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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The role of implicit contract terms as a determinant of contractual consequences

Bailly, Chantal 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (LLM)--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: It is clear that the classical concept of contract suffers from weaknesses because it takes too little account of social and economic changes that have occurred in our highly competitive global climate. More particularly, it fails to acknowledge implicit dimensions of contract. The classical contract theory was designed for transactions rather than to regulate relations. In view of the relational contract theory, contracts are agreements, often developed gradually, over a period of time and last over a period of time, perhaps indefinitely. As illustrated, with a discussion of the various theories attempting to qualify the classical law, the development of the relational contract theory and the need for implicit dimensions is in line with changes in business, market transactions and the economic and social environment of today. The relational contract is gradual and emphasises the relationship between the parties. Focus is placed on their understandings, party practices, customs and expectations as opposed to formal doctrines and principles. Characteristically, relational contracts are often incomplete in their specifications, thus leaving room for the creation of expectations and understandings inter partes. These expectations and understandings along with co-operation, rationality and trust are the implicit dimensions, which reflect the shared interest the parties have in their transaction. The ways in which these implicit dimensions can be recognised, developed and applied to contracts, particularly in the South African context is considered in light of our law's treatment of the implication of terms into contracts. It was found that considerations of reasonable expectations and policy do playa role in our law, albeit not to such an extent as to meet the demands of the relational contract theory and the recognition of implicit dimensions. Existing contract principles are also evaluated in the light of the relational contract and implicit dimensions. It is not suggested that classical contract law doctrines are to be dispensed with but that a shift of focus should occur, from the traditional focus on the ''paper'' deal to focusing on the ''real'' deal, between the parties. It is concluded that a principle of good faith would be a suitable starting point to give cognisance to implicit dimensions and to regulate relational contracts. In recognising a principle of good faith, the courts will be able to better respond to the expectations of the parties. A principle of good faith is recommended as being advantageous towards developing a pre-contractual duty of disclosure and encouraging more co-operative thinking and dealing in both legal doctrine and contracting practice. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Dit is vandag duidelik dat die klassieke kontraksmodel aan swakhede ly omrede dié model nie genoegsaam rekening hou met sosiale en ekonomiese veranderinge mons hoogskompeterende wêreldklimaat nie. Meer bepaald, neem die model nie die implisiete aspekte van kontrakte in ag nie. Die klassieke teorie is meer gepas vir eenmalige transakies tussen kontraktante en nie soseer gebruik vir die regulering van deurlopende kontraksverhoudinge nie. In terme van die verhoudingskontrakteorie ("relational contract theory") word kontrakte beskou as ooreenkomstes wat geleidelik, oor 'n lang tydperk kan duur, miskien selfs vir 'n onbepaalde tydperk. Soos gei1lustreer, is daar verskeie teoriëe wat poog om die bestaande klassieke benadering aan te pas. Die ontwikkeling van die verhoudingskontrakteorie en die implisiete aspekte van kontrakte korreleer met veranderinge in internasionale handel en die ekonomiese en sosiale omgewing van vandag. Die verhoudingskontrakteorie beklemtoon die verhouding tussen die partye, hul praktyke en gewoontes en verwagtinge en is nie net slegs op formele beginsels gebaseer nie. 'n Eienskap van hierdie kontraktstipe is dat hulle dikwels nie poog om die verhouding van die partye volledig te reguleer nie. Sodoende word ruimte gelaat vir die ontwikkeling van verwagtinge en implisiete verwagtinge tussen die partye. Hierdie verwagtinge en verstandhoudings te same met die beginsels van samewerking, redelikheid en onderlinge vertroue, is die implisiete aspekte wat die gemeenskaplike belang wat partye in hul verhouding het, weerspieël. Maniere om hierdie implisiete aspekte te herken, te ontwikkel en toe te pas, veral in die Suid- Afrikaanse konteks, is oorweeg in die lig van ons reg se benadering tot die inlees van onuitgesproke bedinge in kontrakte. Alhoewel daar bevind is dat redelike verwagtinge en beleid wel 'n rol speel, is dit onvoldoende in die lig van die eise van die verhoudingskontrakteorie en die behoefte aan implisiete aspekte. Bestaande kontraksbeginsels is ook geëvalueer in die lig van die verhoudingsgebaseerde kontrak en implisiete aspekte. Daar word nie gesuggereer dat klassieke beginsels van die hand gewys moet word nie. Eerder dan die tradisionele fokus op die "paper deal" moet die fokus op die"real deal" wees. Ten slotte word die behoefte aan die erkenning van 'n beginsel van goeie trou uitgelig. Breedweg sal howe beter kan reaggeer op partye se verwagtinge en verstandhoudinge en dié beginsel word ook aanbeveel met die oog op die behoefte aan samwerking tussen partye en die ontwikkeling van 'n voor-openbaarmakingsplig.

