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How does the character’s visual design help convey the character’s background in Genshin Impact

This study examines the relationship between the visual design of characters in thevideo game Genshin Impact and their character background. The study uses formal analysisand data collected on selected characters’ color choices, shapes, movements, facialexpressions, and backstories to analyze if the characters’ visual designs align with theirnarratives. This research is relevant to game designers, players, and game research scholars.Game designers can use the insights gained from this study to create more immersivecharacters that organically convey their backstories. The findings suggest that visual designplays a critical role in conveying character context and personality in the game. Thecharacters of the sample showed a strong visual appearance, effectively conveying theirbackground story and personality characteristics. The findings of this study confirm that thecharacter design in Genshin Impact effectively conveys the character’s background. Theanalysis revealed notable strengths in employing a skillful combination of color, shapes,movements, and facial expressions to evoke specific emotions, accentuate character traits, andenhance the storytelling experience. Additionally, it emphasizes the importance of carefullyconsidering and refining visual design choices to align with the intended narrative and engageplayers effectively. Future research could explore other aspects of visual design and its impacton video game character development.
Date January 2023
CreatorsGe, Chang, Chen, Danyang
PublisherUppsala universitet, Institutionen för speldesign
Source SetsDiVA Archive at Upsalla University
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeStudent thesis, info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis, text

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