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The competitiveness of South African apple industry in a global context

Thesis (MBA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The object of this study was to do a comparative analysis of the competitiveness of the
South African apple industry with the competitive ran kings published by Dr Desmond
O'Rourke as a guideline. Firstly, the intention was to determine if South Africa's ranking is
valid and representative, and secondly, to look at the scope for improvement.
South Africa's best competitive performance is in the area of production. Although South
Africa is performing well there is still scope for improvement by increasing productivity of
orchards and quality of the crop. Input costs, labour and climate change are other big
The biggest area for improvement however lies with the relationship between the South
African apple industry and the South African government. Many of the changes in
legislation and policy since 1994 have had a negative impact on the competitiveness of the
South African apple industry. Government need to play an active role in supporting the
apple industry through infrastructure, market access and financial support for industry
initiatives like promotion and research. This can only be achieved if there is a partnership
between the industry and government. The Department of Agriculture also need to be
capacitated to perform their functions professionally and efficiently.
In terms of market and demand the main concern is the dependence of the South African
apple industry on the markets of Europe and the United Kingdom. These markets also
have a decline in per capita consumption of apples. This, associated with increased
consumer pressure in terms of food safety, environmental and ethical issues and the
power of retailers, creates a need to get market access in new developing markets like
India and China. The promotions of consumption of apples in the local market would also
have a positive effect on profitability.
In a world market where the production volume of South Africa is insignificant, the industry
needs to do everything in its control to increase competitiveness. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie was om 'n vergelykende studie van die mededingendheid van
die Suid-Afrikaanse appelindustrie te doen met die mededingendheidsranglys van Dr.
Desmond O'Rourke as 'n riglyn. Eerstens was die oogmerk om te bepaal of hierdie
ranglys verteenwoordigend is van die mededingendheid van Suid-Afrika, en tweedens om
die ruimte en area vir verbetering te identifiseer.
Suid-Afrika se beste area van kompeterende prestasie is produksie. Alhoewel Suid-Afrika
goed vaar op hierdie gebied is daar nog steeds ruimte vir verbetering deur produktiwiteit
van boorde en die kwaliteit van die oes te verhoog. Insetkoste, arbeid en
klimaatsverandering is ook areas van bekommernis.
Die grootste area vir verbetering is egter die verhouding tussen die Suid-Afrikaanse
industrie en die regering. Baie van die veranderinge in wetgewing en beleid sedert 1994
het 'n negatiewe impak op die mededingendheid van die Suid-Afrikaanse appelindustrie
gehad. Die regering moet 'n aktiewe rol speel om die appelindustrie te ondersteun t.o.v.
die infrastruktuur, marktoegang, promosie en navorsing. Dit kan slegs bereik word as daar
'n vennootskap tussen die regering en industrie is. Die Departement van Landbou het ook
die kapasiteit nodig om hulle taak professioneel en effektief te kan verrig.
In terme van markte en vraag is die grootste bekommernis die afhanklikheid van die Suid-Afrikaanse
industrie van die markte van Europa en die Verenigde Koninkryk. Hierdie
markte toon 'n afname in per capita verbruik van appels. Dit tesame met die
verbruikersdruk in terme van voedselveilighied, omgewing en etiese kwessies en die mag
van die supermarkte skep die behoefte om marktoegang tot nuwe ontwikkelende markte
soos Indie en China uit te brei. Die promosie van verbruik van appels in die plaaslike mark
sal ook 'n positiewe effek op winsgewendheid he.
In 'n wereldmark waar die produksievolume van Suid-Afrika nie noemenswaardig is nie, is
dit van die uiterste belang dat die industrie alles in hul vermoe doen am mededingendheid
te verhoog.
Date03 1900
CreatorsBeukes, Stephan
ContributorsThomas, Wolfgang, University of Stellenbosch. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. Graduate School of Business.
PublisherStellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
RightsUniversity of Stellenbosch

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