Testeervryheid in die Suid-Afrikaanse reg in die lig van 'n handves van regte

Du Toit, Francois 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (LLD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Freedom of testation is one of the underlying principles of the South African law of testate succession. South African testators may therefore dispose of their assets by way of will in any manner they deem fit. This freedom is however not absolute and is indeed restricted in accordance with certain social and economic considerations - some of the restrictions on free testamentary disposition originated at common law while others are couched in the form of statute. The boni mores or legal convictions of the community is one of the socially founded mechanisms which operate to limit freedom of testation in South African law. The South African legislature as well as the South African courts have however been somewhat remiss in attending to (and rejuvinating) the legal position regarding the restriction of freedom of testation in terms of the boni mores. The need for legal development in this area is all the more acute in view of South Africa's new constitutional dispensation - the interpretation and application of South Africa's final Constitution has rendered the influence of constitutional rights and principles on private law (and therefore also on freedom of testation) a pertinent legal issue. In view of the above-mentioned considerations, this work entails a general study of freedom of testation with specific reference to the application of a constitutionally founded boni morescriterion on the restriction of free testamentary disposition. This study proceeds with due cognisance of relevant juridical, social and economic considerations which provide a basis for both freedom of testation and its limitation. In this regard a historical perspective is obtained at the outset through an analysis of the approach to freedom of testation in Roman and Roman-Dutch law. The position with regard to South African law is thereafter investigated. The "traditional" approach to freedom of testation (and its restriction) is examined first, whereafter the possible impact of relevant provisions of the South African Bill of Rights on free testamentary disposition is considered from a theoretical perspective. A comparative study then follows. In this regard the approach to freedom of testation in both common law and continental or civil law legal systems is investigated. English and Australian law are considered as examples of the former while Dutch, Belgian and German law are considered as examples of the latter. The investigation into all the legal systems mentioned above has a dual focus. On the one hand the support which is rendered to freedom of testation in each legal system is considered. This support is readily founded on the acknowledgement in each system of private ownership and hence private succession, the latter which in turn acknowledges testamentary freedom. Other elements of the law of testate succession which render support to freedom of testation in each system are also examined. The restriction of free testamentary disposition in each legal system is investigated on the other hand. This investigation is principally focused on the impact of the boni mores, legal convictions of the community, public interest, public policy (the last-mentioned consideration is of particular importance in common law legal systems) and the good morals (particularly relevant in civil law legal systems) on the restriction of freedom of testation. Proposals for a future approach to the restriction of freedom of testation in South African law in accordance with a constitutionally founded boni mores-criterion are advanced in the closing chapter. The principal proposal in this regard is couched in the form of a new statutory provision which would best address the legal problem under discussion. This proposal is then illustrated with reference to practical examples. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Testeervryheid vorm een van die grondslae van die Suid-Afrikaanse testate erfreg. Suid- Afrikaanse testateurs kan dientengevolge na goeddunke by wyse van testament oor hul bates beskik. Hierdie vryheid is egter nie absoluut nie en word ooreenkomstig bepaalde sosiale en ekonomiese oorwegings beperk - sommige beperkings is gemeenregtelik van aard terwyl andere in wetgewing beslag kry. Die boni mores of regsgevoel van die gemeenskap is een van die sosiaal-gefundeerde meganismes aan die hand waarvan testeervryheid in die Suid- Afrikaanse reg beperk word. Sowel die Suid-Afrikaanse wetgewer as die Suid-Afrikaanse howe het egter in onlangse tye in gebreke gebly om die regsposisie ten opsigte van die beperking van testeervryheid ingevolge die boni mores te vernuwe. Regsontwikkeling op hierdie gebied is des te meer noodsaaklik in die lig van Suid-Afrika se nuwe grondwetlike bedeling - die invloed van grondwetlike regte en beginsels op die privaatreg (en derhalwe ook op testeervryheid) word geredelik deur die interpretasie en toepassing van Suid-Afrika se finale Grondwet aan die orde gestel. In die lig van bogenoemde oorwegings word 'n studie van testeervryheid in die algemeen en die aanwending van 'n grondwetlik-gefundeerde boni mores-maatstaf ter beperking van testeervryheid in die besonder in hierdie werk onderneem. Die studie geskied deurgaans aan die hand van tersaaklike juridiese, sosiale en ekonomiese oorwegings wat sowel testeervryheid as die beperking van dié vryheid fundeer. In hierdie verband word 'n historiese perspektief ter aanvang verkry deurdat die benadering tot testeervryheid in die Romeinse en Romeins- Hollandse reg ontleed word. Die posisie in die Suid-Afrikaanse reg word daarna op tweeledige wyse ondersoek. Die "tradisionele" benadering tot testeervryheid (en die beperking daarvan) word enersyds onder die loep geneem waarna 'n teoretiese perspektief op die moontlike invloed van tersaaklike bepalings van die Suid-Afrikaanse Handves van Regte op testeervryheid andersyds verkry word. 'n Regsvergelykende studie word daarna onderneem. In hierdie verband word die benadering tot testeervryheid in sowel "common law"- as kontinentale of "civil law "-regstelsels beskou. Die Engelse en Australiese reg word as voorbeelde van eersgenoemde ontleed terwyl die Nederlandse, Belgiese en Duitse reg as voorbeelde van laasgenoemde beskou word. Die fokus van die ondersoek na al die regstelsels hierbo vermeld, val enersyds op die onderskraging wat in elke regstelsel aan testeervryheid verleen word. Sodanige onderskraging spruit geredelik uit die erkenning in die onderskeie regstelsels van private eiendomsreg en derhalwe private erfopvolging, laasgenoemde wat weer op die erkenning van testeervryheid dui. Ook ander elemente van die testate erfreg wat in elke van die genoemde regstelsels ter onderskraging van testeervryheid funksioneer, word beskou. Die beperking van testeervryheid in elk van die regstelsels word andersyds ondersoek. Die fokus val in hierdie verband veralop die invloed van die boni mores, regsgevoel van die gemeenskap, openbare belang, openbare beleid (laasgenoemde veral relevant in "common law"-regstelsels) en die goeie sedes (veral relevant in kontinentale regstelsels) op die beperking van testeervryheid. In die slothoofstuk word voorstelle omtrent 'n toekomstige benadering tot die beperking van testeervryheid in die Suid-Afrikaanse reg aan die hand van 'n grondwetlik-gefundeerde boni mores-maatstaf gemaak. Die vernaamste voorstel in hierdie verband vind beslag in 'n nuwe statutêre bepaling wat die onderhawige regsprobleem ten beste sal aanspreek. Hierdie voorstel word ten slotte aan die hand van praktiese voorbeelde toegelig.

