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Sistem upravljanja realizacijom investicionih projekata u funkciji upravljanja promenama u elektroprivredi. / Management system by realizing the investment projects in the function of changes management in electrical industry

<p>Upravljanje promenama u projektu je nova i specijalizovana menadžment disciplina koja je malo izučavana u svetu a posebno u na&scaron;oj zemlji. Predmet izučavanja ove discipline jeste upravljanje složenim naučnim, tehničkim, građevinskim, energetskim, finansijskim i organizacionim projektima koji se realizuju u okolini podložnoj uticaju velikih i brzih promena. Teži&scaron;te rada je usmereno na definisanje koncepta upravljanja promenama, koje mogu biti rezultat uticaja iz okruženja ili promena na samom projektu tokom njegove realizacije. Osnovni cilj upravljanja projektom jeste efikasna realizacija projekta u planiranom vremenu i sa planiranim tro&scaron;kovima u uslovima značajnih eksternih i internih promena. Upravljanje promenama na projektu podrazumeva definisanje takve organizacuione forme koja će omogućiti blagovremeno uočavanje i klasifikaciju relevantnih promena koje mogu nastati u projektu, primenom raspoloživih metoda i resursa u ostvarivanju osnovnih ciljeva projekta. Uzroci promena u projektu proizilaze iz neravnoteže između projekta i okoline ili neravnoteže unutar samog projekta. Upravljanje promenama u projektu odvija se kroz pocese planiranja, uvodjenja i kontrole. U radu je prikazan jedinstven model za upravljanje promenama u projektu koji se uz manje korekcije može primeniti u realizaciji ma kog projekta. Posebnost rada ogleda se u prikazu promena koje su u toku ili koje mogu nastati tokom restruktuiranja elektroprivrednog sistema Srbije.</p> / <p>Change management in project is a new and specialized management discipline that have been studied a little in the world, particularly in our country. The subject of research of this discipline is managing of a complex scientific, technical, civil engineering, energy, financial and organizational projects that are realized in the surrounding liable to the influence of a big and fast changes. The centre of work is directed towards the defining of concept of change management, that can be the result of the surrounding influence or the changes of the project during its realization. The basic aim of project management is an effective project realization in the planned time and expences in the conditions of important external and internal changes. Change management on the project means defining of such organizational form that provides timely observation and classification of relevat change that can appear in the project, applying the avaible methods and resource in the realization of the basic project aims. The causes of project changes appears from the disbalance between the project and surrounding or disbalance in the project itself. Change project management have been done through the processes of planning, introducting and control. The unique model for change management in project is presented in the paper that can be applied with a little changes in realization of any other project. The individuality office work is prezented in the description of changes that are under way or that can appear during the reconstruction of the power plant system in Serbia.</p>
Date28 February 2006
CreatorsVasić Živorad
ContributorsSajfert Zvonko, Sotirović Velimir, Leković Božidar, Stojadinović Slobodan, Đorđević Dejan
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnički fakultet Mihajlo Pupin u Zrenjaninu, University of Novi Sad, Mihajlo Pupin Technical Faculty at Zrenjanin
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageUnknown
TypePhD thesis

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