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Pre- and post-test results of the cognitive functioning level of workers with intellectual impairment after the implementation of a structured activity programme in a protective workshop

Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Acknowledgement of the right to equal work opportunities for people with disabilities is
widely supported in South Africa. Several policy documents and laws have been
published since July 1993 and provide clear guidelines regarding equal opportunities for
people with disabilities.
A state subsidy scheme for protective workshops was introduced for the first time on
1 April 1997 (Operational Manual for Protective Workshops, 2001: 1). The purpose of
this subsidy scheme was to provide work opportunities for people who cannot enter the
sheltered or open labour market due to the effect of their disabilities on their daily
functioning. In March 2001, the Department of Social Development and Poverty
Alleviation in the Western Cape introduced a draft document, Operational Manual for
Protective Workshops. The aim of the manual focused on the development of the
worker role and economic empowerment of people with disabilities who work in
protective workshops.
Due to ignorance, fear and stereotyping, persons with intellectual impairment are being
unfairly discriminated against in society and at the workplace. With reasonable
accommodation, persons with intellectual impairment are able to demonstrate their work
ability and contribute equally in the workplace. Persons with intellectual impairment
contribute to the economy and society by means of their service in protective
The aim of the study was to investigate whether the structured activity programme
implemented in a protective workshop in the Western Cape brought a change to the
level of cognitive functioning of workers with intellectual impairment as assessed by the
Allen Cognitive Level Screen (ACLS), with the purpose of making recommendations
regarding the sustainability and extension of the structured activity programme.
Pre- and post-tests of the workers' cognitive functioning were done to determine
whether the implemented structured activity programme had an effect on the cognitive
functioning level of the workers. The ACLS was used as measurement instrument and a
hypothesis was stated:
HO - There is no change in the level of cognitive functioning of the workers after
participation in a structured activity programme.
H1 - There is a change in the level of cognitive functioning of the workers after
participation in a structured activity programme.
The Functional Information Processing Model (FIPM) was used as a frame of reference
in the development of the structured activity programme for the occupational group. The
structured activity programme was implemented and after one year and six months a
post-test was done on the workers in the occupational group.
The null hypothesis was accepted as p=O.28.A 95% confidence interval was indicated.
The post-test indicated that there was no significant change in the cognitive levels of the
workers in the occupational group after implementation of a structured activity
programme. This could have resulted from the study sample being too small. Although
the change was not statistically significant. it indicated that learning did occur on an
Allen Cognitive Level (ACL) 3. It is recommended that the study to be replicated at other
protective workshops that may provide a bigger sample to confirm the amount of
learning that takes place. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Erkenning van persone met gestremdhede se gelyke reg tot indiensneming word sterk
in Suid-Afrika ondersteun. Verskeie beleidsdokumente en werkstukke is sedert Julie
1993 gepubliseer wat duidelike riglyne aangaande hierdie standpunt stel.
'n Staatsubsidieskema vir beskermde werkwinkels is vanaf 1 April 1997 vir die eerste
keer beskikbaar gestel (Operational Manual for Protective Workshops, 2001: 1). Die
doel van hierdie skema is om werksgeleenthede te verskaf aan persone wat as gevolg
van hul graad van gestremdheid nie die beskutte arbeids- of ope arbeidsmark kan
betree nie. In Maart 2001 het die Departement van Sosiale Dienste, Wes-Kaap, 'n
voorlopige dokument, Operational Manual for Protective Workshops, bekendgestel, wat
fokus op die ontwikkeling van werksvaardighede en die ekonomiese bemagtiging van
persone met gestremdhede in beskermde werkwinkels.
Weens onkunde, vrees en stereotipering word daar onregverdig gediskrimineer teen
persone met intellektuele gestremdheid in die samelewing, asook in die werksplek.
lndien persone met intellektuele gestremdheid billik geakkommodeer word, sal hulle hul
werkvermoëns demonstreer en sal hulle 'n gelyke bydrae kan lewer in die werksplek.
Persone met intellektuele gestremdheid lewer 'n bydrae tot die ekonomie en die
samelewing deur hul diens in beskermde werkwinkels.
Die doel van die studie was om ondersoek in te stelof die gestruktureerde
aktiwiteitsprogram, soos aangebied in 'n beskermde werkswinkel in die Wes-Kaap, 'n
verandering in die kognitiewe funksioneringsvlakke van werkers met intellektuele
gestremdheid, soos bepaal deur die Allen Cognitive Level Screen (ACLS),
teweeggebring het ten einde aanbevelings te maak oor die uitbreiding en
volhoubaarheid van die program.
Voor- en na-toetse van die werkers se kognitiewe funksioneringsvlakke is gedoen om te
bepaal of die gestruktureerde aktiwiteitsprogram enige verskil in hul kognitiewe
funksionering gemaak het. Die Allen Cognitive Level Screen- (ACLS-)toets is as 'n
meetinstrument gebruik en 'n hipotese is gestel:
HO - Daar is geen verandering in die werkers se kognitiewe funksioneringsvlak na
deelname aan 'n gestruktureerde aktiwiteitsprogram nie.
H1 - Daar is 'n verandering in die werkers se kognitiewe funksioneringsvlak na
deelname aan 'n gestruktureerde aktiwiteitsprogram.
Die Functional Information Processing Model (FIPM) is gebruik as 'n
verwysingsraamwerk vir die ontwikkeling van die gestruktureerde aktiwiteitsprogram.
Die gestruktureerde aktiwiteitsprogram is geïmplementeer en 'n na-toets is na 'n jaar en
ses maande op die werkers in die gestruktureerde aktiwiteitsprogram gedoen.
Die nulhipotese is aanvaar aangesien p=O.28. 'n Sekerheidsinterval van 95% is
aangetoon. Die na-toets het getoon dat daar geen statisties beduidende verskil was in
die verandering van die kognitiewe vlakke van die werkers in die aktiwiteitsgroep na
implementering van 'n gestruktureerde aktiwiteitsprogram nie. Die resultaat kan die
gevolg wees van 'n te klein steekproef. Alhoewel die verandering in kognitiewe vlak nie
statisties beduidend was nie, het daar tog 'n mate van leer op 'n Allen Cognitive Level
(ACL) 3 by die werkers plaasgevind. Dit word voorgestel dat hierdie studie herhaal word
by ander beskermde werkswinkels wat 'n groter steekproef kan lewer om die mate van
leer wat plaasvind, te bevestig.
Date12 1900
CreatorsGoliath, Charlyn Delmarie
ContributorsBeukes, S., Kemp, R., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences. Dept. of Medicine.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
Format75 p. : ill.
RightsStellenbosch University

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