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A comparative legal study of the dilution of registered trade marks in selected jurisdictions to further the development of the remedy in South African law

Thesis (LLD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Trade marks are among the most valuable commodities of the modern business world.
Adequate protection for trade marks to prevent the misappropriation of their incredible
marketing power is therefore important.
The aim of this dissertation is to make recommendations regarding the further
development of existing South African law regarding the protection of registered trade
marks against dilution, particularly by the courts. Current statutory protection is
examined and compared with trade-mark law in the United States and the European
Although the concept of dilution originated in Germany, most of its development took
place in the United States, starting in 1927 with an article by Frank Schechter. Dilution
occurs when the awareness that a specific mark signifies a single product from a single
source changes to an unmistakable awareness that the same mark signifies various things
from various sources. The primary theories as to how dilution occurs are blurring and
tarnishment. Although the dilution concept is widely recognised, there is still a debate
amongst legal scholars on whether trade marks deserve protection against dilution.
The extent of protection that the law gives to trade marks largely depends on the socioeconomic
functions that a trade mark is perceived to fulfil. The original source or origin
function is protected by the traditional infringement provisions. The identification or
distinguishing function, quality function and advertising function subsequently gained
recognition. The advertising function is statutorily recognised in various jurisdictions,
which prevents trade-mark dilution.
Statutory recognition of dilution in the United States first occurred in State law from
1947 onwards. Protection is generally given to distinctive or strong trade marks where a
similar mark is used on dissimilar goods in the absence of confusion in such a way that
there is a likelihood that the reputation of the senior mark will be injured. The
parameters of the concept were developed and refined mainly through case law. Federal protection against dilution was only introduced in 1995. The new Act, although widely
welcomed, also brought some unpredictability and interpretation problems.
The first statutory dilution protection for trade marks in Europe is found in the Uniform
Benelux Trade Marks Act. In 1989 the European Union adopted the Trademark
Directive, with the aim of harmonising the legal protection afforded to trade marks. Its
"dilution" provisions were incorporated into the United Kingdom's Trade Marks Act of
1994. The sometimes conflicting interpretations of these provisions by the English courts
and the Court of Justice of the European Communities are discussed.
The South African Act shows a substantial degree of harmony with legislation in the
United Kingdom and other European countries. Aspects of the wording of the dilution
provisions are however open to interpretation by the courts. Until the end of 2003 there
was only one major trade-mark dilution case decided by a South African court, namely
SAR v Laugh It OjJPromotions, which is discussed in detail. The dissertation concludes with recommendations to aid South African courts in the
future interpretation and application of the dilution provisions. Amendments to the
legislation are also proposed to promote greater clarity. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Handelsmerke is van die waardevolste kommoditeite van die moderne besigheidswêreld.
Voldoende beskerming om die uitbuiting van handelsmerke se ongelooflike
bemarkingskrag te verhoed, is daarom belangrik.
Die oogmerk van die proefskrif is om aanbevelings te maak vir die verdure ontwikkeling
van bestaande Suid-Afrikaanse reg oor die beskerming van geregistreerde handelsmerke
teen verwatering, veral deur die howe. Die bestaande statutêre beskerming word
ondersoek en vergelyk met die reg op handelsmerke in the Verenigde State en die
Europese Unie.
Alhoewel die verwateringskonsep sy oorsprong in Duitsland het, is die konsep
hoofsaaklik in die Verenigde State ontwikkel, beginnende in 1927 met 'n artikel deur
Frank Schechter. Verwatering vind plaas wanneer die bewustheid dat 'n spesifieke merk
'n enkele produk vanuit 'n enkele bron aandui verander na 'n onmiskenbare bewustheid
dat dieselfde merk verskillende dinge vanuit verskillende bronne aandui. Die primêre
verskyningsvorme van verwatering is vertroebeling en besoedeling. Alhoewel die
verwateringskonsep wye erkenning geniet, is daar steeds 'n debat onder regsgeleerdes oor
die verdienstelikheid van die beskerming teen verwatering.
Die mate van beskerming wat die reg aan handelsmerke verleen, hang grootliks af van
wat gesien word as die sosio-ekonomiese funksies van 'n handelsmerk. Die aanvanklike
oorsprongsfunksie word beskerm deur die tradisionele bepalings rakende inbreukmaking.
Die identifiserings- of onderskeidingsfunksie, die kwaliteitsfunksie en die reklamefunksie
het later erkenning gekry. Die reklamefunksie word in verskillende jursidiksies statutêr
erken, wat die verwatering van handelsmerke verhoed.
In die Verenigde State het die eerste statutêre erkenning vir verwatering sedert 1947 in
die wetgewing van State plaasgevind. Beskerming is normaalweg gegee aan sterk
handelsmerke of handelsmerke wat kan onderskei in gevalle waar 'n soortgelyke merk gebruik is op ongelyksoortige goedere in die afwesigheid van verwarring op so 'n wyse
dat die waarskynlikheid bestaan dat die reputasie van die senior merk aangetas kan word.
Die maatstawwe van die konsep is hoofsaaklik ontwikkel en verfyn in hofsake. Federale
beskerming teen verwatering is eers in 1995 ingestel. Alhoewel dié nuwe wetgewing
wyd verwelkom is, het dit ook onvoorspelbaarheid en interpretasieproblerne
Die "Uniform Benelux Trade Marks Act" het die eerste statutêre beskerming teen die
verwatering van handelsmerke in Europa gebied. Die "Trademark Directive" is in 1989
deur die Europese Unie aanvaar met die doelom die wetlike beskerming van
handelsmerke the harmonieer. Die "verwaterings"bepalings is geïnkorporeer in die
Verenigde Koninkryk se "Trade Marks Act" van 1994. Soms botsende interpretasies
hiervan is deur die Engelse howe en die Geregshofvan die Europese Unie gegee.
Die Suid-Afrikaanse wetgewing toon 'n groot mate van ooreenstemming met wetgewing
in the Verenigde Koninkryk en ander Europese lande. Aspekte van die bewoording van
die verwateringsbepalings is oop vir interpretasie deur die howe. Tot en met die einde
van 2003 was daar slegs een belangrike saak oor handelsmerkverwatering wat deur 'n
Suid-Afrikaanse hof beslis is, naamlik SAB v Laugh It Off Promotions. Dit word in detail
bespreek. Aanbevelings om die Suid-Afrikaanse howe in die toekoms te help met die interpretasie
en aanwending van die verwateringsbepalings, word in die finale hoofstuk gemaak.
Veranderinge aan die wetgewing word ook voorgestel, om groter duidelikheid te bereik.
Date12 1900
CreatorsVan der Walt, Elizabeth Margaretha
ContributorsVisser, C., Butler, D., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Law. Dept of Mercantile Law.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
Format393 p.
RightsStellenbosch University

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