An assessment of constitutional guarantees of religious rights and freedoms in South Africa

Gildenhuys, J. L. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (LLD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The central issue which is considered in this thesis is the meaning of the constitutional guarantees of religious rights and freedoms in South Africa. In other words, it is concerned with the functions of the state, through its laws or conduct, in respect of religion and with its relationship towards the institutional church or religious community. It is argued that religious freedom is, in fact, a bundle of rights and freedoms. The "essential rights and freedoms of religion" which constitute this "bundle" are identified in the context of the historical development of religious rights. It is shown that religious rights theories have developed in the West which include concepts of freedom of conscience, the right to freely exercise religion, accommodation of pluralism of a confessional and institutional nature, equality of all religions before the law, nondiscrimination on the grounds offaith, institutional separation of church and state and some separation of state (or law) and religion. It is maintained that no single principle could by itself guarantee religious freedom and that these rights and freedoms are mutually. supportive of and mutually subservient to the highest goal of guaranteeing religious freedom. These essential rights and freedoms are therefore treated as constituting minimum standards for the protection of religious freedom and it is argued that religious freedom as protected in the South African Constitution should be interpreted to incorporate these multiple principles. It is shown that, prior to the promulgation of the interim Constitution the essential rights and freedoms of religion were not adequately protected in South Africa and that the constitutional entrenchment of these essential religious rights was necessitated by various factors in the preconstitutional South African society. The position with regard to religious rights and freedoms in post-Constitutional South Africa is considered by briefly sketching the broader constitutional context and by assessing the constitutional clauses protecting religious rights to determine whether the essential rights are protected. The religious rights provisions in the Constitution are analysed in detail in order to determine how they should be interpreted and implemented to ensure adequate protection of the essential rights and freedoms of religion in South Africa. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die sentrale vraagstuk wat in hierdie proefskrif ondersoek word is die betekenis van godsdiensregte en vryhede wat in die Grondwet verskans word. Dit ondersoek die funksie van die staat, hetsy deur wetgewing of staatsoptrede, ten opsigte van godsdiens en ten opsigte van kerke of godsdiensgroepe. Daar word geargumenteer dat godsdiensregte inderdaad uit 'n aantal regte, oftewel, 'n bondel regte, bestaan. Die essensiële regte en vryhede van godsdiens wat hierdie bondelopmaak word geïdentifiseer met verwysing na die historiese ontwikkeling van godsdiensregte. Teorieë van godsdiensregte het in die Weste ontwikkel wat die volgende essensiële regte en vryhede insluit: vryheid van gewete, die reg om godsdiens vrylik te beoefen, akkommodasie van pluralisme, gelykheid van alle godsdienste en nie-diskriminasie op grond van godsdiens, institusionele skeiding van kerk en staat en gedeeltelike skeiding van staat en godsdiens. Die argument lui verder dat 'n enkele beginsel nie opsigself godsdiensvryheid kan waarborg nie en dat hierdie regte en vryhede mekaar wedersyds ondersteun en tesame die doel van godsdiensvryheid dien. Die essensiële regte en vryhede van godsdiens word daarom behandel as minimum standaarde vir die beskerming van godsdiensvryheid en daar word 'n saak uitgemaak dat godsdiensvryheid in die Suid-Afrikaanse Grondwet geïnterpreteer behoort te word as synde hierdie veelvuldige beginsels in te sluit. Die proefskriftoon dat die essensiele regte en vryhede nie voor die inwerkingtreding van die interim Grondwet in Suid-Afrika genoegsame beskerming geniet het nie en dat die konstitusionele verskansing daarvan deur verskeie faktore in die pre-konstitusionele Suid- Afrika genoodsaak is. Die posisie na die inwerkingtreding van die Grondwet word geëvalueer deur kortliks die breë grondwetlike konteks te skets en vas te stelof die artikels in die Grondwet wat met godsdiens handel, inderdaad die essensiele regte en vryhede van godsdiens beskerm. Hierdie artikels word in diepte geanaliseer ten einde te bepaal hoe hulle geïnterpreteer en geïmplementeer behoort te word ten einde die essensiele godsdiensregte en vryhede genoegsaam te beskerm.

The meaning of public purpose and public interest in Section 25 of the Constitution

