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Estudos de controle na perfura??o de po?os de petr?leo em presen?a de Kick de g?s / Control study on oil well drilling under presente of gas kick

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2016 - Rafael Veloso Patr?cio.pdf: 9711857 bytes, checksum: 5f7e5b198769c9a633040fd42126df03 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-20T13:29:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
2016 - Rafael Veloso Patr?cio.pdf: 9711857 bytes, checksum: 5f7e5b198769c9a633040fd42126df03 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2016-08-24 / Funda??o de Apoio a Pesquisa Cient?fica e Tecnol?gica da UFRRJ-FAPUR / Controling of downhole pressure is essential for a safety process of oil well drilling. In a permeable formation, fluids from reservoir come into the annulus region (wellbore) when the downhole pressure is below pore pressure, featuring a disorder called kick. Literature reports some mathematical models developed to predict the behavior of the wellbore in presence of gas kick, however, there are few works reporting control and experiments. By this reason, it was built an experimental plant in order to study system?s behavior during fluid inlet (gas) from reservoir to annulus, and then, sought to develop a control strategy able to mitigate this disorder, without shut-in the well. A strategy with reconfiguration of the control law feedback?feedforward was designed to reject disturbance (gas inlet in the annular), to ensure the drilling within the operating window. Parallelly,simulation studies were developed which are: the construction of mathematical model, validated by the employment of the experimental unit, and the implementation of control based on reconfiguration of control law. / O controle da press?o anular de fundo ? fundamental para que a perfura??o de po?os de petr?leo seja feita de forma segura. Em uma forma??o perme?vel, fluidos do reservat?rio migram para a regi?o anular quando a press?o anular de fundo est? abaixo da press?o de poros, caracterizando o dist?rbio denominado kick. A literatura reporta alguns modelos matem?ticos desenvolvidos para prever o comportamento do po?o na presen?a de kick de g?s, por?m poucos s?o os trabalhos abordando controle e experimentos. A partir desta motiva??o, foi constru?do uma planta experimental para estudar o comportamento do sistema durante a entrada de fluido (g?s) do reservat?rio no anular, e assim, buscou-se desenvolver uma estrat?gia de controle que mitigue tal dist?rbio sem a necessidade do fechamento total do po?o. Uma estrat?gia com reconfigura??o da lei de controle feedback?feedforward foi desenvolvida para rejeitar a perturba??o (entrada de g?s no anular), visando assegurar a perfura??o dentro da janela operacional. Paralelamente, foram desenvolvidos estudos de simula??o quais sejam: a constru??o de um modelo matem?tico, validado empregando-se a unidade experimental, e a implanta??o de controle baseado em reconfigura??o da lei de controle
Date24 August 2016
CreatorsPatr?cio, Rafael Veloso
ContributorsDomiciano, M?rcia peixoto Vega, Lage, Antonio Carlos Vieira Martins, Secchi, Argimiro Resende
PublisherUniversidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Qu?mica, UFRRJ, Brasil, Instituto de Tecnologia
Source SetsIBICT Brazilian ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion, info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Sourcereponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRRJ, instname:Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, instacron:UFRRJ
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