verseker en om produktiwiteit en winsmarges tweevoudig en selfs drievoudig te
Die invloed van emosionele intelligensie is onderskat in die besigheidsarena.
Die oorsprong van dag-tot-dag organisasieprobleme soos verlaagde
produktiwiteit, afwesigheid, personeelomset, maatskappypolitiek, stakings en
uitsluitings, is ons onvermoë, om ons eie en ons werknemers se emosionele
energie te optimaliseer. Negatiewe sosiale gedrag soos dwelm- en
alkoholmisbruik, werkspanning, jappiegriep, egskeidings, ongewenste
swangerskappe, geweld en misdaad is die gevolg van 'n gebrek aan langdurige
opleidingsprogramme in sosiale en emosionele bevoegdhede wat as deel van 'n
skoolkurrikulum aangebied word.
Emosionele intelligensie bestaan uit die vermoë om jou eie en 'n ander persoon
se emosies te herken, daartussen te onderskei, en die inligting te gebruik om jou
handelinge en dade te rig. Sukses in die lewe word bepaal deur hoe goed jy jouself en jou verhoudings kan bestuur en hoe goed jy met medewerknemers oor
die weg kom. Die kuns om in beheer van jouself en jou emosies te wees tesame
met jou interaksie met medewerknemers beïnvloed jou vermoë om te lei en
geïdentifiseer te word as 'n leier.
Emosionele intelligensie is volgens baie akademici 'n kombinasie van kognitiewe
en emosionele vermoëns. Die kern van emosionele intelligensie is die integrasie
van die emosionele sentrums van die brein (die limbiese sisteem) en die
kognitiewe sentrums (prefrontale korteks). Navorsing oor neurowetenskap en
emosionele intelligensie is betreklik nuut. Min akademici, skoolhoofde, bestuur
en beleidmakers is bewus van die rol wat die verwantskap tussen
senuweenetwerke in die brein en emosionele bevoegdhede speel om uitstaande
werkprestasie en organisasiesukses te verseker.
Alle interaktiewe situasies by die skool, in die gemeenskap, op die sportveld, in
spanverband in die werkplek, op sosiale gebied en in bestuurder-ondergeskikteverhoudings,
verskaf geleenthede vir persoonlike en interpersoonlike groei.
Emosionele intelligensie word beskou as 'n intelligensie wat aangeleer kan word
en wat ontwikkel en verbeter kan word met verloop van tyd en ouderdom deur
evaluering, opleiding en afrigting.
Emosies is 'n integrale deel van enige organisasie. Ons vereis bevoegdheid van
die leiers van 'n organisasie en verwag van hulle om feitlik alle leierseienskappe
te openbaar soos eerlikheid, energie, geloofwaardigheid, integriteit, intuïsie,
verbeelding, herstelvermoë, doelgerigtheid, pligsbesef, invloed, motivering,
sensitiwiteit, empatie, humor, moed, nougesetheid en nederigheid. Verder word
daar van leiers verwag om hierdie leierseienskappe aan werknemers oor te dra.
Leierskap is veel meer as bloot effektiewe bestuur en sluit die vermoë in om
innoverend te dink en aan te pas by verandering. Leierskap beteken om 'n visie
te ontwikkel, om die visie op so 'n wyse in uitvoerbare programme weer te gee dat dit entoesiasme en pligsgetrouheid genereer, om 'n omgewing te skep vir
probleemoplossing en opleiding en om te verseker dat alle werknemers volhou
totdat die programme voldoen aan hul doelwitte. Uitmuntende leiers is
voortdurend besig om stelselmatige verandering na te jaag.
Die tyd het aangebreek om emosionele intelligensie doelbewus uit te bou en om
'n aktiewe emosionele bewustheid in onsself en ander persone te ontwikkel.
Organisasies wat in die toekoms wil oorleef en winsgewend wil wees, is verplig
om in die emosionele intelligensie van hul personeel te belê.
Date03 1900
CreatorsHorstmann, Adri Engela
ContributorsDenton, M., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic & Management Sciences. Graduate School of Business.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
Format204 p.
RightsStellenbosch University

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