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The development of a balanced scorecard for the Faculty of Military Science

Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Managing any government institution has become increasingly complicated as the
requirements for accountability, streamlined operations and greater flexibility have
multiplied. Being a government institution but at the same time an institution of higher
education, managing the Faculty of Military Science becomes a daunting task. It
requires sophisticated approaches for implementing strategy and measuring
Employees are asked to change how they view their work and focus on results, not
activities. While not asking the impossible, it is a challenging task. Formal accountability
for outcomes down the line has simply not been a marker of the bureaucratic culture. As
leadership looks for ways to support employees in this transition, it is vital that a
comprehensive management system is deployed.
For employees to focus on the outcomes of their individual performance, they must:
• understand what the standards for organisational performance are;
• participate in measuring how well those standards have been met; and
• be responsible for finding ways to improve organisational performance.
The Balanced Scorecard can help. This approach is one that is gaining currency as an
easy to use and accessible process for measuring organisational effectiveness. It can
be applied at any level and any type of organisation. The objectives and measures for

the Balanced Scorecard are derived from the organisation's vision and strategy. These
objectives and measures describe the progress of the organisation from four
perspectives. These perspectives can vary from organisation to organisation and in the
case of the Faculty of Military Science they include, the stakeholder perspective, the
customer perspective, the internal processes perspective and the learning and growth
It is a balanced model, because the measures represent an equilibrium between
external measures for stakeholders and customers, and internal measures of business
processes and learning and growth.
The construction of the Balanced Scorecard is a systematic process, which ensures that
the organisation's objectives and measures are made clear and that there is consensus
in this regard. The success of the process depends on the participation of top
management. The most important person in the process is the leader or "architect. A
Balanced Scorecard can be constructed in 16 weeks, with high involvement of the
leader in the beginning of the process.
The Balanced Scorecard must be used as a strategic management system. It helps to
clarify and to gain consensus about vision and strategy of the organisation, which should
be communicated throughout the organisation. It is also useful in the establishment of
objectives for each employee, the allocation of resources and the alignment of strategic

This study is directed towards the relevant literature on the Balanced Scorecard and the
possible use thereof as a management system in an institution for higher education,
specifically the Faculty of Military Science. To this end a thorough literature study was
undertaken, focusing on the origins of the Balanced Scorecard, the developing and
implementation thereof as well as the Balanced Scorecard as a strategic management
system. The study further determined the applicability of the Balanced Scorecard to
institutions for higher education, looking at the University of California, San Diego, as an
example. In the final instance a Balanced Scorecard is proposed for the Faculty of
Military Science, with certain recommendations. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Toenemende druk op staatsinstellings om meer aanspreeklikheid te aanvaar, aktiwiteite
meer vaartbelyn uit te voer en om meer buigsaam in hul optrede te wees, veroorsaak
dat die bestuur van sulke instellings toenemend kompleks begin word. Die bestuur van
die Fakulteit Krygskunde, 'n staatsinstelling, maar ook 'n instelling vir hoër onderwys,
bied dus 'n geweldige uitdaging. Dit vereis daarom 'n gesofistikeerde benadering tot die
implementering van 'n strategie en die meet van prestasie.
Van werknemers word verwag om hul siening van werk te verander deur te fokus op
resultate eerder as op aktiwiteite - 'n uitdaging op sy eie. Aanspreeklikheid vir die
bereiking van resultate op lae vlakke in 'n staatsinstelling was nog nooit deel van 'n
burokratiese kultuur nie. Vir leierskap om werknemers met hierdie aanpassing te
ondersteun, is 'n omvattende bestuurstelsel nodig.
Vir werknemers om te fokus op die uitkomste van hul individuele prestasies, moet hulle:
• die prestasiestandaarde van die organisasie verstaan;
• deelneem om te bepaal tot watter mate die standaarde bereik is; en
• verantwoordelikheid neem om te bepaal hoe die prestasie van die organisasie
verbeter kan word.
Dit wat 'n organisasie meet en hoe die resultate daarvan gekommunikeer word lewer 'n
sleutel bydrae t.o.v die voortdurende verbetering van prestasie deur die werknemers.

Die "Balanced Scorecard" kan op hierdie gebied 'n groot bydrae lewer. Dit is 'n
benadering wat wye veld wen as 'n eenvoudige en toeganklike proses om die
effektiewiteit van 'n organisasie te meet. Die benadering kan op enige vlak en enige tipe
organisasie toegepas word. Die doelwitte en maatstawwe vir die "Balanced Scorecard"
word direk afgelei uit die organisasie se visie en strategie. Hierdie doelwitte en
maatstawwe beskryf die organisasie se vordering uit vier perspektiewe. Hierdie
perspektiewe kan wissel van organisasie tot organisasie en in die geval van die Fakutteit
Krygskunde sluit dit in, die belanghebber perspektief, die kliente perspektief, die interne
prosesse perspektief en die leer- en groeiperspektief.
Die model word as gebalanseerd beskou omdat dit 'n ewewig tussen die eksterne
maatstawwe (vir aandeelhouers, belanghebbers en kliente) en interne maatstawwe
(besigheidsporosesse en leer- en groeifasette) handhaaf.
Die bou van 'n "Balanced Scorecard" is 'n sistematiese proses, wat konsensus en
duidelikheid met betrekking tot die organisasie se doelwitte en maatstawwe verseker.
Die sukses van die hele proses berus egter op die ondersteuning en deelname van die
topbestuur. Die belangrikste persoon in die hele proses is die leier of "argitek". 'n
"Balanced Scorecard" kan binne 16 weke voltooi word, met die leier se betrokkenheid
baie hoog aan die begin van die hele proses.
Die "Balanced Scorecard" moet as 'n strategiese bestuurstelsel gebruik word. Dit kan
help om die visie en strategie duidelik te stel en om konsensus daaroor te bereik. Dit
moet aan die hele organisasie gekommunikeer word. Dit is verder nuttig in die opstel

van doelwitte vir elke werknemer, die allokasie van hulpbronne en die rig van
strategiese inisiatiewe.
Hierdie studie is gerig tot die relevante literatuur t.o.v die "Balanced Scorecard" en die
potensiele gebruik daarvan as 'n bestuurstelsel by 'n instelling van hoër onderwys, en
spesifiek die Fakulteit Krygskunde. 'n Deeglike literatuurstudie is gedoen oor die
oorsprong van die "Balanced Scorecard", die ontwikkeling en implementering daarvan,
asook die aanwending van die "Balanced Scorecard" as 'n strategiese bestuurstelsel.
Die studie het ook die toepaslikheid van die "Balanced Scorecard" ondersoek deur te
verwys na die Universiteit van Kalifornie, San Diego as 'n voorbeeld. In die finale
instansie word 'n "Balanced Scorecard" voorgestel vir die Fakulteit Krygskunde met
sekere aanbevelings.
Date12 1900
CreatorsWalters, Adriaan Neethling
ContributorsBurger, Johan, Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. Graduate School of Business.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
Format154 p.
RightsStellenbosch University

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