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The criteria of project management success at Chevron's Cape Town refinery : a case study

Thesis (MBA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Chevron Cape Town refinery was constructed in 1996 with a crude capacity of 100,000 barrels per day (bpd). The focus of the unit is production and meeting the nameplate market demand. The project environment for the refinery is that of maintenance and gradual upgrade. The majority of projects handled are small capital projects.
The aim of this research is to identify what the success criteria for project management should be for projects carried out within the small capital projects department of Chevron's Cape Town refinery.
An important distinction to make is that this study looks at project management success and not project success, although the aspects of project success will be discussed to highlight how closely related the two concepts are. Project success is not directly proportional to project management success and neither is project management success directly proportional to project success.
In the past decades, project management success was usually indicated by the project completion within the time, cost and performance constraints (Kerzner, 2004:29). This has now evolved to understanding all the objectives of the project. Project management can still be deemed successful even if it did not meet all the objectives of the project and vice versa, as long as there are mutual trade-offs agreed to by the developer (project manager) and the client.
White and Fortune (2002:1-11) conducted a survey to identify common criterion used for defining project management success. The three criteria identified for judging project success are completion on time, within the budget and to performance (specification).
Project management success has been found to be a very difficult topic to define. This research report shown that project management success needs to be moved beyond the iron-triangle to other criteria like safety and meeting the objectives of the client. What was evident was that criteria, factors, dimensions and measures are concepts widely used by researchers and it is hoped that these topics. A very interesting discovery during my first interview was that project management success comes in three phases or parts, which are pre-delivery, delivery and post-delivery.
What was evident from this research was that the criteria for project management success need to be established up front before the project gets to the delivery phase. There is no way that one can measure project management success when the success criteria one is looking for at the end of the project have not been established up front.
The case study is summarised using the diagram in chapter five showing the new project management success criteria that needs to be adopted by the refinery.
Future research into project management success criteria could include a survey which could go out the whole refinery and not just the representative sample who were interviewed for this report which could confirm the project management criteria found in this report. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Chevron Kaapstad raffinadery is in 1996 gestig met 'n ruolie kapasiteit van 100,000 vate per dag. Die fokus van die eenheid is produksie en om aan die marknavraag te voldoen. Die projekomgewing van die raffinadery is instandhouding en mettertydse opgradering van die raffinadery. Die meerderheid van projekte wat hanteer word is klein-kapitaalprojekte.
Die doel van hierdie navorsing is om te identifiseer wat die sukseskriteria vir projekbestuur behoort te wees vir projekte wat binne die klein-kapitaaldepartement van Chevron se Kaapstad raffinadery behartig word.
'n Belangrike onderskeid om te maak is dat hierdie studie na projekbestuursukses kyk en die projeksukses nie, alhoewel die aspekte van projeksukses ook bespreek sal word om uit te lig hoe naby verwant die twee konsepte aan mekaar is. Projeksukses is nie direk proporsioneel tot projekbestuursukses nie en omgekeerd.
In die afgelope dekades was projekbestuursukses gewoonlik aangedui deur die afhandeling van die projek binne die tydsraamwerk, koste en prestasiebeperkinge (Kerzner, 2004:29). Hierdie konsep het intussen uitgebrei na 'n verstaan van al die doelwitte van die projek. Projekbestuur kan steeds as suksesvol beskou word al het dit nie aan al die doelwitte van die projek voldoen nie, en omgekeerd, solank as wat daar wedersydse toegewings deur beide die ontwikkelaar (projekbestuurder) en die kliënt gemaak word.
White en Fortune (2002:1-11) het 'n opname gemaak om die algemene kriteria te identifiseer wat gebruik word om projekbestuursukses te definieer. Die drie kriteria wat uitgewys is om 'n projek te evalueer, is afhandeling van die projek binne die tydsraamwerk, koste en prestasiebeperkinge.
Projekbestuursukes is 'n baie moeilike onderwerp om te definieer. Hierdie navorsingsverslag wys dat projekbestuursukses verby die “yster-driehoek” moet beweeg om ander kriteria soos veiligheid en die voldoening aan die kliënt se doelwitte, in te sluit. Wat duidelik na vore gekom het is dat kriteria, dimensies en metings konsepte is wat wyd deur navorsers gebruik word. 'n Baie interessante ontdekking gedurende die eerste onderhoud was dat projekbestuursukses in drie fases of dele voorkom, naamlik voor-lewering, lewering en na-lewering.
Wat duidelik uit die navorsing is, is dat die kriteria vir projekbestuursukses voor die aanvang van 'n projek vasgestel moet word, voordat die projek die afleweringsfase bereik. Daar is geen manier wat projekbestuursukes gemeet kan word wanneer die sukseskriteria wat aan die einde van 'n projek gesoek word, nie aan die begin vasgestel is nie.
Die gevallestudie word opgesom deur die diagram in hoofstuk vyf te gebruik wat die nuwe projekbestuursukseskriteria aandui wat deur die raffinadery aanvaar moet word.
Toekomstige navorsing in projekbestuursukseskriteria kan 'n opname insluit wat aan die hele raffinadery gestuur kan word en nie net die verteenwoordigende steekproef met wie daar vir hierdie verslag se doeleindes onderhoud gevoer is om die projekbestuurkriteria van hierdie verslag te bevestig nie.
Date12 1900
CreatorsMitchell, Zenith Moses
ContributorsBrown, C., University of Stellenbosch. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. Graduate School of Business.
PublisherStellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
RightsUniversity of Stellenbosch

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