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Efeito da aduba??o, coberturas vivas do solo e do controle na popula??o de Corythaica cyathicollis (COSTA, 1864) (HEMIPTERA, TINGIDAE) em plantas de Solanum melongena (LINNEAUS, 1767) (SOLANACEAE) cultivadas em sistema convencional e org?nico. / Effect of the fertilization, soil lives coverings and of the control in the population of Corythaica cyathicollis (COSTA, 1864) (HEMIPTERA, TINGIDAE).in plants of Solanum melongena (LINNEAUS, 1767) (SOLANACEAE) cultivated in conventional and organic system

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Previous issue date: 2006-02-20 / Funda??o Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / Solanum melongena L., eggplant, is a culture that has many problems, presenting itself as a
hostess of diverse species of bacteria, fungi, mites and insects. The "chinch-bug", Corythaica
cyathicollis (COSTA, 1864) is known to cause serious damage to the culture. The research
was conducted at the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ) from August, 2004
to January, 2005, with three nitrogen levels: N0 (without N), N1 (60 kg N/ha), N2 (120 kg
N/ha) and three potassium levels: K0 (without K), K1 (30 kg N/ha), K2 (60 kg N/ha). The
results showed that the nitrogen levels influenced significantly in the productivity and the
quality of the fruit. However, it there was not a significant difference between fruits of 1? and
2? categories, as well as mass and length of the fruit. The greatest occurrence of C.
Cyathicollis species was observed when the plants had been fertilized with 120kg of N/ha,
and the lesser occurrence in plants fertilized with 60 kg of N/ha. Nighttime presented the
lesser occurrence of C. cyathicollis in the culture fertilized with 60 kg of N/ha, and the
biggest frequency in plants that had received the fertilization with 120 Kg of N/ha. The lesser
damage of C. Cyathicollis was observed in plants that had received the dosage N1 and K1 and
the greatest damage was observed in plants with N1 and K0. In the Integrated System of
Agroecological Production, located in Serop?dica, RJ, the objective was to evaluate the effect
of different doses of organic nitrogen (50, 100, 200 and 300 kg /ha), different soil coverings
(grass and Arachis pintoi), conventional system and period of the day (morning, afternoon,
evening) in the population of insects associated to the culture of S. melongena in system of
organic fertilization. It was not verified in the interaction of the studied factors (doses of
nitrogen, soil covering and in the period of the day). However, when cultivated in the
conventional system, S. melongena, obtained a greater occurrence of insects (42,26%), and
the least occurrence was observed when covering with grass (22,61 %). Relating to the
nitrogen, there was a significant difference between the 50 doses kg N/ha and 300 kg N/ha,
with 20, 92 and 29, 10 %, respectively. The least occurrence of C. cyathicollis was observed
in the evening (27,66 %), significantly differing from morning (39,19 %).
The effect of sulfocalcica syrups and of the neem oil I GO ?, in four concentrations, its
application methods (contact and ingestion), in the control of the species C. cyathicollis (in
the young and adult phases) in condition laboratory, showed a significant difference in the
triple interaction analyzes of variance for the number of adult insects living after 72 hours.
The use of 2% sulfocalcica syrup, for the contact method, was efficient in the control adults.
The neem oil was efficient for nymphs, in low concentration, for the contact method. / Solanum melongena L., berinjela, ? uma cultura que possui muitos problemas, apresentandose
como hospedeira de diversas esp?cies de bact?rias, fungos, ?caros e insetos. O inseto
conhecido por percevejo manchador , Corythaica cyathicollis (COSTA, 1864) (Hemiptera,
Tingidae) destaca-se causando s?rios preju?zos para a cultura. A pesquisa realizada no
Campus da UFRRJ, teve o objetivo de quantificar a popula??o de C. cyathicollis (em
diferentes per?odos do dia) e seus danos, registrar insetos associados ? plantas de berinjela que
receberam aduba??o com diferentes doses de nitrog?nio e pot?ssio, avaliando a produtividade,
qualidade e caracter?sticas morfol?gicas dos frutos. Sendo utilizados tr?s n?veis de nitrog?nio:
N0 (aus?ncia de N), N1 (60 kg N/ha), N2 (120 kg N/ha) e tr?s n?veis de pot?ssio: K0 (aus?ncia
de K), K1 (30 kg N/ha), K2 (60 kg N/ha). Os resultados mostraram que o nitrog?nio influencia
significativamente na produtividade e na qualidade dos frutos. Observou-se que maior
ocorr?ncia da esp?cie C. Cyathicollis, quando as plantas foram adubadas com 120 kg de N/ha,
e a menor ocorr?ncia em plantas adubadas com 60 kg deN/ha. O per?odo da noite apresentou a
menor ocorr?ncia da esp?cie C. cyathicollis em plantas de berinjela adubadas com 60 kg de
N/ha, e a maior ocorr?ncia em plant as que receberam a aduba??o com 120 kg N/ha. os
menores danos de C. Cyathicollis foram observados em plantas que receberam a dosagem N1
e K1 e os maiores danos foi observado em plantas adubadas com N1 e K0. No Sistema
Integrado de Produ??o Agroecol?gica, situado em Serop?dica, RJ, o objetivo do trabalho foi
avaliar os efeitos de diferentes doses de nitrog?nio org?nico (50, 100, 200 e 300 kg /ha),
diferentes coberturas do solo (grama batatais e Arachis pintoi), sistema convencional e
per?odo do dia (manh?, tarde, noite) na popula??o de insetos associados ? cultura de S.
melongena. Estatisticamente, n?o foi verificada intera??o entre os fatores estudados (doses de
nitrog?nio, cobertura do solo e per?odo do dia). Por?m, quando cultivada no sistema
convencional, S. melongena, obteve maior ocorr?ncia de insetos (42,26%), e a menor
ocorr?ncia foi observada quando na cobertura com grama (22,61 %). Em rela??o ao
nitrog?nio, observou-se diferen?a estat?stica significativa entre as doses 50 kg N/ha e 300 kg
N/ha, com 20,92 e 29,10 %, respectivamente. A menor ocorr?ncia de C. cyathicollis foi
observada no per?odo da noite (27,66 %), diferindo significativamente do per?odo da manh?
(39,19 %). O efeito da calda sulfoc?lcica e do ?leo de neem I GO ?, em quatro concentra??es
e diferentes modos de aplica??o (contato e ingest?o), foram estudados no controle da esp?cie
C. cyathicollis (fase jovem e adulta) em condi??es de laborat?rio. Verificou-se que os
produtos foram vi?veis 72 horas de aplica??o. A utiliza??o da calda sulfoc?lcica a 2%, modo
de contato foi eficiente para controle de adultos, e o ?leo de neem foi eficiente para ninfas, em
baixa concentra??o (0,25%), pelo m?todo de contato.
Date20 February 2006
CreatorsVentura, Sandra Regina da Silva
ContributorsCarvalho, Acacio Geraldo de, Abboud, Antonio Carlos de Souza
PublisherUniversidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Curso de P?s-Gradua??o em Fitotecnia, UFRRJ, Brasil, Produ??o Vegetal
Source SetsIBICT Brazilian ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion, info:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis
Sourcereponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRRJ, instname:Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, instacron:UFRRJ

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