Nginase, Xolisa Human 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (LLM (Mercantile Law))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis discusses the meaning of public purpose and public interest in s 25 of the Final Constitution. The main question that is asked is: how does ‘public purpose’ differ from ‘public interest’, and what impact did the Final Constitution have on the interpretation and application of the public purpose requirement in expropriation law in South Africa? This question is investigated by looking at how the courts have dealt with the public purpose requirement, both before and during the first years of the constitutional era in South African law, and also with reference to foreign law. The thesis shows that the position has not changed that much yet because the interpretation of this requirement has not received much attention in constitutional case law. The main focus is to show that the reason for the interpretation problems surrounding this requirement is the apparent conflict between the formulation of the public purpose requirement in the Final Constitution and in the current Expropriation Act of 1975. It is pointed out that the efforts that were made to resolve the problem failed because the Expropriation Bill 2008 was withdrawn. Consequently, it is still unclear how the public purpose requirement has been changed by s 25(2) of the Constitution, which authorises expropriation for a public purpose or in the public interest. This apparent lack of clarity is discussed and analysed with specific reference to the different types of third party transfers that are possible in expropriation law. Comparative case law from Australia, Germany, the United Kingdom, the United States of America and the European Convention on Human Rights is considered to show how other jurisdictions deal with the public purpose requirement in their own constitutions or expropriation legislation, with particular emphasis on how they solve problems surrounding third party transfers. In the final chapter it is proposed that the Expropriation Bill should be reintroduced to bring the formulation of the public purpose requirement in the Act in line with s 25(2) and that expropriation for transfer to third parties could be in order if it serves a legitimate public purpose or the public interest (e g because the third party provides a public utility or for land reform), but that expropriation for economic development should be reviewed strictly to ensure that it serves a more direct and clear public interest than just stimulating the economy or creating jobs. / AFRIKAANS OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis bespreek die betekenis van openbare doel en openbare belang in a 25 van die Finale Grondwet. Die belangrikste vraag is: hoe verskil ‘openbare doel’ van ‘openbare belang’, en watter impak het die Finale Grondwet op die interpretasie en toepassing van die openbare doel-vereiste in die Suid-Afrikaanse onteieningsreg gehad? Die vraag word ondersoek met verwysing na die howe se hantering van die openbare doel-vereiste voor en gedurende die eerste jare van die nuwe grondwetlike bedeling, asook met verwysing na buitelandse reg. Die tesis toon aan dat die posisie nog min verander het omdat die interpretasie van die vereiste in die grondwetlike regspraak nog nie veel aandag gekry het nie. Daar word aangetoon dat interpretasieprobleme rondom hierdie vereiste ontstaan as gevolg van die oënskynlike teenstrydigheid tussen die formulering van die openbare doel-vereiste in die Finale Grondwet en in die huidige Onteieningswet van 1975. Daar word geargumenteer dat pogings om die probleem op te los gefaal het omdat die Onteieningswetsontwerp 2008 teruggetrek is. Dit is daarom steeds onduidelik hoe die openbare doel-vereiste deur a 25(2) van die Grondwet, wat onteiening vir ‘n openbare doel of in die openbare belang toelaat, verander is. Hierdie oënskynlike gebrek aan sekerheid word bespreek met verwysing na die verskillende gevalle waarin eiendom onteien en dan aan derde partye oorgedra word. Regsvergelykende regspraak van Australië, Duitsland, die Verenigde Koninkryk, die Verenigde State van Amerika en die Europese Konvensie op Mensregte word oorweeg om te wys hoe ander regstelsels die openbare doel-vereiste in hulle grondwette of onteieningswetgewing interpreteer, spesifiek ten aansien van die oordrag van eiendom aan derde partye. In die laaste hoofstuk word aan die hand gedoen dat die Onteieningswetsontwerp weer ter tafel geneem moet word om die bewoording van die openbare doel-vereiste in die Onteieningswet in ooreenstemming met a 25(2) te bring. Daar word ook aan die hand gedoen dat onteiening vir oordrag aan derde partye in orde kan wees as dit ‘n geldige openbare doel of die openbare belang dien (bv omdat die derde party ‘n openbare diens lewer of in belang van grondhervorming), maar dat onteiening vir ekonomiese ontwikkeling streng hersien moet word om te verseker dat dit ‘n meer direkte en duidelike openbare belang dien as bloot om die ekonomie te stimuleer of om werk te skep.

Comparison of post-employment restraints in South Africa, England and Germany

Guhl, Christian Andreas 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (LLM)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This dissertation deals with restraints in post-employment cases in England, South Africa and Germany. The attempt was made to compare the restraint of trade doctrine that was developed in England and is still used in the common law countries, on one the hand, and the German restraint of trade rules on the other. Therefore the development of the restraint of trade doctrine in England is described, as well as the modifications of the restraint of trade doctrine in South Africa. Also it is given an overview of the German restraint of trade rules. As far as the English and South African law is concerned, the historical developments and applicable principles of the restraint of trade doctrine are emphasised, whereas the main aim in the German part is to give an overview about the codified restraint of trade rules. While comparing the common law doctrine and the German restraint of trade law it is emphasised that in the common law countries the reasonableness and public interest plays an important role, whereas in German restraint of trade law, on the other hand, the payment of compensation is an important matter. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: geen opsomming

An assessment of the South African law governing breach of contract : a consideration of the relationship between the classification of breach and the resultant remedies

Venter, Cindy Michelle 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (LLM)--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The South African system of breach of contract recognizes several distinct forms of breach. each encompassing its own set of requirements. Before one is able to determine the outcome and accordingly the rights of each contracting party in respect of an alleged breach of contract. the factual situation must be fitted into one of the recognized forms of breach. This has resulted in a highly complex system of breach of contract and resultant remedies. The existence of a direct relationship between the form of breach present in a factual situation and the remedies available to the innocent party is a fundamental premise of South African law and one that is often accepted without much investigation. This thesis investigates the extent of this interdependence and to establish whether this intricate system is necessary from a practical and a theoretical point of view. To this end. the thesis examines the less complex system of breach of contract as embodied in the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods C·CISG'·) which has been widely adopted in international trade. and which has provided a template for the reformation of various national systems of law. This study concludes that the South African approach to breach of contract and remedies is in need of reform. and that a unitary concept of breach could provide a basis for both a simplification and modernization of our law. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Suid-Afrikaanse Kontraktereg erken verskeie verskyningsvorms van kontrakbreuk, elk met sy eie besondere vereistes. Ten einde die uitkoms van probleemsituasies waarin kontrakbreuk beweer word te bepaal en derhalwe die regte van die betrokkenes uit te kristalliseer. moet die feitestelonder die een of ander vorm van kontrakbreuk tuisgebring te word. Hierdie benadering het 'n besonder komplekse stelsel van kontrakbreuk en remedies tot gevolg. 'n Fundamentele uitgangspunt van die Suid-Afrikaanse stelsel is dat daar Il direkte korrelasie bestaan tussen die tipe van kontrakbreuk wat in 'n bepaalde geval teenwoordig is en die remedies waarop die onskuldige party kan staatmaak. Hierdie siening, wat meerendeel sonder bevraagtekening aanvaar word, vorm die fokuspunt van hierdie ondersoek. Die oogmerk is om die praktiese nuttigheid en teoretiese houbaarheid van die benadering vas te stel. As 'n vergelykingspunt neem die tesis die vereenvoudigde sisteem van kontrakbreuk beliggaam in die Verenigde Nasies se Konvensie aangaande die Internasionale Koopkontrak ("CISG"). Hierdie verordening geniet wye erkenning in die Internasionale Handel en het alreeds die grondslag gevorm van verskeie inisiatiewe vir die hervonning van Il aantal nasionale regstelsels. Die gevolgtrekking is dat die Suid-A frikaanse benadering tot kontrakbreuk en die remedies daarvoor hervorming benodig en dat die opvatting van 'n sg uniforme kontrakbreuk as 'n basis kan dien vir die vereenvoudiging en modernisering van ons reg.

