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Consumptive wildlife utilization as a land-use form in Namibia

Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study summarizes data for the consumptive wildlife industry in Namibia, both in
terms of resource availability and current utilization and monetary value. Based on
these data a spreadsheet-based cash-flow model is developed to simulate scenarios
and to explore what constitutes the critical parameter. Based on this data synthesis
and modelling, recommendations are made and conclusions drawn.
Chapter one gives an overview of Namibia's economy, with special reference to the
livestock and wildlife industry. The fact that the commercial livestock herd has been
shrinking over the years is pointed out, as well as the stable output achieved through
better management practices. The literature research has shown that wildlife
ranching could be a viable alternative to livestock farming as practised in southern
Africa, especially in the more arid areas with higher rainfall variability.
Chapter two outlines the resource availability, based on the distribution and densities
of the more common species. The occurrence of the rarer species is touched on.
The point is made that it is very difficult to accurately count wildlife over large areas
and that, as elsewhere, Namibia's wildlife at a regional scale is underestimated.
Chapter three documents the consumptive use of wildlife. Trophy hunting, the most
important segment in terms of national income, is discussed together with the live
sale of game, live export of game, venison production and night culling. A
comparison is made between the economic outputs of the wildlife industry versus
that of the commercial cattle industry.
Chapter four covers financial modelling and the economics of the wildlife industry in
Namibia. A spread-sheet based deterministic model is developed to explore the

cash-flow implications of various game ranching options, such as using different
species mixes, owning land of different carrying capacities and offering different
Chapter five addresses policy and legislative issues in relation to the wildlife industry.
Topics such as property rights and exclusive utilization rights, industry representation
and the forming of smart partnerships with primary resource users are covered.
Broad recommendations are made to the Ministry of Environment and Tourism.
Chapter six is used for a concluding synthesis of the previous four chapters. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie som die konsumptiewe wildlewe industrie in Namibie op in terme van
van beide beskikbaarheid, huidige verbruik en monetere waarde van hierdie
hulpbron. Gebaseer op hierdie data is 'n kontantvloei model opgestel om
vooruitskouings te simuleer, met betrekking op aanbevelings en gevolgtrekkings.
Hoofstuk een gee 'n oorsig van die Namibiese ekonomie met spesiale verwysing na
die vee- en wildboerdery. Daar word uitgewys dat die gesamentlike kommersiele
veekudde oor die afgelope aantal jare kleiner geword het, terwyl die opbrengs stabiel
gebly het deurdat better bestuurspraktyke toegepas is. Die literatuurstudie het
gewys dat in suider-Afrika, wildlewe-boerdery 'n lewensvatbare alternatief kan wees
vir veeboerdery, veral in die droër streke wat 'n hoër reenval speling toon.
Gebaseer op die verspreiding en digtheid van die meer algemene wild, gee hoofstuk
drie 'n oorsig van die beskikbaarheid van hierdie hulpbronne. Trofeejag, wat die
belangrikste inkomstesektor is, word bespreek, sowel as die lewende verkoop,
uitvoer en nagoes (skiet van diere gedurende die nag vir vleisproduksie) van wild,
asook die wildvleis produksie. Met betrekking tot die ekonomiese uitsette, word 'n
vergelyking gemaak tussen die wildlewe en kommersiele veeboerdery industrie.
Hoofstuk vier dek die finansiele modelering en ekonomiese aspekte van die wildlewe
industrie in Namibie. 'n Rekenaar "spreadsheet" -gebaseerde, deterministiese model
is ontwikkel om die kontantvloei van verskeie opsies van wildlewe boerdery te
verken. Voorbeelde sluit in die gebruik van verskillende spesie samestellings, die
besit van grond met verskillende drakrag vermoëns, asook die aanbiedinge van
verskeie dienste.

Hoofstuk vyf bespreek die beleid en wetgewing met betrekking tot die wildlewe
industrie. Onderwerpe soos eiendomsreg en eksklusiewe benuttingsregte, industrie
verteenwoordiging en die stigting van "smart" vennootskappe met primere hulpbron
verbruikers, word aangespreek. Aanbevelings word aan die Ministerie van
Omgewing en Toerisme gemaak.
Hoofstuk ses behels 'n sintese van die voorafgaande vier hoofstukke.
Date03 1900
CreatorsErb, Karl Peter
ContributorsRoux, A., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. Graduate School of Business.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
Format118 p. : ill.
RightsStellenbosch University

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