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Silicon neural networks : implementation of cortical cells to improve the artificial-biological hybrid technique

This work has been supported by the European FACETS-ITN project. Within the frameworkof this project, we contribute to the simulation of cortical cell types (employingexperimental electrophysiological data of these cells as references), using a specific VLSIneural circuit to simulate, at the single cell level, the models studied as references in theFACETS project. The real-time intrinsic properties of the neuromorphic circuits, whichprecisely compute neuron conductance-based models, will allow a systematic and detailedexploration of the models, while the physical and analog aspect of the simulations, as opposedthe software simulation aspect, will provide inputs for the development of the neuralhardware at the network level. The second goal of this thesis is to contribute to the designof a mixed hardware-software platform (PAX), specifically designed to simulate spikingneural networks. The tasks performed during this thesis project included: 1) the methodsused to obtain the appropriate parameter sets of the cortical neuron models that can beimplemented in our analog neuromimetic chip (the parameter extraction steps was validatedusing a bifurcation analysis that shows that the simplified HH model implementedin our silicon neuron shares the dynamics of the HH model); 2) the fully customizablefitting method, in voltage-clamp mode, to tune our neuromimetic integrated circuits usinga metaheuristic algorithm; 3) the contribution to the development of the PAX systemin terms of software tools and a VHDL driver interface for neuron configuration in theplatform. Finally, it also addresses the issue of synaptic tuning for future SNN simulation.
Date07 January 2013
CreatorsGrassia, Filippo
PublisherUniversité Sciences et Technologies - Bordeaux I
Source SetsCCSD theses-EN-ligne, France
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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