Vereniging van die koopreg : kontraksluiting in 'n historiese, regsvergelykende en internasionale perspektief

Bruwer, Elizabeth 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (LLM)--University of Stellenbosch, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: International trade has increased tremendously in the last few decades. When parties to a contract find themselves in different countries and each has its own legal background, specific problems originate in connection with formation of the contract, its execution, the breach thereof and so forth. The predominant theme of this work is the question of how a diversity of legal rules should be approached in an international context. The focus is on contract formation, and the rules of offer and acceptance are therefore examined. As a result of diverse legal cultures, different legal systems often have contradicting rules pertaining to contract formation, which can lead to a variety of problems if the contracting parties are not aware of the inconsistencies. According to international private law's choice of law-rules, such a contract should be governed by the rules of the legal system with which it has the closest connection. Connecting factors can be for instance the domicile of particular persons at various times, the situs of property, or the place where a juristic act was performed. One specific legal system will therefore rule the contract. There is however another possibility: that of a uniform substantive law. This involves the unification of different legal rules into one set of rules to be applied to contracts which are concluded in an international context. Taking into account that many of the rules and doctrines applicable to contract law have a common philosophical origin, the necessity of a convergence of these rules may be questioned. However, most of the rules ended up being different in different legal systems, and parties to an international transaction will probably not have the same idea about questions such as the possibility to revoke an offer before acceptance, or the precise moment of formation of the contract. A comparative study of the rules of offer and acceptance illustrates this point. International efforts to unify the law in this regard are explored, in order to assess the possibility of a uniform substantive law of contracts. Some of the international instruments seem to be able to find a middle way between conflicting rules, although it may not always be the best way to solve the problem. It is argued that harmony is not necessarily advanced by a codification of existing rules, and that a common legal culture which can lead to the incremental development of harmonious legal principles may be an alternative solution for the problem of incompatible national legal systems in an international context. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Internasionale handel het die afgelope paar dekades geweldig toegeneem. Wanneer kontraktante hulle in verskillende lande bevind, elke party met sy eie regsagtergrond, ontstaan eiesoortige probleme in verband met kontraksluiting, die uitvoering daarvan, kontrakbreuk, en dies meer. Die oorheersende tema van hierdie werk is die vraag na die hantering van 'n verskeidenheid regsreëls betrokke in 'n internasionale konteks. Die fokus is op kontraksluiting, en die reëls aangaande aanbod en aanname word derhalwe ondersoek. As gevolg van die bestaan van uiteenlopende regskulture het verskillende regstelsels dikwels teenstrydige reëls met betrekking tot kontraksluiting. Dit kan natuurlik problematies wees, veral indien die partye tot die kontrak nie bewus is van die teenstrydighede nie. Ooreenkomstig die choice of law-reëls van internasionale privaatreg, word so 'n kontrak beheers deur die regstelsel waarmee dit die nouste verbintenis het. Faktore wat dui op so 'n band kan byvoorbeeld die domisilie van bepaalde persone op verskillende tye, die situs van eiendom, of die plek waar 'n regshandeling verrig is wees. Een spesifieke regstelsel sal dus van toepassing wees op die kontrak. Daar is egter ook 'n ander moontlikheid: dié van 'n eenvormige substantiewe reg. Dit behels die vereniging van verskillende regsreëls ten einde een stel reëls daar te stel wat toegepas word op internasionale kontrakte. lndien in ag geneem word dat heelparty reëls en leerstukke in die kontraktereg 'n gemeenskaplike filosofiese oorsprong het, is die noodsaaklikheid van 'n vereniging van die reëls nie 'n gegewe nie. Die meeste van dié reëls het egter verskillend uitgekristalliseer in verskillende regstelsels, en partye tot 'n internasionale transaksie sal heel waarskynlik nie dieselfde opinie hê oor kwessies soos die moontlikheid om 'n aanbod voor aanname daarvan te herroep, of die presiese oomblik van totstandkoming van 'n kontrak nie. 'n Vergelykende studie van die reëls van aanbod en aanname illustreer die punt. Internasionale pogings om die reg in die verband te verenig word ondersoek, ten einde die moontlikheid van 'n eenvormige substantiewe reg van toepassing op kontrakte te beoordeel. Sekere van die internasionale instrumente blyk 'n middeweg tussen uiteenlopende reëls te vind, alhoewel dit nie noodwendig die beste manier is om die probleem voorhande op te los nie. Daar word geargumenteer dat harmonie nie noodwendig bevorder word deur 'n kodifikasie van bestaande reëls nie, en dat 'n gemeenskaplike regskultuur wat tot die geleidelike ontwikkeling van eenvormige regsbeginsels kan lei, 'n alternatiewe oplossing vir die probleem van onversoenbare nasionale regstelsels in 'n internasionale konteks kan wees.

Fundamental change of circumstances and the principle of 'causa finalis'

Von Alvensleben, Philipp Carl 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (LLM)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: On the basis of a comparative analysis of the case law in Germany, England and South Africa dealing with fundamental change of circumstances, it is submitted that the underlying principle of this problem area is the idea of frustration of the contractual purpose (causa finalis). The problem of fundamental change of circumstances is directly connected with basic issues of legal theory such as the dichotomy between legal certainty and substantive justice, the role and limits of interpretation, the concretisation of principles, the adjudication of interests and the problem of value-judgements in the law which are of immediate influence on the understanding of the problem by judges and legal commentators. A broad perspective on the topic is necessarily indicated hereby. The thesis therefore starts off with an account of the role of purpose (causa finalis) in the history of legal philosophy, with a focus on developments in Germany. The continuing relevance of Aristotelian-Thomistic legal thinking is emphasized. The German and English case law dealing with fundamental change of circumstances is analyzed in an analogous manner. An account of the history and development of the doctrines dealing specifically with fundamental change of circumstances is given: the clausuIa rebus sic stantibus of the ius commune, the doctrine of WegJall der Geschaftsgrundlage in Germany and the doctrine of frustration of contract and common mistake in England. The crucial elements of the approach of the courts are restated. The positions of the two most influential German legal authors involved on opposite sides of the debate concerning the doctrine of WegJall der Geschaftsgrundlage are discussed. At the end of the discussion of English case law, the approach of the English courts is compared with that of their German counterparts, providing a basis for the development of the author's understanding of the concept causafinalis. Notwithstanding the fact that South African law does not recognize a doctrine dealing specifically with fundamental change of circumstances, and in spite of dicta to the effect that the English doctrine of frustration of contract is not part of South African law, it is submitted that the doctrine of frustration of contract has nevertheless strongly influenced the South African law of supervening impossibility and supposition, and has arguably become part and parcel of it. Likewise, cases of frustration of the contractual purpose due to a fundamental change of circumstances have been dealt with by means of other doctrinal devices such as common mistake. It is submitted, finally, that the famous and controversial issue of the role of causa in South African law should be reconsidered, since it may contribute to the understanding of the notion of contract, and assist in overcoming the current doctrinal crisis of the theory of contract. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Aan die hand van 'n vergelykende analise van die regspraak in Duitsland, Engeland en Suid- Afrika betreffende fundamentele verandering van omstandighede, word ter oorweging gegee dat die beginselonderliggend aan hierdie probleemgebied te vind is in die gedagte van verydeling van die kontraksoogmerk. Die probleem van fundamentele verandering van omstandighede staan in onmiddellike verband met basiese vrae van die regsteorie, onder andere die teenstelling tussen regsekerheid en substantiewe geregtigheid, die rol en perke van uitleg, die konkretisering van beginsels, die opweging van belange en die probleem van waarde-oordele in juridiese verband wat almal inspeel op die hantering van die probleem deur regters en kommentatore. Met die oog hierop is 'n breë invalshoek op die ondersoekveld gebiedend. Die ondersoek neem derhalwe as vertrekpunt 'n oorsig oor die rol van oogmerk (causa finalis) in die geskiedenis van die regsfilosofie met 'n besondere klem op ontwikkelinge in Duitsland. Die deurlopende belang van Aristoteliaans- Thomistiese denkwyses word beklemtoon. Die Duitse en Engelse regspraak betreffende fundamentele verandering van omstandighede word op 'n eenvormige grondslag ontleed. 'n Oorsig van die geskiedenis van leerstukke wat spesifiek verband hou met fundamentele verandering van omstandighede word aangepak, te wete die sg clausuia rebus sic stantibus van die ius commune en die leerstuk van Wegfall der Geschafstgrundlage in Duitsland en die leerstuk van frustration of contract en common mistake in Engeland. Die kemaspek van die benadering van die howe word uitgespel. Die botsende standpunte van twee van die mees invloedryke Duitse denkers in die teoretiese debat bied 'n breë konseptueie raamwerk vir die uiteindelike vergelyking van die Engelse regspraak met die van die Duitse howe en die ontwikkeling van 'n eie standpunt aangaande die begrip causafinalis. Die Suid-Afrikaanse reg erken nie 10 soveel woorde dat veranderende omstandighede as sodanig die bestaan van 'n kontrak raak nie, en in die besonder word die Engelsregtelike leerstuk van frustration of contract in vele regterlike dicta verwerp. Die ondersoek na die Suid-Afrikaanse respraak lei egter tot die gevolgtrekking dat die Suid-Afrikaanse reg aangaande onmoontlikwording van prestasie en die veronderstelling inderdaad in wesenlike opsigte deur die leerstuk van frustration beïnvloed is. Verydeling van die kontraksoogmerk ten gevolge van veranderende omstandighede geniet ook juridiese erkenning deur middel van . ander juridiese meganismes soos die leerstuk van gemeenskaplike dwaling. Die slotsom van die behandeling van die Suid-Afrikaanse reg is dat die berugte en omstrede rol van causa in die Suid-Afrikaanse Kontraktereg herwaardering verg.

The consequences of contracts concluded by unassisted minors : a comparative evaluation

Watt, Ilze Jr 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (LLM)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / Includes bibliography / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: It is a general principle of the law of South Africa that an unassisted contract of a minor is unenforceable against the minor. Although it binds the other party, the minor is not bound. The minor will only be bound if the contract is enforced by his guardian, or if the contract is ratified by the child after attaining majority. This implies that the other party is in a rather unfortunate position, since the effectiveness of the contract will remain uncertain until the guardian of the minor decides to enforce or repudiate the contract, or until the minor ratifies it after attaining majority. The other party may not resile from the contract during this interim period. Should it be established that the contract has failed, the question arises to what extent the parties are obliged to return performances made in purported fulfilment of the contract. In terms of the law of South Africa, the prevailing view is that these claims are based on unjustified enrichment. However, the extent of these claims differs. In principle, both parties’ liability will be limited to the amount remaining in its estate, according to the defence of loss of enrichment. But the application of the defence is subject to an exception that does not apply equally to the parties. Had the other party known or should the other party have known that the enrichment was sine causa, yet continued to part with it, he will be held liable for the full enrichment. However, this exception does not apply to the enrichment liability of minors. In other words, whether the minor knew or should have known that the enrichment was sine causa, he would still be allowed to raise the defence of loss of enrichment. Furthermore, the rules applicable to minors’ enrichment liability applies to all minors, and no scope is left to consider the specific circumstances of each minor. It is accepted that there are two competing principles relating to minors’ unassisted contracts. On the one hand, the law must protect the minor from his immaturity and lack of experience. On the other hand, the law must protect the interests of the other party. It will be seen throughout this study that the determination of how to balance these competing principles is not an easy task. The key aim of this thesis is to investigate the principles governing the unwinding of unassisted minors’ contracts in South Africa. A comparison will be made with the principles applied in other legal systems, in order to identify similarities and differences in the approaches and, to establish what underlies the differences in the various approaches. Germany, England and Scotland have been chosen for comparison for various reasons. First, they share some historical roots, and they represent three major legal traditions, namely the civil law, common law and mixed legal systems, of which South Africa also forms part. Secondly, both England and Scotland have experienced recent legislative reform in this regard, which implies that their respective legal systems should be in line with modern tendencies, and consequently they may provide a valuable framework for possible reform in South Africa. In Germany, although mainly regulated by rather older legislation, there have been interesting developments in the determination of consequences of failed contracts. Hellwege has argued that the unwinding of all contracts should be treated similarly, regardless of the unwinding factor. He has also suggested that in order to prevent the accumulation of risk on one party, and to ensure that the risk is placed on the person who is in control of the object, the defence of loss of enrichment should not be available to any party. His reasoning and suggestions is dealt with in more detail in this thesis. This study argues that the current strict approach applied under South African law regarding minors’ unassisted contracts needs to be re-considered. The current approach is dated and is not in line with modern tendencies and legislation. No proper consideration is given to minors’ development into adulthood or personal circumstances of the parties. It is submitted that in the process of re-consideration, some form of acknowledgement must be given to minors’ development towards mature adults. It is submitted that this would be possible by introducing a more flexible approach to regulate the enforceability and unwinding of minors’ unassisted contracts. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING Dit is ‘n algemene beginsel van die Suid-Afrikaanse reg dat ‘n kontrak aangegaan deur ‘n minderjarige sonder die nodige bystand van sy ouer of voog onafdwingbaar is teenoor die minderjarige. Die minderjarige sal slegs gebonde wees indien die kontrak afgedwing word deur sy voog, of indien die minderjarige self die kontrak ratifiseer nadat hy meerderjarig word. Dit impliseer dat die ander party in ‘n ongunstige posisie is, aangesien die werking van die kontrak onseker is totdat die voog besluit om die kontrak af te dwing of te repudieer, of totdat die minderjarige dit ratifiseer nadat hy meerderjarig word. Gedurende hierdie interim periode mag die ander party nie terugtree uit hierdie kontrak nie. Sou dit bepaal word dat die kontrak misluk het, ontstaan die vraag tot watter mate die partye verplig word om prestasies wat reeds gemaak is, terug te gee. In terme van die Suid-Afrikaanse reg is die meerderheidsopinie dat hierdie eise gebaseer is op onregverdige verryking, maar die omvang van die partye se eise verskil. In beginsel is beide partye se aanspreeklikheid beperk tot die bedrag wat steeds in sy boedel beskikbaar is, weens die beskikbaarheid van die verweer van verlies van verryking. Maar die toepassing van die verweer is onderworpe aan ‘n uitsondering wat nie op beide partye geld nie. Indien die ander party geweet het of moes geweet het dat die verryking sine causa was, maar steeds afstand gedoen het van die verryking, sal hy aanspreeklik gehou word vir die volle verryking. Hierdie reel is egter nie van toepassing op die minderjarige se verrykingsaanspreeklikheid nie. Met ander woorde, indien die minderjarige geweet het of moes geweet het dat die verryking sine causa was, en steeds afstand gedoen het van die verryking, sal hy steeds die verweer van verlies van verryking kan opper. Bowendien, die reels van toepassing op minderjariges se verrykingsaanspreeklikheid is van toepassing op alle minderjariges, en geen ruimte word gelaat om die spesifieke omstandighede van elke minderjarige in ag te neem nie. Wanneer ons kontrakte aangegaan deur minderjariges sonder die nodige bystand, oorweeg, word dit algemeen aanvaar dat daar twee kompeterende beginsels van belang is. Aan die een kant moet die reg die minderjarige beskerm teen sy onvolwassenheid en gebrek aan ondervinding. Aan die ander kant moet die reg ook die belange van die ander party beskerm. Dit sal deurlopend in hierdie studie gesien word dat die behoorlike balansering van hierdie twee beginsels nie ‘n maklike taak is nie. Die hoofdoel van hierdie tesis is om die beginsels wat die afdwingbaarheid en ontbinding van minderjariges se kontrakte in Suid-Afrika, wat aangegaan is sonder die nodige bystand van ‘n voog, te ondersoek. ‘n Vergelyking sal getref word met die beginsels wat in ander regstelsels toegepas word, om sodoende die ooreenkomste en verskille te identifiseer, asook om te bepaal wat hierdie verskille onderlê. Duitsland, Engeland en Skotland is gekies as vergelykende jurisdiksies vir verskeie redes, naamlik hulle historiese gebondenheid en die feit dat hulle drie groot regstradisies (die kontinentale regstelsel, die gemenereg en die gemengde regstelsel) verteenwoordig. Bowendien het beide Engeland en Skotland onlangse wetgewende hervorming ondergaan in hierdie sfeer van die reg, wat impliseer dat hierdie regstelsels waarskynlik in lyn sal wees met moderne tendense. Gevolglik kan hulle ‘n waardevolle raamwerk skep waarbinne moontlike hervorming in Suid-Afrika mag plaasvind. Alhoewel Duitsland grotendeels nog deur ouer wetgewing gereguleer word, het dit ook ‘n reeks interessante verwikkelinge ondergaan in die bepaling van die gevolge van kontrakte wat misluk het. Hellwege argumenteer dat die ontbinding van alle kontrakte dieselfde hanteer moet word, ongeag die onderliggende ontbindende faktor. Hy stel ook voor dat om te verhoed dat die risiko op slegs een party geplaas word, en om te verseker dat dit eerder gedra word deur daardie party wat beheer het oor die voorwerp, die verweer van verlies van verryking nie vir enige party beskikbaar moet wees nie. Sy redenering en voorstelle word in meer besonderhede in hierdie studie bespreek. Hierdie studie argumenteer dat die huidige streng benadering wat in Suid-Afrika toegepas word met betrekking tot kontrakte aangegaan deur minderjariges sonder die nodige bystand van ‘n voog, heroorweeg moet word. Die huidige benadering is verouderd en is nie lyn met moderne tendense en wetgewing nie. Bowendien word geen behoorlike oorweging gegee aan minderjariges se ontwikkeling tot volwassenheid nie, en die partye se persoonlike omstandighede word ook nie in ag geneem nie. Daar word argumenteer dat in die proses van heroorweging, ‘n mate van erkenning gegee moet word aan minderjariges se persoonlike ontwikkeling. Daar word verder argumenteer dat ‘n meer buigsame benadering toegepas moet word ten opsigte van die regulering van die afdwingbaarheid en ontbinding van hierdie kontrakte.

The Constitutional Property Clause and Immaterial Property Interests

Kellerman, Mikhalien 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (LLD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The question that this dissertation addresses is which immaterial property interests may be recognised and protected under the constitutional property clause and if so, under which circumstances. The question originated in the First Certification case 1 where the court held that the constitutional property clause is wide enough to include property interests that require protection according to international norms. The traditional immaterial property interests or intellectual property rights (patents, copyright, designs and trademarks) are protected as property in private law on a sui generis basis. Since it is generally accepted that the property concept in constitutional law includes at least property rights protected in private law, it is relatively unproblematic to include intellectual property rights under the constitutional property clause. In Laugh It Off v SAB International,2 the Constitutional Court explicitly balanced the right to a trademark with the right to freedom of expression, which is accepted as authority that at least trademarks may be recognised and protected as constitutional property. The other intellectual property rights may most likely be recognised and protected by analogy. Foreign law as well as international law also indicates that intellectual property should be recognised and protected as constitutional property. However, there are other, unconventional immaterial property interests that are not protected as property in private law. Some are protected in private law, but not as property; others originate in public law; and yet others are not protected yet at all. In terms of the Constitution, South African courts may consider foreign law, but must consider international law. This dissertation determines when these interests may be protected as constitutional property by reference to foreign cases from German, American, Australian and Irish law; regional international law, namely European Union cases; and international law. The conclusion is that unconventional immaterial property interests may generally be protected if they are vested and acquired in terms of normal law, have patrimonial value and serve the general purpose of constitutional property protection. Property theories are also useful to determine when immaterial property interests deserve constitutional protection, although other theories may be more useful for some of the unconventional interests. The German scaling approach and the balancing of competing interests is a useful approach for South African courts to help determine the appropriate level of protection for specific immaterial property interests without excluding some at the outset. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die vraag waarmee hierdie verhandeling handel is of belange in immateriële goedere erken en beskerm kan word in terme van die grondwetlike eiendomsklousule en indien wel, onder watter omstandighede. Die vraag het sy ontstaan in die First Certification saak,3 waar die Grondwetlike Hof beslis het dat die eiendomsklousule se omvang wyd genoeg is om belange in eiendom in te sluit wat volgens internasionale norme beskerming verg. Sekere regte in immateriële goedere word op ’n sui generis basis in die privaatreg beskerm, naamlik die regte in tradisionele immaterieelgoederereg kategorieë of intellektuele eiendom (patente, kopiereg, ontwerpe en handelsmerke). Dit is 'n algemene beginsel van grondwetlike eiendomsreg dat die konsep van eiendom minstens belange insluit wat as eiendom in die privaatreg beskerm word. In Laugh It Off v SAB International4 het die Grondwetlike Hof 'n handelsmerkreg opgeweeg teen die reg op vryheid van uitdrukking en hierdeur implisiet erken dat minstens handelsmerke en dalk ook ander intellektuele eindemsregte deur die eiendomsklousule erken en beskerm kan word. Buitelandse reg sowel as internasionale reg dui aan dat intellektuele eiendom grondwetlike beskerming behoort te ontvang. Buiten hierdie belange is daar ook immaterieelgoederereg belange wat nie onder eiendomsreg beskerm word in die privaatreg nie. Sommige van hierdie belange word wel in die privaatreg beskerm, maar dan onder ander areas van die reg as eiendom; ander het hul oorsprong in die publiekreg; en die res word tans glad nie beskerm nie. Die Grondwet bepaal dat howe buitelandse reg in ag kan neem en dat hulle internasionale reg moet oorweeg. Die verhandeling se vraag word beantwoord met verwysing na sake uit die Duitse, Amerikaanse, Australiese en Ierse grondwetlike reg; streeks-internasionale reg van die Europese Unie; en internasionale reg. Die onkonvensionele immaterieelgoederereg belange kan oor die algemeen beskerm word as eiendom indien daar 'n gevestigde reg is, die reg in terme van gewone reg verkry is en die belang die algemene oogmerke van die grondwetlike klousule bevorder. Die teorieë oor die beskerming van eiendom is van nut om te bepaal watter belange beskerm kan word, alhoewel sekere onkonvensionele belange beter geregverdig kan word deur ander tipes teorieë. Die Duitse metode om belange op te weeg kan van besonderse nut wees vir Suid Afrikaanse howe om te bepaal watter vlak van beskerming spesifieke belange in immaterieelgoedere behoort te geniet.

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